Japanese rock band Ziggy comes to London and gets attacked upon arrival at the hotel after a recording session. The musicians barely escape the attack; however, soon they learn that their producer has been murdered, and they are the suspects! Chased by police and some mysterious organization, they find shelter at a local rockers' place and even give a performance there; but it is not too long before their pursuers appear again.


  歌舞伎艺人岚驹十郎(中村雁治郎 饰)率领他的剧团来到志摩半岛的小镇,早年间他曾来此演出,并和当地的女子阿芳(杉村春子 饰)结合生下一子。多年来,他无论身在何处都不忘接济阿芳母子,虽然欣喜儿子阿清(川口浩 饰)的成长,却不愿让他知道这层父子关系,只以叔叔的身份陪伴在他的左右。   剧团长时间驻留小镇,生意也从最初的火爆变得萧条。纵然人心惶惶,驹十郎却仍不愿带团离开。驹十郎在剧团的情人寿美子(京町子 饰)某天终于得知隐情,且恨且妒的她怂恿年轻女演员加代(若尾文子 饰)去勾引阿清,谁知两人却一见钟情……

某日,一群使用风遁之术的空忍空袭火之国,无数民众和忍者遇害,形势危急。 据纲手大人所言,这群不速之客正是在第二次忍者大战中落败的空之团,如今他们怀着复仇之心再次出现。卡卡西等人则负责侦查空之团的老巢,鸣人、小樱、雏田受命组成三人医疗小队,协助名医神农前往其徒弟雨琉的家乡医治伤者。另一方面,病入膏肓的大蛇丸得知神农的再生之术业已完成,他命佐助前去寻找神农。这也促成佐助和昔日伙伴宿命的重逢

Payton becomes the caretaker of Gregory Devereaux, a wealthy man facing his final months. As they become close, Gregory's past sins force Payton to decide between his dreams and a pregnancy that could squander them all.

曾以《坏小子,安啦!》代表意大利角逐奥斯卡的影坛新星乔纳斯卡皮那诺,赢得戛纳影展导演双周大奖的新作《致琪亚拉》,延续前作由同一家族素人演员参与演出的特色,描述情感紧密的温馨家庭,妹妹在姊姊的生日派对上目睹一场汽车爆炸案,父亲从此音讯全无,妹妹决定调查事件真相,却揭开大人 们急欲隐藏的秘密。演员将台下真实的家庭情谊搬演至银幕前,既真切自然又浓烈。写实影像中交错的晃动与失衡,也映照着青春的躁动不安。

A young alcoholic ambient musician locks himself in his apartment on a dangerous seven day bender as he attempts to finish his upcoming album.

小时候,敏珠和徐妍互相关心,比兄妹关系更亲密。然而,她无意中得知了徐妍的导师吴铉,因为这个男人,他们10年的友谊开始动摇。同时,正洙看到闵珠这样的样子很伤心,所以他和闵珠保持距离。因为敏珠和秀妍的误会,不太在意的郑洙可能会离开,所以敏珠在秀妍的帮助下试图分手。在分手的过程中,敏珠和徐妍又回到了亲密的关系。 因为男人而分居的女人的爱情,和两个男人的友情是滑稽地画出来的。

In a close-knit community, imagine a teenager’s struggle with asexuality, where faith clashes with personal discovery.

Tells about Adin with his father and mother who are waiting for the announcement for Adin to go to the next level of education. Although enthusiastic, the worries of Mr and Mrs were mixed with the prayers and hopes that were held for Adin in the future.

1972年的越南战争,韩国亦卷入其中。崔泰宇(甘宇成 饰)中尉所在的部队在一场战争中全部被歼,仅剩崔泰宇一人生还。崔泰宇常常被噩梦折磨而醒,为摆脱心魔,他主动要求归队,但迟迟得不到批准。

  “B级片之王”罗杰·科尔曼(Roger Corman)改编自爱伦坡(Edgar Allan Poe)多个短篇故事的经典恐怖片。



When vigilante land baron David Braxton hangs one of the best friends of cattle rustler Tom Logan, Logan's gang decides to get even by purchasing a small farm next to Braxton's ranch. From there the rustlers begin stealing horses, using the farm as a front for their operation. Determined to stop the thefts at any cost, Braxton retains the services of eccentric sharpshooter Robert E. Lee Clayton, who begins ruthlessly taking down Logan's gang.

Emilia arrives at her Aunt Inés' hostel located on the Argentina-Brazil border, looking for her missing brother. In this lush jungle a dangerous beast which takes the form of different animals seems to be roaming around.



  一名女警察被枪杀,并被错误地指控在人质拯救企图中过度使用武力。 疯狂警察再次从死人返回,寻求报复,摧毁一切,任何人站在他的方式。

The young girl Olga Vasilyeva grew up in an orphanage. She never knew her mother and wants to find her. The only trace she has is a preserved letter from her mother from her personal file, which she managed to get from the administration of the orphanage. For a short vacation at her factory school, she travels from Sverdlovsk to Moscow following the unreliable traces of this letter. Yelena Alekseyevna — the woman she finds when she arrives at the address turns out to be a teacher in a ballet school, the wife of an ordinary senior teacher at the Moscow Technical Institute (who didn't defend his dissertation and is complacent about this) and an old-Moscow intellectual. She kindly meets her, but she is not the person Olga is looking for, she only has the same last name and first name and consonant middle name. She is kind and hospitable, ready to help the girl find her real mother and offers Olga to visit her house during a short stay in Moscow.