"Let's Get Loud" was Jennifer Lopez's NBC Special, which premiered on November 20, 2002 and was recorded over 2 nights in Puerto Rico in the fall of 2001. It was Jennifer's first-ever headlining concert appearance, showing off her talents as a vocalist and dancer. The performance features a variety of Spanish and English songs, including: "Love Don't Cost A Thing", "If You Had My Love", "I'm Real", "Plenarriqueña", and many more.

Amikor rejtélyeket kell megoldani, Scooby-Doo mindig felbukkan a profi csapatával, a Rejtély RT. tagjaival. Amikor viszont a sportnak van itt az ideje, már kevésbé lelkes a népszerű csapat. A társaság nyaralni megy, és nem kis meglepetésre Scooby-Doo, Csámpi, Fred, Daphne és Vilma elhatározzák, hogy focizni fognak. Egy rejtélyes, mítikus rémalak felbukkanása azonban hamarosan véget vet a szórakozásuknak. Feltéve, ha Scooby-Doo hozzásegíti csapatát a győzelemhez. De vajon készen áll erre a derék eb?

An extraordinary group of artists and musicians, in the wake of the 1992 Los Angeles riots, creates an underground arts movement and transform a community.

Pitkin, a környék kedvenc tejesembere Nelly nevű lovával a reggelek mindennapos részévé vált. Épp ezért maga lepődik meg a legjobban, mikor hatalmas mammut tejvállalat alakul, amelynek egyetlen célja, hogy a Pitkin-féle kicsiket bekebelezze. Pitkint viszont nem olyan fából faragták, hogy harc nélkül feladja.

Perry Mason defends the husband of a famous rock singer who was found being killed after having had a tremendous discussion with her husband and her manager.

Balachandran had resorted to his work after he is unable to cope up with the death of his wife, Bhama. During the process, he neglects his only son, Appu. When Appu returns home for his school vacation, Balachandran promises to take him on a lot of trips, but is unable to do any as he is caught up with work. Pappayude Swantham Appoos movie is all about the bonds between the father and his son.

A group of mismatched friends spend a weekend together in Maine.

In a small community near Gothenburg three members of a family priest brutally murdered. The walls are covered with up-and-inverted pentagram - the symbol of the devil's face - painted there by the victims blod.Kriminalinspektör Irene Huss drag quickly parallels to a previous case in which a priest was murdered. Even in that case there were satanic connections. But the deeper Irene Huss digs in case the more convinced she becomes that the clergy are not always as pious as they should be

Was Jesus a historical person? We'll trace and compare existing evidence to modern mythology.

Russell ruminates on the state of the world and reflects how life has changed since he became a father.

Searching for his brother, Ryota stows away on a boat belonging to a criminal alongside two other teenagers. The group shipwrecks on Letchi island and discover the Infant Island natives have been enslaved by a terrorist organization controlling a crustacean monster. Finding a sleeping Godzilla, they decide to awaken him to defeat the terrorists and liberate the natives.

An aerial performer and her young adult son grapple with her understanding of his transition via letters and physical performance.

Shiva, an engineering graduate, is not serious about his job or future even when his friends advise him about life. He falls in love with a girl he saw at a bus stop and finally gets to ride with her in a car.

Ruth Butler, a clerk in an emporium, marries Jimmy Rutledge and thereby greatly displeases his mother, the owner of the emporium, because of Ruth's lowly origins. Renaud Graham, one of Mrs. Rutledge's friends, becomes interested in Ruth, forces his way into her apartment, and attempts to make violent love to her. Jimmy walks in on their embrace and, suspecting the worst, leaves Ruth. In the family way, Ruth finds refuge in a boardinghouse where she meets Al Bryant, an aspiring writer. Ruth tells Al her life story, and he makes it into a bestselling novel and then into a play. Jimmy sees the play and comes to his senses, winning Ruth's forgiveness.

Miután a bornsville-i sheriffet arról tájékoztatják, hogy valaki ellopta Pamela Rose koporsóját, Douglas Riper, FBI ügynök lehetőséget kap arra, hogy újra felvegye volt partnerével, Richard Bullit-tal a kapcsolatot, akivel egy évekkel ezelőtti szerencsétlen incidens során rúgta össze a port egy nő és egy oldtimer Renault Fuego miatt. A két öreg sztárügynök, akik inkább hulló csillagnak számítanak manapság, újra összefognak, hogy felderítsék a halottgyalázási ügyet anélkül, hogy rájönnének, valójában egyenesen az egyik haragosuk csapdájába rohannak.

A girl from the slums of Athens becomes a famous singer while falling in love with her songwriter.

A new reality show invites five brave souls to spend the night at Camp Blood, where over a dozen people were murdered by the infamous "Clown" years ago. Whoever remains at the end of twenty-four hours will split a million dollars. To drive away the contestants, the producers have rigged several "scares" as well as hiring a stuntman dressed as The Clown. But as night falls, screams of terror fill the desolate woods as a real blood thirsty killer begins cutting down the competition, one by one. Is the legendary Clown back, or is one of the group willing to kill for the prize?