Pēc Emorijas koledžas absolvēšanas izcilais students un sportists Kristofers Makendless, ģimenei neko nezinot, sadedzina dokumentus, atdod savus mūža ietaupījumus labdarībai un atstāj savu mašīnu, lai ceļotu ar stopiem pa ASV. Viņa mērķis ir doties uz Aļasku, dzīvot savvaļā, pārtikt tikai no tā, ko daba piedāvā, un tikt prom no cilvēces. 20 mēnešu laikā pirms viņa lielā Aļaskas piedzīvojuma viņš apbraukā ASV, iepazīst jaunus cilvēkus un dziedina bērnības traumas, ko radījušas vecāku vardarbīgās attiecības.

Anglijas karalis Džordžs VI negaidīti kāpa tronī, kad viņa brālis Edvards no tā atteicās pēc tēva karaļa Džordža V nāves. Jaunais karalis netīkoja pēc karaļa troņa, jo visu mūžu bija cietis no runas defekta. Otrā pasaules kara priekšvakarā Anglijai bija nepieciešams līderis, un karaļa sieva Elizabete pierunāja vīru vērsties pie ekscentriskā runas terapeita Laionela Loga. Lai gan iesākums bija grūts, terapijas laikā starp viņiem izveidojās ciešas saites. Ar Laionela, karaļa ģimenes, valdības un Vinstona Čērčila atbalstu, karalim izdodas pārvarēt stostīšanos un uzstāties radio ar runu, kas neatgriezeniski iedvesmoja britu nāciju...

A teenager reflects on his life after being accused of cheating on the Indian version of "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?".

Vadošam FedEx darbiniekam jāmainās kā fiziski, tā emocionāli, lai izdzīvotu pēc avārijas nosēšanās uz neapdzīvotas salas.

The story of an Indian boy named Pi, a zookeeper's son who finds himself in the company of a hyena, zebra, orangutan, and a Bengal tiger after a shipwreck sets them adrift in the Pacific Ocean.

The true story of technical troubles that scuttle the Apollo 13 lunar mission in 1970, risking the lives of astronaut Jim Lovell and his crew, with the failed journey turning into a thrilling saga of heroism. Drifting more than 200,000 miles from Earth, the astronauts work furiously with the ground crew to avert tragedy.

Filma balstīta uz patiesiem notikumiem. Aizkustinošs stāsts par ģimeni, kas 2004. gadā atradās Dienvidaustrumu Āzijā notikušajā cunami epicentrā.Cunami, kas atzīts par vispostošāko dabas katastrofu modernajā vēsturē.

A bravado period action film set at the end of Japan's feudal era in which a group of unemployed samurai are enlisted to bring down a sadistic lord and prevent him from ascending to the throne and plunging the country into a war-torn future.

Twenty-eight days after a killer virus was accidentally unleashed from a British research facility, a small group of London survivors are caught in a desperate struggle to protect themselves from the infected. Carried by animals and humans, the virus turns those it infects into homicidal maniacs -- and it's absolutely impossible to contain.

At the dawn of WWII, several men escape from a Russian gulag—to take a perilous and uncertain journey to freedom as they cross deserts, mountains and several nations.

Raiens Bingems ir apmierināts ar savu dzīves veidu. Viņa darbs ir atlaist cilvēkus. Komandējumos viņš pavada 300 dienas gadā, pārvietojoties no vienas lidostas Amerikā uz nākamo, no vienas viesnīcas un nākamo, pārsēžoties no viena īres auto citā. Viss viņa dzīvei nepieciešamais ietilpst vienā bagāžas vienībā; viņš ir visu aviolīniju lojalitātes programmu biedrs un viņa dzīves mērķis ir sasniegt 10 miljonus bezmaksas lidojumu jūdžu.

A girl who's sick of the social strictures of junior high is transformed into a grownup overnight. In this feel-good fairy tale, teenager Jenna wants a boyfriend, and when she's unable to find one, she fantasizes about being a well-adjusted adult. Suddenly, her secret desire becomes a reality, and she is transformed into a 30-year-old, but adulthood, with its own set of male-female challenges, isn't as easy as it looks.

A man who specializes in debunking paranormal occurrences checks into the fabled room 1408 in the Dolphin Hotel. Soon after settling in, he confronts genuine terror.

Paul is a U.S. truck driver working in Iraq. After an attack by a group of Iraqis he wakes to find he is buried alive inside a coffin. With only a lighter and a cell phone it's a race against time to escape this claustrophobic death trap.

Following a grueling five-week shift at an Alaskan oil refinery, workers led by sharpshooter John Ottway are flying home for a much-needed vacation. But a brutal storm causes their plane to crash in the frozen wilderness, and only eight men, including Ottway, survive. As they trek southward toward civilization and safety, Ottway and his companions must battle mortal injuries, the icy elements, and a pack of hungry wolves.

An aging cop is assigned the ordinary task of escorting a fast-talking witness from police custody to a courthouse, but they find themselves running the gauntlet as other forces try to prevent them from getting there.

On the brink of a midlife crisis, 30-something Mike O'Donnell wishes he could have a "do-over." And that's exactly what he gets when he wakes up one morning to find he's 17 years old again. With his adult mind stuck inside the body of a teenager, Mike actually has the chance to reverse some decisions he wishes he'd never made. But maybe they weren't so bad after all.

When three skiers find themselves stranded on a chair lift at a New England ski resort that has closed for the next week, they are forced to make life or death choices that prove to be more perilous than staying put and freezing to death.

Atbilstoši Maiju indiāņu kalendāram 2012.gadā visas saules sistēmas planētas atradīsies uz vienas līnijas, kā rezultātā izcelsies globāla mēroga dabas kataklizmas: visspēcīgākās zemestrīces, cunami un vulkānu izvirdumi valstis un veselus kontinentus pārvērtīs drupās. Zinātnieki nesen apliecinājuši, ka šis mīts var kļūt par realitāti.

Bruce Banner, a genetics researcher with a tragic past, suffers massive radiation exposure in his laboratory that causes him to transform into a raging green monster when he gets angry.