Vincent Verner is a former cop who was fired from the police force for refusing to turn a blind eye to an investigation involving a powerful man. A young prosecutor comes to get him to join a new group in charge of investigating "delicate" cases, those that no one dares to summon: men and women of power, politics, finance, the media, the star system, lobbies, consortiums, and the bosses of large companies. Verner, a maverick with an aversion to lying, will apply his own methods.

월드컵 16강 진출을 결정할 이란과 바레인의 예선 마지막 경기. 이란의 모든 남자들은 하나가 되어 열에 달떠있지만, 뜨거운 열기로 가득한 경기장밖에서 발만 동동구르는 사람들이 있다. 바로 이란의 여자 축구팬들. 세상 무엇보다 좋아하는 축구지만, 여성은 경기장안에 들어갈 수 없는 이란에서 그녀들의 축구사랑은 서글프다. 목숨을 건 사투 못지않은 나름의 필살기로 그녀들은 경기장안에 잠입하기 위한 불가능한 작전을 시작한다~! 경기가 시작되기도 전에 군인들에게 잡히고만 소녀들. 경기장바깥에 임시로 만들어진 약식 구치소에 감금된다. 소녀들은 직접 볼 수 없는 경기의 응원소리와 환호소리를 견뎌야 하는 신종고문에 시달리고, 더욱 가혹하게도 축구에 대해 아는 것이라곤 없는 어리버리한 병사의 중계를 들으며 마음을 달래야 한다. 그러나 그녀들은 포기하지 않는다. 경기를 보기 위해서라면, 가능한 모든 트릭을 서슴지 않는 그들. 새로운 작전으로 탈출을 시도하는데..

커플들의 관계정리에 관한 한 세계적 실력을 자랑하는 ‘하트브레이커’ 팀은 남자 때문에 낚인 여자들이 헤어질 수 있도록 성공률 99.9%의 훈남요원을 현장에 파견하여 미션을 수행한다. 치밀하고도 완벽한 수행작전을 통해 여자들이 훈남요원과 사랑에 빠짐으로써, 원래의 애인과는 이별하게 만드는 하트브레이커 팀의 철칙은 “오직 연애 때문에 불행한 여자들만 접수한다.” 한다는 것! 어느 날 ‘하트브레이커’ 팀의 알렉스(로망 뒤리스)에게 프랑스 최고 재벌가의 외동딸이자 가십걸 줄리엣(바네사 파라디)의 결혼식을 막아달라는 의뢰가 들어온다. 영국 훈남이자 스마트한 재벌로 손꼽히는 조나단(앤드류 링컨)과의 결혼식을 단 10일 앞두고 있는 줄리엣. 생애 최고의 결혼식을 앞두고 있는 그녀의 결혼을 깰 수 있는 방법은 과연 있는 것일까? 사랑이 흔들리는 그녀의 선택은?

Maddie, a high-powered marketing executive, is on her way to a client’s wedding but her plans are derailed by car trouble. When a fork in the road leads her to Christmas Valley, a town in love with Christmas, an unexpected encounter and a group of strangers that start to feel like family will have her questioning what she’s really been missing in life.

자신의 능력을 최대한 빨리 인정받아 고위 간부로 승진한 휘태커. 승진 후 회사에서 자행되는 온갖 불법적인 행위들이 눈에 들어오고, FBI에 회사의 다국적 가격 담합 음모를 제보한다.

완전히 도금 당하고 바하마를 떠난 뒤, 빅토르 발랑스는 프랑스로 돌아온다. 그는 늙은 어머니와 세 딸 폴린을 되찾는다. 모험가 아빠에게 완전히 빠져든 폴린은 그가 곧 그의 숨겨진 계획을 위해 어머니에게 사기 칠 거란 사실을 알게 되는데…

Alex, Antoine and Manu meet Jean, a loner who ignores the pleasures of friendship. Little by little, they learn to know each other, to appreciate each other. Jean is moved by the complicity and affection that fuels the relationship with his new friends.

A Parisian criminal gang fall apart after challenges to the gang's leader lessen his influence.

The story of Ali Baba, who takes on forty thieves to save the Caliph of Baghdad and prevent a war between the Orient and the Occident.

35-year-old Jean still lives with his mother in a small village in Corsica and works as a cook in the family's restaurant. His future, to his great despair, is all mapped out: he'll take over the restaurant. But one day Nora, a young and forceful woman, is thrown into the sea from a racing yacht. She washes up on the beach at Jean's feet - adventure has at last knocked at his door.

From multicultural Paris to designer Paris, Montmartre to the Champs-Elysées, sleazy sidewalks to high-end galleries... Watch out! Sam the courier is a man on a mission! On his scooter, Sam breaks every rule of the road to make good on the "express delivery" promise of the courier service he works for. But however hard he tries, Sam never gets a bonus from his boss, never beats his slicker colleagues and never gets past his Dad, a cop who books him every time. All Sam has up is Nadia, and she will turn on him if he doesn't show up for her sister's wedding. Trouble is, Sam has one more delivery to make and his day has just gone from bad to worse...

Simon Arcos has a unique method for overcoming stress and the sores of life. Jean, Léa, Nathalie, Yolaine, Antoine and Hervé signed up for one of his internships. They are not out of the woods.

When Florence, his companion of five years, shocks him with the news that she's leaving him, moving to Miami and marrying another man, Arthur loses it. He follows Florence to all the way to Florida with plans to stop the wedding, which is set to take place in just a few days. Along the way, he crosses paths with Emilie, who is also heading to Miami, but unlike Arthur, is wanted by the police. As a result, Arthur gets stuck on an adventure he definitely never expected.

Djalil Boudaoud and Justine Lacroix are a surgeon and a television reporter who enter a romantic relationship despite the objections of their families to the cultural gap.

Thirty-somethings Michaël, Nabil and Sylvain head to New York to surprise their friend Samia on her birthday, secretly arranged with the help of another friend, Gabrielle. The two women had moved to NYC two years previously to try their luck. Samia shares a fabulous loft with a renowned American actress and works as her assistant. Gabrielle has a more mundane job in a small retirement home. Transposed to New York, the close bonds formed over the years between the five friends from a housing project on the outskirts of Paris take on a different aspect. The laughter and emotion is dictated by the adventures they share during their stay, from the daily lives of the women to the discovery of this cult city.

Former school friends get together one weekend a year, this year in the mountains.

Manon, Aurore and Marie would like to represent their school at the Youth Challenge “Dance Special” organized by Paris’s city hall. If they win, they could have a month’s vacation in a country of their dreams, free from all constraints.