After the Japanese defeat to the Russians, Kaji leads the last remaining men through Manchuria. Intent on returning to his dear wife and his old life, Kaji faces great odds in a variety of different harrowing circumstances as he and his fellow men sneak behind enemy lines.

Triller Fight Club presents Triad Combat on Saturday, November 27 at Globe Life Stadium, in Arlington, TX with a the main card featuring former champion Frank Mir competing against Kubrat Pulev in the Heavyweight Division and a special live Heavy Metal Concert by Metallica.

Four vignettes on the lives of the Cuban people in the pre-revolutionary era. In Havana, Maria is ashamed when a man she loves discovers how she makes a living. Pedro, an old farmer, discovers that the land he cultivates is being sold to an American company. A student sees his friends attacked by the police while they distribute leaflets supporting Fidel Castro. Finally, a peasant family is threatened by Batista's army.

In the Sengoku period, a woman and her daughter are raped and murdered by soldiers during a time of civil war. Afterwards, a series of samurai returning from the war through that area are found mysteriously dead with their throats torn out. The governor calls in a wild and fierce young hero to quell what is evidently an Onryō ghost. He encounters the two beautiful women in an eerie, beautiful scene. After spiritual purification, he meets the demon in a thrilling fight.

Nanni Moretti recalls in his diary three slice of life stories characterized by a sharply ironic look: in the first one he wanders through a deserted Rome, in the second he visits a reclusive friend on an island, and in the last he has to grapple with an unknown illness.

In a village on the French-Belgian border, a smuggler named Sylvain falls in love with the pretty Pascaline, which infuriates Germaine, his mistress. The jealous woman reports Sylvain to the police. As a result, the young man gets hurt during a night chase. Fortunately Pascaline offers him hospitality and looks after him.

Mladá vdova je najata jako pomocnice v domácnosti u bohatého architekta, ale společenské rozdíly vystupují do popředí, když mezi nimi vzrůstá nepravděpodobná přitažlivost.

Hollywood o něj nestojí a talentovaný Rudy Ray Moore se proto vydá vlastní cestou. V roce 1975 natočí pro černošské publikum film Dolemite.

The geographical dead center of North America and the beloved birthplace of Guy Maddin, Winnipeg, is the frosty and mysterious star of Maddin’s film. Fact, fantasy and memory are woven seamlessly together in this work, conjuring a city as delightful as it is fearsome.

In Stip, a small town in Macedonia, every January the local priest throws a wooden cross into the river and hundreds of men dive after it. Good fortune and prosperity are guaranteed to the man who retrieves it. This time, Petrunya dives into the water on a whim and manages to grab the cross before the others. Her competitors are furious - how dare a woman take part in their ritual? All hell breaks loose, but Petrunya holds her ground. She won her cross and will not give it up.

An ever evolving alien life-form arrives on a comet from the Dark Gaseous Nebula and proceeds to consume pollution. Spewing mists of sulfuric acid and corrosive sludge, neither humanity nor Godzilla may be able to defeat this toxic menace.

Sosa is a lawyer who haunts hospital waiting rooms hoping to represent the victims of traffic accidents in insurance claims. When he falls in love with ambulance medic Luján, he tries to leave this dark business but the shady law firm that he works for won’t let him off that easily.

V Baskicku v roce 1609 se několik žen obviněných z čarodějnictví snaží oddálit svoji popravu, a tak nalákají inkvizitora na oslavu sabatu.

Paulino and Carmela are husband and wife, troubadours touring the countryside during the Spanish Civil War. They are Republicans, and with their mute assistant, Gustavete, they journey into rebel territory by mistake. They are arrested, fear a firing squad, and receive a reprieve from an Italian Fascist commander who loves the theatre. He arranges a performance for his troops, bargaining with Paulino to stage a burlesque of the republic in exchange for the actors' freedom. Will the fiery and patriotic Carmela consent?

Mariana and Domenico are on the run from her jealous boyfriend who just happens to be an over-jealous professional football player.

Sheila Woolchapelová zabloudí ve snaze zlepšit si den do lehce podivného butiku. Čeká ji schůzka naslepo a nové šaty by snad mohly prolomit smolnou řadu nepoužitelných nápadníků. Červené šaty, které jí sugestivně nabídne prodavačka slečna Luckmoorová, jsou možná trochu odvážné, ale tak krásné! Bohužel jsou také prokleté. Čeho všeho jsou schopné? Přinesou Sheile štěstí, nebo záhubu? To ví snad jen personál obchodu, kde po nocích probíhají vzrušující okultní rituály, ale věřte, že předpírka nepomůže…

V městečku Snowfield v Coloradu se pohřešuje 700 lidí. Jediní, kdo ve městě zbyli, jsou dvě sestry, šerif, jeho zástupce a profesor specializující se na starodávné epidemie. Právě on zjistí, že je planeta ohrožena fantomem po staletí ukrytým v nitru Země, jehož cílem je vyhladit lidstvo a veškerý život. A je nyní na pěti lidech, aby se postavili na odpor vražednému teroru a zachránili tak Zemi pro příští generace.

Top Nazi officials, intent on rooting out traitors and those in the military who may be plotting to overthrow Adolf Hitler, recruit and train a group of beautiful prostitutes whose mission is to use any means necessary to uncover plots against the Fuhrer.

Antologie hororových příběhů, které se zaměřují na duchařské hororové povídky. Podíváme se do opuštěné vesnice, na kterou útočí podivná monstra, zjistíme, že mrtví nikdy opravdu nikam neodcházejí a mnohem víc. Pokud máte i tak odvahu vstoupit, tak směle do toho.

Diego's job is counting people as they enter a large government building. After work, he and his wife Blanca lie on the couch...