A musical romantic movie exploring the journey that ensues when the blue blooded boy Inder, "Who wanted to love no one" crosses paths with Saru, "Whom no one wanted to love". All their lives they were waiting to meet, but they just didn't know it . A musical tale of love , longing and loss. Sanam Teri Kasam - A Love story sealed with a Curse.

Ali svajoja apie skyrybas su savo keturių vaikų motina Soraja, kadangi be galo trokšta vesti turtingo vyro keturiolikmetę dukterį. Soraja, bijodama likti gatvėje be pajamų šaltinio, griežtai atsisako skirtis, tad Ali nelieka nieko kito kaip bandyti pašalinti žmoną iš savo gyvenimo. Sugalvojęs žmoną apkaltinti neištikimybe, už ką Irane moterys užmėtomos akmenimis, vyras randa niekšingų bendraminčių ir užtarėjų, tad nekalta ir geraširdė moteris apkaltinama baisiausiu nusikaltimu, o štai čia įsigalioja Šariato teisė, kelianti šiurpą daugeliui ne islamą išpažįstančių žmonių.

Madhukar and Parthavi fall head over heels in love with each other, but the fact that they belong to different castes of society, becomes an obstacle in their romance. The lovers dare to go against societal norms and battle all odds for the sake of love.

An account of karate competitor Choi Yeung-Eui who went to Japan after World War II to become a fighter pilot but found a very different path instead. He changed his name to Masutatsu Oyama and went across the country, defeating martial artists one after another. This film concentrates on the period when he is still young, and developing his famous karate style, Kyokushin.

Three unsuspecting, average guys find themselves on the hit list of one of India's most-powerful crime syndicates.

The Gallipoli campaign of World War I was so controversial & devastating, it changed the face of battle forever. Using diaries, letters, photographs and memoirs, acclaimed director, Tolga Ornek, traces the personal journeys of Australian, New Zealand, British and Turkish soldiers, from innocence and patriotism to hardship and heartbreak.

Journalist Amar falls for a mysterious woman on an assignment, but she does not reciprocate his feelings. However, when Amar is about to get married, the woman shows up at his doorstep asking for help.

Arun is a reclusive and lonely modern art painter. Shai is an American banker who is on a visit to Mumbai. Munna is a washerboy also living near Arun and Yasmin. The movie is about these four characters from different class of society and how the lives of four characters are intertwined.

When mistaken to be a sage by some villagers, an ex-tour guide reflects on his past and lost love to search for spiritual wisdom to guide the villagers.

After being accused of murder and awaiting his death penalty, Kishen Mohan Girhotra is compelled by NGO worker Gayatri Kashyap to form a musical band of prisoners to compete at band competition held at the dreaded jail of ‘Lucknow Central’. Kishen befriends and convinces a talented bunch of criminals to form a band that provides them with a purpose and a new lease of life.

Morisas yra pingvinas. Tiksliau, pingvinas tik iš išorės. Širdyje Morisas yra tikras tigras. Išaugintas mamos tigrės ir išmokęs visų kung-fu gudrybių, Morisas vadovauja bebaimiam „Džiunglių būriui“, gelbstinčiam tuomet, kai niekas kitas padėti nebegali. Saugančiam džiungles nuo pavojų ir piktavalių, kurių aplink niekad nepritrūksta. Jo būriui dar priklauso geraširdė gorila Migelis, gyvenantis iš esmės dėl vienintelio tikslo – bananų, būrio „smegenys“, surūgėlis ilgakulnis (kitaip – tarsyras) Gilbertas ir Moriso įsūnytas Jaunėlis – irgi kung-fu mokanti auksinė žuvelė.

Pancho, a womanizing taxi driver who, despite being married, does not know how he will manage to remarry and not miss out on the opportunity to have a life he always dreamed of.

Bunty and Babli are two young people who randomly meet each other after running away from their homes to chase their dream. After facing hurdles in their path they decide to take up conning and soon become the best con artists in the country. However, their success is threatened as a relentless cop is on their trail.

Kishanlal marries the beautiful Lachchi, but the day after the wedding, he leaves on business for five years. When Kishanlal reappears only a few days later, Lachchi is delighted, but this new Kishanlal is in fact a spirit who has taken the form of Lachchi's husband, after having seen her by chance and fallen in love with her. Four years later, the real Kishanlal returns and the townsfolk must determine who is who.

A gang of bikers headed by the cool-headed and arrogant Kabir is on a robbing spree in Mumbai. ACP Jai Dixit is put in charge of the case and he recruits a bumbling bike mechanic and racer to help Jai nab them.

Banku, his mother, Anjali Sharma and father move in to their new house -- the Nath villa, unaware of the fact that the house is inhabited by a ghost. It is learnt the ghost is not too happy with his new housemates. But what the ghost is not prepared for is his unlikely friendship with Banku. Now Banku must uncover the reason why his ghostly friend is stuck and help him to attain salvation.

Jane Goodale has everything going for her. She's a producer on a popular daytime talk show, and is in a hot romance with the show's dashing executive producer Ray. But when the relationship goes terribly awry, Jane begins an extensive study of the male animal, including her womanizing roommate Eddie. Jane puts her studies and romantic misadventure to use as a pseudonymous sex columnist -- and becomes a sensation.

An artist wishes to marry her childhood sweetheart and settle into family life. However, her boyfriend, who is a genius mathematician is afraid of commitment and breaks up with her just ahead of their wedding. What will the future hold in store for them?

When a cop's partner is killed in the line of duty, he assumed guardianship of his orphaned children while investigating the murder.

Nikhil is a simple young man . He loves his hometown Samarpur , football matches , and the college his grandfather passed down to him as a legacy ...