After David Kim's 16-year-old daughter goes missing, a local investigation is opened and a detective is assigned to the case. But 37 hours later and without a single lead, David decides to search the one place no one has looked yet, where all secrets are kept today: his daughter's laptop.
Pri kritikih in gledalcih odlično sprejet akcijski ZF-triler s primesmi grozljivke o paralizirani in ovdoveli žrtvi krutega ropa, ki po vsaditvi čipa umetne inteligence dobi priložnost, da se maščuje zločincem.
Film je postavljen nekaj stoletij v prihodnost, v Iron Cityju, kjer zapuščeno Alito nezavedno najde simpatični kiber zdravnik Ido, ki jo pripelje na svojo kliniko. Ko se Alita zbudi, se ne spomni, kdo je, niti ne prepozna sveta, v katerem je. Aliti je vse novo, vsaka izkušnja je na prvem mestu. Ko se nauči krmariti po svojem novem življenju in ulicah železnega mesta, jo Iro skuša zaščititi pred svojo skrivnostno preteklostjo, medtem ko ji njen novi ulični prijatelj Hugo poskuša pomagati, da se spomni svoje preteklosti. Med njima se razvija vse večja navala, dokler po Alito ne pridejo smrtonosne sile in ne prekinejo njenega novega odnosa. Nato Alita odkrije, da ima izredne borilne veščine, ki jih lahko uporabi za reševanje svojih ljubljenih. Odločena, da bo odkrila resnico o svojem izvoru, se Alita poda na pot, ki jo bo vodila v boju proti krivicam tega temačnega, pokvarjenega sveta.
Young American dancer Susie Bannion arrives in 1970s Berlin to audition for the world-renowned Helena Markos Dance Company. When she vaults to the role of lead dancer, the woman she replaces breaks down and accuses the company's female directors of witchcraft. Meanwhile, an inquisitive psychotherapist and a member of the troupe uncover dark and sinister secrets as they probe the depths of the studio's hidden underground chambers.
Da bi Grindelwaldu preprečil načrte o vzgoji čistokrvnih čarovnikov in vladanju sveta, Albus Dumbledore prosi za pomoč nekdanjega učenca Salamanderja Scamandra. Ta privoli, čeprav se ne zaveda, kakšne nevarnosti so pred njim.
After sparing a girl's life during a massacre, an elite Triad assassin is targeted by an onslaught of murderous gangsters.
Globoko v Arktičnem oceanu kapitan ameriške nuklearne podmornice Joe Glass dobi informacijo, da je prišlo do ruskega državnega udara, ki ogroža svetovni mir. Ruskega predsednika je namreč ugrabila skupina odpadnikov, ki skuša zanetiti tretjo svetovno vojno. Kapitan Glass mora s svojo posadko in s pomočjo vojaškega poveljništva sestaviti elitno skupino tjulnjev, da bi rešili ugrabljenega predsednika in ustavili novo svetovno vojno.
Lake Tahoe, 1969. Seven strangers, each one with a secret to bury, meet at El Royale, a decadent motel with a dark past. In the course of a fateful night, everyone will have one last shot at redemption.
The life story of Italian violinist and composer, Niccolò Paganini, who rose to fame as a virtuoso in the early 19th Century.
Laurie Strode comes to her final confrontation with Michael Myers, the masked figure who has haunted her since she narrowly escaped his killing spree on Halloween night four decades ago.
Vdove je zgodba štirih žensk, ki nimajo nič skupnega, razen velikega dolga, ki so ga za seboj zapustile kriminalne dejavnosti njihovi pokojnih mož. Napetost se stopnjuje, ko v sodobnem Chicagu Veronica, Alice, Linda in Belle usodo vzamejo v lastne roke in se zavzamejo za prihodnost pod svojimi pogoji.
A picture-perfect family is torn apart after Tyler finds a cache of disturbing images in his father's possession. He begins to suspect that the man he trusts most in the world may be responsible for the murder of 13 women ten years prior.
Trije prijatelji, ki so ustvarili spletno serijo o svojem mestu, odkrijejo, da njihove sosede pobijajo in nadomeščajo bitja, ki so popolne kopije njihovih žrtev.
When ten-year-old Lewis is suddenly orphaned, he is sent to live with his Uncle Jonathan in a creaky (and creepy) old mansion with a mysterious ticking noise that emanates from the walls. Upon discovering that his uncle is a warlock, Lewis begins learning magic, but when he rebelliously resurrects an evil warlock he must find the secret of the house and save the world from destruction.
Neustrašna hekerica Lisbeth Salander in raziskovalni novinar Mikael Blomkvist se znajdeta v mreži vohunstva, spletnega kriminala in politične korupcije. Frans Balder, nekdanji programer pri Nacionalni varnostni agenciji, najame Lisbeth, da bi ukradla računalniški program za dostop do kod za jedrsko orožje. Program namreč predstavlja preveliko grožnjo za svet. Nato pa ji program ukrade skupina neusmiljenih plačancev in Lisbeth se mora spopasti s temačnim svetom podzemlja in švedskimi oblastmi. Film je posnet po istoimenskem detektivskem romanu, ki je nadaljevanje uspešne trilogije Millennium švedskega pisatelja Stiega Larssona.
Eight medical students on a ski trip to Norway discover that Hitler's horrors live on when they come face to face with a battalion of zombie Nazi soldiers intent on devouring anyone unfortunate enough to wander into the remote mountains where they were once sent to die.
Driss and Manuel both grew up on the same council estate. An estate where the sense of belonging to your patch is much stronger than the sense of belonging to a country, a nation or a culture... Manuel has assimilated this belonging, and he has even benefited from it and built his life on it. Driss, meanwhile, has shunned it. They will both have to face up to the consequences of their decisions – because they will each have a price to pay…
A young camgirl discovers that she’s inexplicably been replaced on her site with an exact replica of herself.
On Halloween night at a horror theme park, a costumed killer begins slaying innocent patrons who believe that it's all part of the festivities.
In a suburban community, moms and dads, one after the other, mysteriously feel the irresistible impulse to attack and kill their own offspring.