Provides a behind-the-scenes look, with unprecedented access, into life inside the Vatican. With rare footage of secret archives, private chapels and papal quarters, the program explores the Vatican's long, powerful history, and the unique traditions and ceremonies that have survived for nearly 2000 years. Accounts from Vatican officiants, historians and devoted individuals who work closely with the Pope John Paul II provide privilieged insight into the inner workings of one of the richest wonders of the world.

Záverečené dejstvo ságy Avengers od štúdia Marvel. Po zničujúcich udalostiach, opísaných vo filme Avengers: Nekonečná vojna, sa svet ocitol v troskách. Polovica všetkých bytostí bola vyhubená. Avengers sa so zvyškami svojich spojencov ešte raz dajú dohromady, aby zvrátili Thanosove zločiny a znovunastolili poriadok vo vesmíre.

Ash Williams and his girlfriend Linda find a log cabin in the woods with a voice recording from an archeologist who had recorded himself reciting ancient chants from "The Book of the Dead." As they play the recording an evil power is unleashed taking over Linda's body.

Roy Freeman, an ex-homicide detective with a fractured memory, is forced to revisit a case he can't remember. As a man's life hangs in the balance on death row, Freeman must piece together the brutal evidence from a decade-old murder investigation, uncovering a sinister web of buried secrets and betrayals linking to his past. With only instincts to trust, he faces a chilling truth - sometimes, it's best to let sleeping dogs lie.

The Katakuri family has just opened their guest house in the mountains. Unfortunately their first guest commits suicide and in order to avoid trouble they decide to bury him in the backyard. Things get way more complicated when their second guest, a famous sumo wrestler, dies while having sex with his underage girlfriend and the grave behind the house starts to fill up more and more.

Tento film je pohľadom na život, lásku a neprekonateľného ducha legendárneho Brucea Leeho. Lee, ktorý v detstve absolvoval tvrdý tréning bojových umení, si splní svoj sen a otvorí si v Amerike vlastnú školu kung-fu. Onedlho ho objaví hollywoodsky producent a začína sa jeho raketový vzostup k sláve a príliš krátka vláda jedného z najcharizmatickejších akčných hrdinov v dejinách kinematografie.

When an underhanded pharmaceutical company goes to a remote tropical island to steal King Kong for advertising purposes, they get more than they bargained for when the gigantic ape attacks an unsuspecting village and an enormous octopus.

Ovečky a vlci sa dohodli, že budú žiť spoločne v mieri. Tak tomu taky je až do chvíle, kedy sa v dedine objaví neočakávané hostia - čierni vlci, ktorí chcú, aby sa život vrátil do starých koľají, kde vlci sú šelmy a ovce korisť. Ovečky a vlky teraz môže zachrániť len spojenie síl a tímová práca. Podarí sa im vrátiť do dediny pokoj a harmóniu?

Film Podoby láskavosti režiséra Yorgosa Lanthimosa je triptychom príbehov, v ktorom sledujeme muža bez možnosti voľby, ktorý sa snaží prevziať kontrolu nad vlastným životom, ďalej policajta, ktorého znepokojí návrat jeho ženy, ktorá sa po zmiznutí na mori javí ako iný človek, a do tretice ženu, ktorá je odhodlaná nájsť konkrétneho človeka so zvláštnymi schopnosťami a je predurčená stať sa zázračnou duchovnou vodkyňou.

Príbeh sa odohráva 10 rokov po udalostiach Epizódy I - Skrytá hrozba. Republika sa zmieta v ťažkostiach a chaose. Separatistické hnutie zachvátilo stovky planét a mocné zjednotené spojenectvo znamená nové ohrozenie galaxie, ktorému nedokáže zabrániť ani Jediovia. Tieto tajomnými silami dlho pripravované zmeny vedú k začiatku vojny Klonov a začiatku konca Republiky. Pre odvrátenie blížiacej sa hrozby a pre upevnenie svojej moci, schváli najvyšší kancelár Palpatine vytvorenie Veľkej republikovej armády na pomoc príslušníkom rádu Jediov. V tejto závažnej situácii sa spoja naši známi hrdinovia Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padmé Amidala a Anakin Skywalker.

While Rena and Maki recover from their injuries, the other SORD members jet off overseas for a school trip. Within moments of their arrival, though, the Mihama gang are pulled into a manhunt for a SORD deserter, assisted by student Sylvia and Velvet of St. Aile's International School. Tohka's the star of the show this time round, but she's wrestling with her own issues - old memories of her parents, and a promise to a friend that she wasn't able to keep...

Japanese master spy Daka operates a covert espionage-sabotage organization located in Gotham City's now-deserted Little Tokyo, which turns American scientists into pliable zombies. The great crime-fighters Batman and Robin, with the help of their allies, are in pursuit.

Three macabre tales from the latest issue of a boy's favorite comic book, dealing with a vengeful wooden Native American, a monstrous blob in a lake, and an undying hitchhiker.

Dvaja muži vstúpia. Odchádza len jeden. Také sú pravidlá arény v Dóme hromov v meste Bartertown. Zákonodarkyňa Aunty Entity bude musieť čoskoro pridať ešte jedno pravidlo: "Neserte Mad Maxa!" Max tentoraz bojuje proti barbarom post-katastrofické budúcnosti a stáva sa záchrancom kmeňa stratených detí.

Osamelý bojovník so zločinom, architekt Paul Kersey, prišiel za priateľom do New Yorku. Našiel ho umierajúceho, keď ho zmlátil gang mladistvých a tak vyrazil do súkromnej vojny…

A disgraced internet personality attempts to win back his followers by livestreaming one night alone in a haunted house. But when he accidentally pisses off a vengeful spirit, his big comeback event becomes a real-time fight for his life.

One day during summer vacation, a palm-sized alien named Papi appears from a small rocket that Nobita picks up. He is the president of Pirika, a small planet in outer space, and has come to Earth to escape the rebels. Doraemon and his friends are puzzled by Papi’s small size, but as they play together using the secret tool “Small Light”, they gradually become friends. However, a whale-shaped space battleship comes to earth and attacks Doraemon, Nobita and the others in order to capture Papi. Feeling responsible for getting everyone involved, Papi tries to stand up to the rebels. Doraemon and his friends leave for the planet Pirika to protect their dear friend and his home.

A group of teenagers who, in an attempt to rescue their friend from an evil corporation, end up releasing a horde of blood thirsty zombies.

It's three years after the events of the original Battle Royale, and Shuya Nanahara is now an internationally-known terrorist determined to bring down the government. His terrorist group, Wild Seven, stages an attack that levels several buildings in Tokyo on Christmas Day, killing 8000 people. In order for the government to study the benefits of "teamwork", the new students work in pairs, with their collars electronically linked so that if one of them is killed, the other dies as well. They must kill Nanahara in three days - or die.