An aged tailor recalls his life as the schoolteacher of a small village in Northern Germany that was struck by a series of strange events in the year leading up to WWI.

In the early 1900s, Miranda attends a girls boarding school in Australia. One Valentine's Day, the school's typically strict headmistress treats the girls to a picnic field trip to an unusual but scenic volcanic formation called Hanging Rock. Despite rules against it, Miranda and several other girls venture off. It's not until the end of the day that the faculty realizes the girls and one of the teachers have disappeared mysteriously.

Vidutinio amžiaus vyras, prieš keletą metų netekęs savo žmonos, nutaria susirasti gyvenimo draugę. Šiam sumanymui entuziastingai pritaria ir jo paauglys sūnus. Savo draugo – šou verslo atstovo – padedamas, našlys organizuoja “kino bandymus” tikėdamasis tokiu būdu susirasti tinkamą merginą… Ir suranda!… Tačiau romantiška sentimentali istorija netikėtai virsta žiauria drama, atskleidžiančia tamsiausias žmogiškosios prigimties gelmes.

Filmo herojus ponas Oskaras važinėja Paryžiaus gatvėmis baltu limuzinu tamsintais langais. Vairuotoja Selina vežioja jį nuo ryto iki vakaro, o Oskaras persikūnija vis į kito gyvenimą: elgetos, žudiko, aukos, kapinių pogrindžio pabaisos, senio. Jis kovoja virtualioje erotinėje kovoje, vilioja Evą Mendes, romantiškai žiūri į Kylie Minogue personažę ant pastato stogo, žudo savo antrininką. Tačiau ar bent vienas iš šių gyvenimų yra pono Oskaro ir ar pastarasis nėra dar vienas vaidmuo? Kuo gilyn į naktį, tuo daugiau siurrealizmo.

Without warning a father comes to visit his daughter abroad. He believes that she lost her humor and therefore surprises her with a rampage of jokes.

Nothing is as it seems in this riveting World War 2 thriller as a wary soldier goes to investigate a mysterious German monarch at his secluded mansion, leading him into a web of deceit and a dangerous love affair with a local Jewish woman.

After separating from the father of her son, a young French woman tries to find lodging and a fresh start in L.A. for herself and her son.

Despite his dedication to the junior-high students who fill his classroom, idealistic teacher Dan Dunne leads a secret life of addiction that the majority of his students will never know. But things change when a troubled student Drey makes a startling discovery of his secret life, causing a tenuous bond between the two that could either end disastrously or provide a catalyst of hope.

An uplifting story of the passion and drive it takes to succeed and the power of family to help realize your dreams.

In downtown Madrid, a series of mysterious gunshots trap a motley assortment of people in a decrepit bar.

Nearly a year after a botched job, a hitman takes a new assignment with the promise of a big payoff for three killings. What starts off as an easy task soon unravels, sending the killer into the heart of darkness.

A teenage girl and her father travel to a remote alien moon, aiming to strike it rich. They've secured a contract to harvest a large deposit of the elusive gems hidden in the depths of the moon's toxic forest. But there are others roving the wilderness and the job quickly devolves into a fight to survive.

A small town teenager in the 1960s believes her dreams of becoming a famous singer will come true when her rock star idol gets stranded in town. But a leak in a nearby chemical plant that is believed to be causing mass mutations threatens to turn her dream into a nightmare.

Vieniša motina Karen savo trylikamečiui sūnui Endžiui nuperka žaislą su dirbtiniu intelektu – jis reaguoja į vaiko kuriamas istorijas ir fantaziją, mokosi ir tobulėja. Endis iškart įsimyli naująjį žaislą, pavadina jį Čakiu ir praktiškai užmiršta viską aplink. Tačiau vieną dieną kažkas nutinka ir Čakis pasikeičia. Vietoje juoko ir džiaugsmo Karen ir Endžio namuose įsivyrauja sąmyšis, nerimas ir, galų gale, įsiviešpatauja tikras siaubas...

RICHARD, 15 with learning difficulties, longs to put down roots but his restless and destructive brother, POLLY, needs to keep moving. When the land they live on is bought by a new landowner, and the electricity supply to their caravan is cut, their already precarious living conditions get even worse. Then a chance meeting with the new landowner's daughter, 17 year old ANNABEL (Yasmin Paige), leaves RICHARD besotted; whilst POLLY befriends the guys who run a seedy traveling fair. Richards optimistic view on life becomes increasingly difficult to maintain as Polly's abusive behavior worsens, family secrets are revealed, and he is torn between loyalty to his brother and his first true friend in ANNABEL. For better or worse, Richards life is about to change forever.

Veiksmo filme „Keršto kelias“ Nicole Kidman įkūnija palūžusią ir alkoholio liūne skendinčią detektyvę Erinę Bel. Po abejingumo kauke besislepianti moteris atrodo esanti žiauri, o jos vidus – toks tamsus, jog žiūrovą ilgainiui ima kamuoti dilema – palaikyti ją ar smerkti? Būdama jauna, nusikalstamoje grupuotėje po priedanga dirbančia pareigūne, Bel vykdė užduotį, kuri ne tik baigėsi tragiškai, tačiau ir galutinai palaužė ją. Sykį viskas pasikeičia – detektyvė sužino, kad Silas (akt. Toby Kebbell) – žiaurus grupuotės lyderis, kurioje ji dirbo – grįžo ir vėl ėmėsi nuskalstamos veiklos. Siekdama atkeršyti už sugriautą gyvenimą, Erinė pradeda Silo paieškas – niekas nebėra saugus, kuomet stipri ir nepriklausoma, tačiau sugniuždyta moteris siekia keršto ir atgimimo...

Trish invites her high school basketball teammates over for a night they'll never forget -- or survive -- when an unexpected guest crashes the party: an escaped psychopath with a portable power drill.

A thief is caught up in a deadly game of cat-and-mouse between a maverick cop and London crime boss.

Consumed by Virtual Reality addiction, a woman clings to the digitally reconstructed memory of her dead husband. As the lines of reality blur, she begins to question which world is real. The film is shot partially in 3D 180 degree view and partially in 2D. The format dynamically switches from 2D to 3D when the main character puts on her virtual reality goggles. This allows the viewer to see the virtual world through her eyes and creates a one of a kind cinematic experience.

A newlywed sheriff tries to stop a shambling monster that has emerged from a spaceship to eat people.