Outskirts of Moscow. A girl comes to an unfamiliar apartment to look after a dog. After a while, she realizes that the owner of the apartment has disappeared. She finds herself into a series of people that have been taking care of the dog for years in that same apartment, creating a weird community around this strange absence of the owner.


Kathleen Madigan drops in on Detroit to deliver material derived from time spent with her Irish Catholic Midwest family, eating random pills out of her mother's purse, touring Afghanistan, and her love of John Denver and the Lunesta butterfly.

  20岁的三田静香(药师丸博子 饰)是一名热爱表演的纯真女孩,她经常到公园的无人露天剧场练习演技。为了参演剧团的新戏《W的悲剧》,静香参加了主角的选拔考试,最终同期学员菊地香(高木美保 饰)获得出演主角摩子的机会,而静香只获得了只有一句台词的女佣这个角色。   《W的悲剧》巡演大获好评,却在大阪遭遇危机。剧团当家花旦羽鸟翔(三田佳子 饰)的恩客堂原(仲谷升 饰)病发,死在羽鸟的房中。为遮掩丑闻,羽鸟以摩子这个角色作交换,要求静香在媒体面前承认自己和堂原的不伦关系。为了梦寐以求的角色,静香接受了羽鸟的请求……


Single-channel video installation commissioned by Public Art Development Trust, London.

偏远贫穷的西北农村,祖辈劳作的农民生于土,归于土。贫困户马有铁(武仁林 饰)与哥嫂同住,木讷憨厚,所陪伴他的只有那头同样任劳任怨的小毛驴。而手脚残疾且不能生育的曹贵英(海清 饰)更是自幼备受白眼和欺凌。这两个孤寂之人,在家人的撮合下,仿佛丢掉包袱一般被撮合到了一起。有铁珍惜这卑微而难得的“家”,大大的红喜字被他一次次小心翼翼揭下来,重新贴在下一个栖身之所的墙壁上。为了讨回村民的欠款,有铁甘愿被一次次剥削自己的熊猫血。为了生活更加幸福,他们养鸡、养猪、盖房、种地……两个渺小而可怜的人啊,笨拙地、卑微地却又倔强地追索着遥远而易碎的幸福。



从五岁就开始学习小提琴的小男孩萨沙(Igor Fomchenko 饰)每天花大量的时间练琴,他和小朋友宛如生活在两个世界,有的淘气鬼甚至戏称他为“音乐家”。萨沙很苦闷,还要尽力躲开孩子们的奚落。有一天年轻的压路机驾驶员瑟黎卡(Vladimir Zamansky 饰)帮萨沙解了围,他们很快成为好朋友,开始了仅有半天的友谊。瑟黎卡约萨沙晚上去看电影《夏伯阳》,严厉的母亲得知后,将萨沙锁在家中,他们的约定最终未能成行……

Early morning silence is broken by screeching tires as a helicopter bears down on a speeding vehicle. Taking a quick corner, the team tumbles out into the woods as their car pulls away. Now they must make their way through the thick of nature and thick gunfire to accomplish their mission. Not a single word of dialogue is spoken throughout the entire film. Instead, the music, sounds, images and deeply truthful acting turn a simple plot into an intense experience. Passion and intrigue keep building to the very end.

Barbie comes home from shopping. She takes her groceries out of the bag and unwraps a little Barbie doll. She fries up the Barbie doll and eats it.


小红帽(桥本环奈 饰)在旅途中遇到落魄狼狈的灰姑娘(新木优子 饰),两人在女巫的协助下华丽变身,启程参加富丽堂皇的舞会,没想到她们搭乘的南瓜马车半路撞死一名男子,两人连忙把尸体藏好后赶赴城堡。就在灰姑娘和王子(岩田刚典 饰)翩翩起舞、坠入爱河之际,那具尸体却被人发现了,舞会也因而取消,小红帽和灰姑娘顿时陷入尴尬窘境,于是两人着手调查不单纯的案情,想要揪出真凶,过程中遇到一连串稀奇古怪的角色。且看胆大心细的小红帽发挥推理天分抽丝剥茧,揭开真相。

Based on the true story of Louis "Red" Deutsch. A New Jersey bar-owner is plagued with prank phone calls that prompt him to flip into psychotic, profanity-laden rages.

An old Finnish athlete travels alone through eastern Europe with his van.

Set in the Cold War era of the 1950's, Relations between the United States and Russia are tense. Senator Joseph McCarthy has many Americans convinced that the Communists have infiltrated society. Paranoia runs rampant, as decent Americans lose their jobs on suspicion alone. Floyd Woods served as one of the FBl's top Special Agents until he was accused of having Communist sympathies. Floyd lost his job despite lack of evidence to support these claims. He now works as a small time insurance investigator, who's flown into the small town of Sherrill, NY to investigate a life insurance claim, only to find himself distracted by the locals' odd behavior.