Two recap specials that focus on Team Urameshi's matches in the Dark Tournament and four separate volumes focusing around one of the main characters; Yusuke, Kurama, Hiei, or Kuwabara.

One of America's fastest-rising comedians, Bill Burr wields his razor-sharp wit with rare skill. In this brand-new stand-up performance, Bill takes aim at the stuff that drives us crazy, political correctness gone haywire, and girlfriends, or as he calls them: relentless psycho robots. A keenly observant social commentator, Bill Burr is also one of the funniest voices in comedy today.

Show of solo singer Niall Horan from his latest album: Flicker. Recorded at Studio 1 in Dublin, this intimate and sensitive performance shows a side of Niall barely seen and explored, all with the participation of the incredible orchestra.

A boy walks through an abandoned building and films the interior. Suddenly his camera disappears.

About a man who wakes up one morning to discover that the day repeats, a carbon copy of the day before, trapping him in an inescapable vicious circle. This man has a dream to live for 100 years, however he is living for one day only and that day keep repeating to show him the negative and positive things in his life.

The lives of a frustrated explosives police officer and an anxious anarchist collide around a bomb ready to explode: In a symbolic act, Officer Guzman wants to vent his mundane life while the rebel Ivan wants to test prejudices around terrorism . In the end it is not known which of the two will lose.

In celebration of Asian Heritage Month, HBO presents a collection of perspectives from a diverse group of Asian Americans.

While fighting for a woman who sits on death row, a lawyer happens upon new information which brings into question the motives of a man associated with her client

An aspiring singer leading a normal life has his life changed when he unexpectedly gets dragged into a police case involving three women.

Trnka’s sci-fi vision of the future in which machines and robots try to substitute themselves into the most beautiful human relationships. A cybernetic robot is supposed to substitute for the loving grandmother of a little girl. The wise grandmother, however, comes back and the girl finds the warmth of her grandmother’s loving arms again. Trnka’s artistic ideas in this film can be described as both poetically fragile and dramatically cautionary.

All the protagonists move about in a Tokyo Bar that has an entire wall taken up with a black-and-white reproduction of a photo of Monument Valley. The action starts as Billy the Kid, in full living color, walks out of the photo and gets a job as a waiter. Along with him on the working staff are a samurai straight out of the history books, a G.I. from World War II, and several other anachronistic characters. The plot (as such) revolves around keeping away the brutal mobsters and thugs who dominate the city streets outside of the bar, making the tavern safe for its easily recognized facsimiles of well-known characters.

凡是青春就要求爱,四个年轻小伙子这次要向泡妞高手杰克讨教,看如何才能正确地把妹、交到女朋友,让自已也成为「闪光」一族。   然而爱情军师杰克自已也是一个头两个大,他似乎不像自已说的「一次搞定32个妹」,相反地,面临因怀孕而逼婚的女友感到手足无措,在决定以分手收场之后,这回杰克可尝到失去真爱的痛,后来透过写作来沉淀疗伤,痛定思痛决定再把女友追回来,而她…会轻易答应吗?!就像全天下的情侣一样吵吵闹闹,他们能否画出美满的幸福蓝图?

Red is the story of three teens in rural Pennsylvania who are torn apart by the closet. James and Lizzy's seemingly normal relationship is shattered by Aaron, the guy James hooked up with and who is unable to bear their secret and confronts James.

Werner and Holgi are friends, but also lifelong rivals. Now Werner finally has enough of being the eternal second and is planning his revenge. With his special motorcycle, the 'Red Porsche Killer', he challenges Holgi and his car.

Guy gets mugged on horseback and left for dead; farmgal nurses him back to health and when he's on his feet again, he puts a domino on and swings into J J action.

Barbara是一名电影制片人,她已在监狱的工作环境中呆了很多年了。她正在巴黎准备一部关于监狱长期徒刑犯人的电影。每周两次 Barbara 去监狱采访一个犯人小组,作为剧本的写作依据。Barbara遇到了犯人小组中的Michel,但是他们的爱情将会使她触犯法律......