The remarkable story of Brazilian racing driver Ayrton Senna, charting his physical and spiritual achievements on the track and off, his quest for perfection, and the mythical status he has since attained, is the subject of Senna, a documentary feature that spans the racing legend's years as an F1 driver, from his opening season in 1984 to his untimely death a decade later.

William Munny is a retired, once-ruthless killer turned gentle widower and hog farmer. To help support his two motherless children, he accepts one last bounty-hunter mission to find the men who brutalized a prostitute. Joined by his former partner and a cocky greenhorn, he takes on a corrupt sheriff.

Jerry, a small-town Minnesota car salesman is bursting at the seams with debt... but he's got a plan. He's going to hire two thugs to kidnap his wife in a scheme to collect a hefty ransom from his wealthy father-in-law. It's going to be a snap and nobody's going to get hurt... until people start dying. Enter Police Chief Marge, a coffee-drinking, parka-wearing - and extremely pregnant - investigator who'll stop at nothing to get her man. And if you think her small-time investigative skills will give the crooks a run for their ransom... you betcha!

Jeffrey 'The Dude' Lebowski, a Los Angeles slacker who only wants to bowl and drink White Russians, is mistaken for another Jeffrey Lebowski, a wheelchair-bound millionaire, and finds himself dragged into a strange series of events involving nihilists, adult film producers, ferrets, errant toes, and large sums of money.

Филаделфија, 2035. Након што је човечанство опустошила непозната заразна болест која је средином 1990-их убила пет милијарди људи, остатак људске расе преживљава дубоко испод површине Земље. Област је девастирана и под влашћу дивљих животиња. Да би спасили преостале људе, власти шаљу затвореника Џејмса Кола (Брус Вилис) у прошлост да тамо изолује опасан вирус и тако омогући израду вакцине у будућности. Кол је случајно стигао 1990. године, а не 1996. године када је наступила пандемија, где је одмах затворен и додељен од стране лекара др Кетрин Рејли (Медлин Стоу). др. Раили у почетку мисли да је пред њим тежак шизофреничар који брбља о будућој катаклизми...

Set in 1929, a political boss and his advisor have a parting of the ways when they both fall for the same woman.

Прича о успешном покушају главног директора Оакланд Атлетика Билија Бејна да окупи бејзбол тим за буџет, тако што ће искористити компјутерски генерисану анализу да изради своје играче.

Doug MacRay is a longtime thief, who, smarter than the rest of his crew, is looking for his chance to exit the game. When a bank job leads to the group kidnapping an attractive branch manager, he takes on the role of monitoring her – but their burgeoning relationship threatens to unveil the identities of Doug and his crew to the FBI Agent who is on their case.

The story of three Korean outlaws in 1930s Manchuria and their dealings with the Japanese army and Chinese and Russian bandits. The Good (a bounty hunter), the Bad (a hitman), and the Weird (a thief) battle the army and the bandits in a race to use a treasure map to uncover the riches of legend.

A naive business graduate is installed as president of a manufacturing company as part of a stock scam.

Хенри Таскер живи двостуки живот. Са једне стране је тајни агент, који ради опасне послове за владу, али се у свету представља као досадан продаваоц компјутера, тако га зна и своја жена и ђерка. Због свог "посла" он занемарује своју жену, која је секратарица. Она се упознала са Сајмоном који је лаже причама да је тајни агент, мада је он заправо само продавач аутомобила. Таскер сазнаје за то да се његова жена састаје на Сајмоном и почиње да сумња у верност своје жене. И употребио је методе тајних агента да сазна истину. Таскер у то време ради на случају кријумчарења оружја, и његова жена и ћерка постају умешани у ту ситуацију, тада оне сазнају да је Тасер у тајној служби Омега Сектор. Тасер чини највеће напоре да онемогући рад терориста и да спаси своју породицу.

During the final weeks of a presidential race, the President is accused of sexual misconduct. To distract the public until the election, the President's adviser hires a Hollywood producer to help him stage a fake war.

Инсипиран по роману Томаса Коба, Бриџес узима персону кантри певача Бед Блејка који једва преживљава као извођач, пошто је тотални запуштени алкохоличар. Некада веома успешан, сад је спао да свира по мањим кафанама и кугланама, али и даље привлачи неку публику на конто старе славе. Иако главни лик делује као да га више ништа у животу не занима, Бриџесов таленат као извођач је довољно велик, да ће га публика испратити до самог дна, ако то буде било потребно. Блејков моменат искупљења се појављује са новинарком која долази у његову собу ради интервјуа.

Sam Flynn, the tech-savvy and daring son of Kevin Flynn, investigates his father's disappearance and is pulled into The Grid. With the help of a mysterious program named Quorra, Sam quests to stop evil dictator Clu from crossing into the real world.

During the U.S.-led occupation of Baghdad in 2003, Chief Warrant Officer Roy Miller and his team of Army inspectors are dispatched to find weapons of mass destruction believed to be stockpiled in the Iraqi desert. Rocketing from one booby-trapped and treacherous site to the next, the men search for deadly chemical agents but stumble instead upon an elaborate cover-up that threatens to invert the purpose of their mission.

The Middle Eastern oil industry is the backdrop of this tense drama, which weaves together numerous story lines. Bennett Holiday is an American lawyer in charge of facilitating a dubious merger of oil companies, while Bryan Woodman, a Switzerland-based energy analyst, experiences both personal tragedy and opportunity during a visit with Arabian royalty. Meanwhile, veteran CIA agent Bob Barnes uncovers an assassination plot with unsettling origins.

Having spent the last 10 years fighting injustice and cruelty, Alejandro de la Vega is now facing his greatest challenge: his loving wife Elena has thrown him out of the house! Elena has filed for divorce and found comfort in the arms of Count Armand, a dashing French aristocrat. But Alejandro knows something she doesn't: Armand is the evil mastermind behind a terrorist plot to destroy the United States. And so, with his marriage and the county's future at stake, it's up to Zorro to save two unions before it's too late.

The Munns, father John and sons Chris and Tim, recede to the woods of rural Georgia. Their life together is forever changed with the arrival of Uncle Deel, though the tragedy that follows forces troubled Chris to become a man.

After a publisher changes a writer's debut novel about a deadly assassin from fiction to nonfiction, the author finds himself thrust into the world of his lead character, and must take on the role of his character for his own survival.

Soviet cosmonauts land on the planet Venus and find it teeming with life, some of it dangerous.