Joe Cabot iskusni je kriminalac koji okuplja skupinu lopova kako bi izveli veliku pljačku dijamanata. Važan dio njegova plana jest da se pljačkaši međusobno ne poznaju, ne znaju ni imena, a sve u svrhu da - ako nekoga od njih uhvati policija - ne može odati ostale. Imena im daje po bojama: Mr. White, Mr. Orange itd... Nakon što vidimo akciju pljačke, radnja se smješta u skladište u kojem se Mr. Blonde/Vic okrutno iživljava na čovjeku za kojega misli da je policajac. Počinje igra živaca s mnogo krvi i nasilja, sve do završnog obračuna i zadovoljenja pravde.
After stalking and saving the life of her favorite fiction author in a car accident, his manic obsessor holds him captive in her remote Colorado home then forces him to write back to life the popular literary character he killed off.
Priča prati Paula Atreidesa iz kuće Atreides, sjajnog i nadarenog mladića rođenog za velike stvari, koji mora otputovati na najopasniji planet u svemiru kako bi osigurao budućnost svoje obitelj i svog naroda. Nađe se usred sukoba oko ekskluzivne opskrbe najcjenjenijim resursom koji postoji, najvrijednijem elementu galaksije koji se nalazi samo na Arrakisu i koji može otključati najveći potencijal čovječanstva, u kojem će preživjet samo oni koji mogu pobijediti svoj strah.
Kapetan Ernest Krause s konvojem savezničkih brodova na kojima se nalazi tisuće vojnika prelazi izdajničke vode Sjevernog Atlantika dok ih pokušavaju uloviti nacističke podmornice. Jednu od njih će lako pobijediti, ali to je tek početak.
In this documentary, Alex trusts his twin, Marcus, to tell him about his past after he loses his memory. But Marcus is hiding a dark family secret.
Tijekom mnogih misija i protiv nemogućih izgleda, Dom Toretto i njegova obitelj nadmudrili su, iznervirali i nadmašili svakog neprijatelja na svom putu. Sada se suočavaju s najsmrtonosnijim protivnikom s kojim su se ikad suočili: zastrašujućom prijetnjom koja izranja iz sjena prošlosti, potaknuta krvnom osvetom i koja je odlučna razbiti ovu obitelj i uništiti sve-i svakoga-što Dom voli, zauvijek.
Nastao prema romanu Stephena Kinga 'Zona smrti' priča je o mladiću, školskom učitelju, Johnnyju Smithu (C. Walken) koji gotovo smrtno strada u teškoj nesreći. Nakon pet godina provedenih u komi, Johnny se uspije probuditi, no više nije isti. Taj događaj ostavio je svoj trag, nevjerojatnu sposobnost da tjelesnim dodirom prorekne sudbinu drugih ljudi. Nakon prve spoznaje da može proreći budućnost, dolazi i do druge, a to je da se to ne može promijeniti. Njegova sposobnost da predvidi budućnost i da je pokuša promijeniti može stvoriti sasvim drukčiju budućnost. Naravno da mu njegov neobični dar donosi i probleme jer mora objasniti kako zna što će se dogoditi i kako to on može vidjeti stvari koje drugi ne vide.
Katolička se crkva bori protiv globalnog porasta opsjednutosti demonima otvaranjem škole za obuku svećenika koji će provoditi obrede egzorcizma. Na ovom duhovnom bojnom polju pojavljuje se neobičan ratnik: mlada redovnica, sestra Ann. Iako je časnim sestrama zabranjeno izvoditi egzorcizme, profesor prepoznaje njezinu nadarenost i pristaje je trenirati. Uz podršku mentora, dopušteno joj je promatrati stvarne prakse. Kada se susretne s jednim od najtežih slučajeva, splasnut će njezina želja i volja za dokazivanjem. Tijekom tih mučnih susreta, sestra Ann suočava se licem u lice s demonskom silom koja napada ustanovu u kojoj radi i ima tajanstvene veze s njezinom prošlošću. Tada se moć zla i njezine vlastite zapanjujuće sposobnosti u potpunosti razotkrivaju.
The young family who moved to a new apartment on the outskirts of the city. The nanny hired by them for the newborn daughter quickly gained confidence. However, the older boy, Egor, talks about the frightening behavior of a woman, but his parents do not believe him. The surveillance cameras installed by the father for comfort only confirm everything is in order. Then one day, Egor, returning home, finds no trace of either the nanny or the little sister, and the parents are in a strange trance and do not even remember that they had a daughter. Then Egor, together with his friends, goes in search, during which it turns out that the nanny is an ancient Slavic demon, popularly known as Baba Yaga.
A bookshop renowned for its rare works is mysteriously and filled with copies of a book entitled 1, which doesn't appear to have a publisher or author. The strange almanac describes what happens to humanity in a minute. A police investigation begins and the bookshop staff are placed in solitary confinement by the Bureau for Paranormal Research. As the investigation progresses, the situation becomes more complex and the book becomes increasingly well-known, raising numerous controversies. Plagued by doubts, the protagonist has to face facts: reality only exists in the imagination of individuals.
Nakon što Las Vegas preplave zombiji, skupina plaćenika stavi sve na kocku i zađe u zonu karantene izvesti najveću pljačku u povijesti.
On a secluded farm in a nondescript rural town, a man is slowly dying. His family gathers to mourn, and soon a darkness grows, marked by waking nightmares and a growing sense that something evil is taking over the family.
Kada grupa ubojitih plaćenika ukrade visokotehnološko oružje koje predstavlja globalnu prijetnju, svijet treba superšpijuna Xandera Cagea. Vraćen u akciju, Xander u spasilačku misiju predvodi ekipu ovisnika o adrenalinu koji prkose smrti.
When a group of misfits is hired by an unknown third party to burglarize a desolate house and acquire one rare VHS tape, they discover more found footage than they had bargained for.
Local college couple Won-young and Jun-seok have a long time to graduate, but the two who Jun-seok already got a job and had nothing to do until graduation graduated from vacation and lived in Tokyo. Let's go to the house of a close senior couple, Ari and Sungho. One day before they came, Ari and Seong-ho fought out loud. I greet you welcomingly, but I feel a cold atmosphere for some reason. Seong-ho tells Jun-suk about the couple's fight the other day, and after having sex that night, Jor explains to the young couple the situation of Seong-ho's husband and procrastinates to do it next time. In the end, Won-young can't tolerate her sexual desires and goes to Seong-ho to tempt her. What will happen to the love of the two couples?
Eight-year-old Erik's mother takes him to the sauna for the first time in his life. There, he has to disrobe and sees lots of naked men and women around him. He feels very uncomfortable at first but then he seems to enjoy it.
A failed New York playwright stages a suicide in an attempt to win back her ex, only to wind up in the custody of her gambling-addict mother.
When extreme cold freezes the pipes at a married couple's home, they go next door for a few days. While there, the couples become closer than they were before.
Megamind's former villain team, The Doom Syndicate, has returned. Our newly crowned blue hero must now keep up evil appearances until he can assemble his friends (Roxanne, Ol' Chum and Keiko) to stop his former evil teammates from launching Metro City to the Moon.