When the wife of a 17th century Kyoto scroll-maker is falsely accused of having an affair with his best employee, the pair flee the city and find themselves falling for one another.

Six vignettes follow the Allied invasion from July 1943 to winter 1944, from Sicily north to Venice.

V poradí druhý film o účtovníkovi Fantozzim je opäť plný Fantozziových trapasov a šialených nápadov jeho kolegu Filiniho. Ugo Fantozzi tentokrát ide ako maskot do kasína so svojím šéfom, vypraví sa na lov vyzbrojený iba prakom a navštívi cirkus, odkiaľ odíde trochu netradičným spôsobom - je vystrelený z dela. A samozrejme nechýba jeho milovaná žena Pina a krásna dcéra Mariangela ...

Per her mother's last wish, an 8 year old girl sets out to reunite her father with his college best friend who was in love with him.

Françoise Gilotová žila s Picassom desať rokov, mali spolu dve deti, Clauda a Palomu, ale málokto ju pozná. V čase, keď ho spoznala, mala dvadsaťjeden rokov a prvýkrát vystavovala. Picasso mal šesťdesiatjeden rokov. V roku 1946 sa k nemu Françoise nasťahovala. Potom sa kariéra oboch umelcov vyvíjala paralelne, najprv v milostnom a rodinnom vzťahu nie nepodobnom chodbe, potom oddelene. Gilotová vedome bojovala za zachovanie svojej integrity a vlastnej identity vo vzťahu, čo sa jej aj podarilo. Ako jediná z jeho spoločníčok mohla Picassa opustiť. V roku 1963 napísala knihu Môj život s Picassom a podarilo sa jej vymaniť sa z deštruktívneho kruhu, do ktorého Picasso zrejme uzatváral svoje manželky. Od roku 1970 žije v New Yorku, kde naposledy vystavovala v roku 2019 v tamojšej The Elkon Gallery, a v roku 2021 sa dožila 100 rokov...

He is considered the greatest European poet of the Middle Ages and his work unfolds the whole panopticon of occidental education – theology, philosophy, sciences, politics and literature. But who has really read it, the “Divine Comedy”? Who knows more of its creator Dante Alighieri than that he had an eagle-like profile and was in love with a woman named Beatrice? 700 years after Dante’s death, the filmmaker Adolfo Conti travels through Italy with Dante’s words in mind and eyes to see the world as Dante did. As the film encounters the beauty of arts and the Tuscan landscape, the forces of nature, a dramatic life story is unfolded.

Afflicted with a terminal illness John Bernard Books, the last of the legendary gunfighters, quietly returns to Carson City for medical attention from his old friend Dr. Hostetler. Aware that his days are numbered, the troubled man seeks solace and peace in a boarding house run by a widow and her son. However, it is not Books' fate to die in peace, as he becomes embroiled in one last valiant battle.

The advertising director of Pacific Pharmaceuticals, frustrated with the low ratings of their sponsored TV program, seeks a more sensationalist approach. He orders his staff to Faro Island to capture King Kong for exploitation. As Godzilla re-emerges, a media frenzy generates with Pacific looking to capitalize off of the ultimate battle.

The film tells a story speaks of "Yusuf ", a plumbing Man, who is exposed to many pranks by his friends.

Soon after Gogol's death, Binh names him guilty for the deaths of the Cossacks and the young women at the hands of the Dark Horseman, since he was the one who ordered them to be hidden in the barn. Bomgart is unable to perform a post-mortem analysis on the Gogol's body, while Vakula's daughter Vasilina (who secretly has magic abilities) proclaims denial about Gogol's demise.

In celebration of Asian Heritage Month, HBO presents a collection of perspectives from a diverse group of Asian Americans.

Jesus of Nazareth’s life and ministry were subject to seismic social and political events that led to his execution and changed the world forever.

A 'leisurely drive' planned in honor of Radiator Springs’ town founder, Stanley, turns precarious as Baja pros descend on the town and challenge Lightning McQueen to an off-road race. Meanwhile, the townsfolk, led by a Stanley-costumed Mater, enjoy the planned 'leisurely drive' to retrace Stanley’s original frontier route. Thinking they’re on the same course, a wrong turn sends McQueen and the Baja pros on a treacherously wild bid for survival. The misunderstanding leaves the racing professionals in awe of the 'legend' of Stanley: the Original Off-Road Racer.

Veľkým údolím, kde žijú malí dinosaurí kamaráti, koluje legenda o Dinosaurej skale stojacej až na samom konci údolia. Mieste opradenom veľkým tajomstvom, kde žije mýtický dinosaurus s nadprirodzenými schopnosťami. Dvaja kamaráti sa vydajú na cestu k tejto skale v snahe zachrániť ich rodné údolie a tvárou v tvár nebezpečenstvu zažívajú veľké dobrodružstvá.

Ultra Music Festival 2015. In the middle of the pouring rain. Dash Berlin wrote history surprising the crowd with one of the most emotional, powerful and energetic sets the festival has ever seen and proved to be right at home at the big main stage.

Fantozzi is now retired but continues to go to the office where it is held up as a fine example of employees intending to do career.

Fantozzi a jeho byvaly spolupracovnik Filini sa zucastnia pohrebu byvaleho kolegu, ale vten den zomrie aj ich dalsi kolega - sportovec. Cestou z dalsieho pohrebu sa tak rozhodu vykradnut banku, pretoze so svojou malou penziou velmi biedne pretlkaju zivotom... Medzi tym Fantozziho zena Pina pripravuje oslavu 40. vyrocia svatby. Na nej sa Fantozzi dozveda, ze sa k nim nastahuje jeho hrozna dcera Mariangela aj s manzelom a dietatom. Pre Fantozziho a manzelku sa zivot stava peklom a su vystahovani do garaze. K tomu vsetkemu sa Fantozzi dozvie, ze je smrtelne chory a tak jeho zena tajne presvedci slecnu Silvani aby s jej muzom stravila vikend na horach.

After losing a family member to a violent crime, a shattered rideshare driver picks up a passenger that forces him to confront his grief.

Catherine and Oracio are real estate advisors, and are visiting two properties in quick succession: a large bourgeois house "which can have a swimming pool and RER view", and a small modern apartment in the heart of Bougival's golden triangle.

Ludstvo stoji na prahu 3-ho tisicrocia, ale niektorym sa cnie skor po svete, aky bol predtym. Napriklad vojvoda Balabam je nestastny z toho, ze zamestnanci uz nemaju taky respekt ako kedysi a on sam sa k nim musi spravat slusne. Cnie sa mu po casoch, kedy mohol svojich ludi ponizovat a vykoristovat. Tiez po Fantozzim, ktory bol priamo vzorom usluzneho a snaziveho uradnika. Balabamova firma sa zaobera genetickym klonovanim. Jej vedenie sa rozhodne poziadat Fantozziho vdovu Pinu o pramienok vlasov po zosnulom manzelovi a pokusi sa ho naklonovat. Experiment sa podari. Uctovnik Fantozzi je opat tu a s nim prichadzaju aj nove malery, ktore ho stretavaju na kazdom kroku, ci uz je vrhnuty do role vychovavatela sefovho syna, alebo prepadne stavkovaniu a musi predstierat, ze vyhral hromadu penazi, alebo su pri oslave Silvestra aj s manzelkou omylom povazovani za albanskych utecencov a su deportovani spat do Albanska. Ako by to nestacilo, zamiluje sa jeho skareda vnucka do podleho striptera.