A hitman is tasked to take out ex-mobsters when he suddenly hears a voice that questions his morality.
Fight Club Rush 11 takes place Saturday, February 26, 2022 with 11 fights at Bombardier Arena in Vasteras,Sweden.
Tintin and his friends investigate when something ominous haunts seven archaeologists, just after their return from an ethnographic expedition to the Andes, where they have dug up the tomb of Inca Rascar Capac.
Tintin and his friends get involved in an unexpected and weird adventure when they meet Laszlo Carreidas, an eccentric millionaire.
正是狂风暴雨时节,路飞、娜美、索隆等人登上一艘行将沉没的海盗船,并发现一个巨大的藏宝箱。众人费了九牛二虎之力,终于将箱子带回梅利号。结果发现,箱子里没有任何金银财宝,而是一个长相怪异且有些脱线的老太婆。老太婆唯恐路飞他们杀掉自己,于是许诺愿用金冠的秘密交换的生命。所谓金冠,传说是一顶价值连城的王冠,只有真正的海之王才能拥有。路飞相信了老太婆的话,于是扬帆朝目标之地挺进。 众人来至老太婆所住的机械岛,然而老太婆的儿子兰切特以为路飞等人是劫持了自己母亲的盗贼。他一面救回母亲,一面利用其研制的机械巨兵向梅利号展开攻击。寻找金冠的道路上危机重重……
Tintin and Captain Haddock search for Red Rackham's treasure with the help of an eccentric but lovable professor.
Tintin finds himself involved in a mystery related to a drowned man, a can of crabmeat and a ship called Karaboudjan. After investigating the ship, Tintin discovers that the shipment of cans does not contain exactly crabmeat.
《芭比之蝴蝶仙子与精灵公主》(barbie mariposa & fairy princess)是《芭比之蝴蝶仙子》(Barbie Mariposa)的续集,讲述曼瑞莎/玛丽波萨(Mariposa)不仅化解一个叫微光谷的国度的危机并与贵国公主结下深厚友谊的故事。 曼瑞莎/玛丽波萨( Mariposa)又踏上了新的冒险旅程,这次她将带着她的毛绒伙伴小细(Zee)拜访一个全新的国度——微光谷。这回她扮演一位来自展翅镇的皇家特派 大使,她想通过拜访,与微光谷城建立和平友好的关系,从而化解展翅镇与微光谷长久以来的两国矛盾。然而,毛手毛脚的蝴蝶仙子却并没有给微光谷的国王留下好印象,也闹了不少笑话,但她却和公主卡塔妮娅(Catania)很快成为了朋友,并互赠了礼物,她将卡洛斯/卡路斯(Carlos)王子送给她的水晶球送给了公主卡塔妮(Catania),公主也送给她了一条美丽的微晶项链。但国王却因项链之事把她赶出了微光谷,正当蝴蝶仙子和小细(Zee)垂头丧气的准备返回振翅镇时,正巧遇到准备毁灭微光谷的邪恶巫婆格巫琳(Gwyllion),正当巫婆熄灭对微光谷最重要的石微晶时,勇敢的曼瑞莎/玛丽波萨( Mariposa)和公主卡塔妮娅(Catania)拯救了王国。在冒险中,她们将会明白,获得朋友的最佳方式就是当一个朋友。
娜美偶然得到一张珍兽岛的地图,据说那里埋藏着无价的宝藏,草帽海贼团的诸位不顾乔巴的阻拦,决定向这座小岛挺进。正在此时,海底火山爆发,将黄金梅利号抛向空中。机缘巧合,他们竟然被抛到了珍兽岛。这个小岛由会说人话的动物统治,它们的老国王麒麟狮已经仙逝,偶然跌落于此的乔巴被众兽奉为新的国王。乔巴拗不过众兽,权且任职。正当珍兽岛为新国王的诞生欢欣鼓舞之时,贪婪邪恶的巴特拉伯爵及其爪牙登陆小岛。为了传说中的“国王宝藏”,他不惜对岛上的动物大开杀戒。他们也势必和草帽海贼团发生冲突…… 本片根据日本漫画家尾田荣一郎的同名原著改编,是2002年上映的第三部动画剧场版。
When cars start to explode, which can lead to a serious oil crisis, Tintin and his friends travel to the Middle East to get to the bottom of the problem.
Jura is 23 years old - and Lena is 23. They live in Budennovsk, play computer games, walk and learn. They live in a city where Shamil Basayev entered 23 years ago with militants, and know almost nothing about the events of that time.
Video installation, 2005, at LOKAAL_01 Breda 2007, Burning Marl, curator Frederik Vergaert in Seppenshuis Zoersel, 2005. A woman walking through 3 video images. Three screens display how the day’s light passes by: from the early morning light until late at night. Along with the woman the artist walks through the forest, in the same rhythm, the same pace. Off-screen she looks through the camera, fragmenting time. The age-old androgynous trees are a vertical constant along which the woman moves, as if in an interval between visibility and invisibility, between sound and silence, while the light keeps on evolving metabletically.
Rosalie loves to shop too much to let a little thing like no money stop her. When the local shopkeepers no longer take her bad checks or bad credit cards, she's finds herself out of ways to please her consumerist tendencies… until she discovers The Internet! Master shopper becomes master hacker, and Rosalie is back on top.