August Pullman se je rodil s hudo deformacijo obraza. Do desetega leta ni hodil v šolo, ampak je imel zaradi številnih zahtevnih operacij in dolgotrajnih okrevanj pouk doma. Z vstopom v peti razred osnovne šole je zdaj njegova edina želja, da bi ga sošolci imeli za navadnega. Toda novi sošolci ne morejo prezreti njegovega nenavadnega obraza. Poleg Augusta, ki izredno duhovito pripoveduje o sebi, svoji družini in svetu, ki ga obdaja, svoja razmišljanja o tem nadarjenem fantu razkrijejo še sestra Via, njen fant Justin, novi sošolec Jack, prijateljica Summer in Viina prijateljica Miranda. Vsi njihovi pogledi se združujejo v boju za sočutje, empatijo in sprejemanje drugačnosti. Ta nepozabna zgodba v naša življenja prinaša srčnost in upanje.

Annie becomes pregnant. Since she doesn't want to keep the child, she meets a movement that performs illegal abortions. But, in the seventies, Annie will encounter allies and opponents along the way.

Animirani film temelji na Nintendovi franšizi video iger Mario. Vodovodar po imenu Mario s svojim bratom Luigijem potuje skozi podzemni labirint in poskuša rešiti ujeto princeso.

Miranda Pristly je ena najbolj uspešnih in spoštovanih poslovnih žensk v svetu mode, a hkrati tudi strah in trepet uslužbencev svoje modne revije. Nekega dne ji pot prekriža mlada novinarka Andy Sachs, ki za Mirando še ni slišala, pa tudi o (visoki) modi ne ve kaj dosti. Kljub vsemu jo Miranda zaposli in jo takoj prične spreminjati po svojem okusu, kar povzroči nezadovoljstvo pri Andyjinih prijateljih in fantu.

Piše se leto 1963. Sedemnajstletna Baby preživlja praznike s starši v letovišču Catkills. Ko sledi zvoku vznemirljive glasbe, spozna Johnnyja, inštruktorja plesa, ki ima za razliko od naivne in sramežljive Baby veliko življenjskih izkušenj. Baby je hipnotizirana s seksi ritmom in svobodnimi gibi umazanega plesa ter tako hitro postane Johnnyjeva najboljša učenka, tako v plesu kot v ljubezni.

Za najboljši prijateljici Becky in Hunter je smisel življenja v premikanju mej in premagovanju strahu. Ko se povzpneta na več kot 600 metrov visok radijski stolp, se zgodi nepričakovano - na vrhu obtičita brez možnosti poti navzdol. Njune plezalske sposobnost so s tem postavljene pred največjo preizkušnjo, saj se morata na vrtoglavi višini boriti za preživetje v nemogočih vremenskih razmerah in pomanjkanju zalog.

Inside of his book, adventurous Harold can make anything come to life simply by drawing it. After he grows up and draws himself off the book's pages and into the physical world, Harold finds he has a lot to learn about real life.

Slowed by age and failing eyesight, crack baseball scout Gus Lobel takes his grown daughter along as he checks out the final prospect of his career. Along the way, the two renew their bond, and she catches the eye of a young player-turned-scout.

A gripping and chilling thriller that brings us to a hazy mountain village where an enigmatic detective is investigating the sudden disappearance of fifteen-year-old girl.

During routine manoeuvres near Hawaii in 1980, the aircraft-carrier USS Nimitz is caught in a strange vortex-like storm, throwing the ship back in time to 1941—mere hours before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

What would you do on the last day on Earth? With the end of the world only hours away, the self-absorbed James heads to the ultimate party-to-end-all-parties. On his way there, he saves the life of a young girl named Rose who is searching desperately for her missing father. This simple act sets James on a path to redemption.

Uporniškega Sama od otroštva spremlja skrivnostno izginotje očeta Kevina, toda nenavaden klic iz očetove nekdanje pisarne Sama pripelje do izjemnega odkritja. Kevin je dve desetletji preživel v videoigrici, ki jo je ustvaril, in v kateri se je sedaj znašel tudi Sam. Da bi preživel v surovem svetu futurističnih gladiatorskih spopadov, Sam združi moči z očetovo zaupnico Quorro, toda navidezna resničnost ponuja večje in nevarnejše izzive, kot si je Sam kadarkoli predstavljal.

All seems normal with Joseph and Joanne. Joanne is pregnant with their first child. Life in their little urban house is cozy and familiar. But something is off about Joseph. He doesn’t seem excited about the baby. Work on his documentary is becoming increasingly untethered. As Joseph struggles to maintain the routines of his domestic life, his mask begins to slip. Late at night, while Joanne thinks he is working, Joseph prowls the streets of Los Angeles, deliberately courting danger. Joanne is growing worried about Joseph’s odd behavior. But not as worried as she should be.

A group of five American friends on the cusp of adulthood travel to Panama to relax and reconnect. They befriend a local woman in their hotel bar—and despite some ominous whispers—she goes against the specific instructions of her brother and brings the Americans on a daytrip into the pristine falls at the nearby jungle. What begins as an innocent outing to a picturesque waterfall quickly turns terrifying after she suddenly goes missing. As night closes in, the friends realize too late the truth behind the rumors—the legendary, blood-sucking Chupacabra is now stalking them.

Midnight, New Year’s Eve: when all the hopes of new beginnings come to life – except for Lindsey and Jeff Pittman, whose strained marriage faces the ultimate test after they cover up a terrible crime and find themselves entangled in a Hitchcockian web of deceit and madness.

A socially awkward driver and a weary passenger try to make it to their destination while being haunted by a supernatural threat.

Communication is the key to the survival for nine strangers who have been kidnapped by a masked gunman and told that one of them will die every ten minutes until they discover how they are all connected. Who of the nine lives and who dies?

Doll House is the story of an 11-year-old runaway who arrives at a care home with her only possession a dolls house. She refuses to speak and won’t ever let go of her doll. The other children tease her. People start to disappear and seem to appear as tiny dolls inside the doll house. An evil entity haunts the doll and doll house and is collecting the souls of the children for its ultimate cause, to be alive.

A unique horror film told from the first-person perspective of Grace - a naive, virginal college freshman trying to deal with campus culture and her outgoing roommate as an evil entity takes over her body and unleashes chaos.

Six college friends unite for a weekend getaway where they find themselves fighting for their lives after a terrorist attack turns the local residents into rage infused zombies.