Estetiškas budistinis pasakojimas „Pavasaris, vasara, ruduo, žiema... ir vėl pavasaris“ smelkiasi į ramybės ir aistros, kančios ir palaimos, gėrio ir blogio gelmes. Nuostabaus grožio gamtos kampelyje nufilmuotoje istorijoje pasakojama apie vienuolio gyvenimo ciklą - keturis metų laikus. Pavasarį jis yra vyresnio šventiko globojamas mažas berniukas, vasarą - žmogiškus jausmus pažinęs ir meilės ištroškęs paauglys, rudenį - trečią dešimtį pradėjęs ir rankas krauju susitepęs atgailaujantis jaunuolis, žiemą - mąstantis apie vienatvę ir ieškantis savo tikrojo pašaukimo vyras. Gamtos reiškinių niekas negali pakeisti, ir režisierius brėžia lygiagretę su žmogaus amžiumi.

Seibei Iguči yra žemo rango samurajus, našlys, turintis išlaikyti du vaikus ir seną motiną iš savo menko atlygio. Kiekvieną pavakarę užuot linksminęsis su kolegomis ir vyresniaisiais, jis eina dirbti kitų darbų, todėl imamas vadinti Sutemų samurajumi. Kartą jis apgina savo vaikystės laikų simpatiją Tomoe nuo žiauraus jos vyro. Klano vadai įvertina Seibei meistriškumą ir siunčia jį vykdyti pavojingos misijos. Grįžtančio jo laukia dukros, motina ir mylimoji Tomoe.

Antonio, a policeman (carabiniere), has an order to take two children (Rosetta and her brother Luciano) from Milan to Sicily to an orphanage. Their mother has been arrested for forcing Rosetta (11 years old) to work as a prostitute. First the relation between Antonio and the children is tough, but it relaxes so they become temporary friends.

Three characters living in an unfinished painting venture out into the real world in search of their creator to convince him to finish his work.

Jacques, a young man with artistic aspirations, spends four nights wandering Paris with a young woman, whom he rescued from suicide.

A look at the controversial riot cops unit, told through the stories of three veteran cops and a young recruit.

A look at Heather Langenkamp's unique experience playing Wes Craven's legendary teen heroine Nancy Thompson. With tongue planted firmly in cheek, Heather asks the burning question: "Why Freddymania, and not Nancymania?" After personally experiencing the Freddy Krueger marketing craze, the rise of horror convention fandom and the phenomenon of eight Nightmare On Elm Street films, Heather reflects on the relevance of heroes in this modern age of monster lovers.

Pin, a plastic medical dummy, has been the fixation of Leon since youth. Now grown up and orphaned in an accident, Leon brings Pin home to live with him and his sister Ursula, much to her reluctance. Soon, however, Leon's fixation on Pin spirals out of control, and Ursula must face the devastating consequences.

Nėsčia moteris, neseniai išgyvenusi avariją ir netekusi vyro, nusprendžia tyliai, ramiai praleisti Kalėdų vakarą ir tik netikėtas keistos nepažįstamosios pasirodymas sudrumsčia Jai ramybę.

Brigitte has escaped the confines of Bailey Downs but she's not alone. Another werewolf is tailing her closely and her sister's specter haunts her. An overdose of Monkshood - the poison that is keeping her transformation at bay - leads to her being incarcerated in a rehabilitation clinic for drug addicts where her only friend is an eccentric young girl by the name of Ghost.

Baltimore, Maryland. Sylvia sees a girl being attacked from her lover Terry's bedroom window. The assailant flees and his victim is saved. But that same night another girl is found murdered.

On a particularly busy day at a suburban Ohio fast food restaurant, manager Sandra receives a phone call from a police officer saying that an employee has stolen money from a customer.

Returning home from a business trip to discover his wife missing, a man delves deeper and deeper into a surreal kaleidoscope of half-baked leads, seduction, deceit, and murder.

Redas Mileris išsiruošia atkeršyti pamišusių hipių kultui, kai šie sutrikdo jo ramų gyvenimą ir pagrobia jo žmoną, Mendę Blum.

In 1988, Philadelphia police officer Thomas "Locke" Lockhart, hungry to become a detective, begins tracking a serial killer whose crimes defy scientific explanation. When the killer mysteriously resurfaces nine years later, Locke's obsession with finding the truth threatens to destroy his career, his family, and possibly his sanity.

Italian film directed by Pierluigi Ferrandini. On the night of May 26, 1956, a terrible bloody event occurred within the home. In Bari at the dawn of the economic boom, the twenty-six-year-old Franco Percoco, coming from a "normal" lower middle class family, carried out a family massacre - the first after the war to have great media coverage - and was consigned to the news as the "Monster of Bari ".

Two French girls get lost in the woods and accidentally enter the realm of sorceress Morgana Le Fay - who gives them the choice of either staying young forever as her lovers, or rot in a dungeon for eternity.

Primo is an ordinary middle-class youngster studying for his baccalaureate, who gets side-tracked when he falls in love with a rich girl. They soon learn they have to deal with her condescending friends who look down upon this upstart.

In a South of Italy full of beauty and hidden dangers, two adolescents, abused and damaged by life, Anna, whose father has been murdered and Basim, an immigrant orphan, escape together towards a new start

The Giallo film reinvented as an experimental S&M-tinged fever dream, told through a combination of color-gelled cinematography and jump-cut photographs, infused with dark sensuality and perverse cruelty. The short films of the directors of Amer are technically rawer than that film, but they show what was to come in terms of themes based on giallo films and an abstract style, from the use of still frames like in Chris Marker's La Jetée to harsh coloured lighting. They are worth seeing by themselves as a refining of their ideas into a fantastic debut feature film.