Ühe rituaalmõrvari jaht on kahe detektiivi jaoks nende senise karjääri raskeim katsumus. Vähe sellest, et brutaalne, kuid kaval mõrvar, kes oma ohvreid seitsme surmapatu järgi välja valib, neist alati paar sammu ees jõuab olla; lisaks sellele hakkab juhtum hävitavalt ka nende endi eraelu mõjutama.

Lõbus, häiriv ja üllatav kohtumine äärelinna Ameerikas läbi keskklassi ülemise paari Lesteri ja Carolyni, kelle abielu ja kelle elu aeglaselt lahti hargnevad. Carolyn vihkab oma meest, tütar põlgab teda ja ülemus kavatseb ta vallandada. Nii otsustab Lester oma elus mõnda asja muuta; vabamaks saades muutub ta õnnelikumaks, mis teeb tema naise ja tütre vihasemaks.

In the pre-Civil War United States, Solomon Northup, a free black man from upstate New York, is abducted and sold into slavery. Facing cruelty as well as unexpected kindnesses Solomon struggles not only to stay alive, but to retain his dignity. In the twelfth year of his unforgettable odyssey, Solomon’s chance meeting with a Canadian abolitionist will forever alter his life.

After a bloody invasion of the BOPE in the High-Security Penitentiary Bangu 1 in Rio de Janeiro to control a rebellion of interns, the Lieutenant-Colonel Roberto Nascimento and the second in command Captain André Matias are accused by the Human Right Aids member Diogo Fraga of execution of prisoners. Matias is transferred to the corrupted Military Police and Nascimento is exonerated from the BOPE by the Governor.

Charlie Simms is a student at a private preparatory school who comes from a poor family. To earn the money for his flight home to Gresham, Oregon for Christmas, Charlie takes a job over Thanksgiving looking after retired U.S. Army officer Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade, a cantankerous middle-aged man who lives with his niece and her family.

The lives of three men who were childhood friends are shattered when one of them suffers a family tragedy.

Chuck Noland on FedExi tippspetsialist, kelle erialast ja isiklikku elu valitseb kell. Täna viib töö ta Moskvasse, järgmisel nädalal juba Lõuna-Ameerikasse, kusjuures sageli saavad nii Chuck ise kui tema pruut Kelly sellest teada vaid veidi enne reisi algust. Kuid mehe elu muutub päeva pealt, kui ta elab üle lennuõnnetuse. Katastroofist ainsana eluga pääsenud Chuck satub üksikule troopikasaarele, kus tuleb järgnevad määramatud päevad-kuud-aastad hakkama saada.

When a beautiful first-grade teacher arrives at a prep school, she soon attracts the attention of an ambitious teenager named Max, who quickly falls in love with her. Max turns to the father of two of his schoolmates for advice on how to woo the teacher. However, the situation soon gets complicated when Max's new friend becomes involved with her, setting the two pals against one another in a war for her attention.

A boy named George Jung grows up in a struggling family in the 1950's. His mother nags at her husband as he is trying to make a living for the family. It is finally revealed that George's father cannot make a living and the family goes bankrupt. George does not want the same thing to happen to him, and his friend Tuna, in the 1960's, suggests that he deal marijuana. He is a big hit in California in the 1960's, yet he goes to jail, where he finds out about the wonders of cocaine. As a result, when released, he gets rich by bringing cocaine to America. However, he soon pays the price.

During a writing slump, playwright J.M. Barrie meets a widow and her four children, all young boys—who soon become an important part of Barrie’s life and the inspiration that lead him to create his masterpiece. Peter Pan.

Biograafia mitmetahulisest Howard Hughesist, kes pärandas oma isa ettevõttelt raha, et kolida Hollywoodi, kus ta kogus suure varanduse. Ta oli 1930ndatel ja 40ndatel Ameerika kino üks silmapaistvamaid produtsente, alustades karjääri nagu Jean Harlow ja temast sai RKO Radio Pictures omanik. Hughes oli lisaks produtsendile aga ka tunnustatud tööstur ja ärimees, kellel oli ka oma tähtsus lennunduse maailmas.

Six months after the events depicted in The Matrix, Neo has proved to be a good omen for the free humans, as more and more humans are being freed from the matrix and brought to Zion, the one and only stronghold of the Resistance. Neo himself has discovered his superpowers including super speed, ability to see the codes of the things inside the matrix and a certain degree of pre-cognition. But a nasty piece of news hits the human resistance: 250,000 machine sentinels are digging to Zion and would reach them in 72 hours. As Zion prepares for the ultimate war, Neo, Morpheus and Trinity are advised by the Oracle to find the Keymaker who would help them reach the Source. Meanwhile Neo's recurrent dreams depicting Trinity's death have got him worried and as if it was not enough, Agent Smith has somehow escaped deletion, has become more powerful than before and has fixed Neo as his next target.

Aziz and Lemi must recover a diamond gifted by the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire to the U.S. President which has been stolen by bandits in the American wild west.

Pärast seda kui Dom (Vin Diesel) ja Brian (Paul Walker) eelmises osas Rio operatsiooniga kurikaelte impeeriumi kukutasid ja oma tiimile 100 miljonit taala teenisid, on pande mööda maailma laiali valgunud. Olukord, kus nad end pidevalt varjama peavad ega saa koju tagasi pöörduda, pole neid aga just kuigi õnnelikuks teinud. Samal ajal on Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) läbi 12 riigi tapvalt osavate maantee-palgasõdurite organisatsiooni taga ajanud. Selgub muide, et jahitavate juhi (Luke Evans) parem käsi on Domi endine armastus ja seni teadaolevalt teises ilmas olnud Letty (Michelle Rodriguez). Ainus viis kriminaalid peatada on nad tänavail alistada ja seda muidugi neljal suitseval rattal. Hobbs teeb Domile ettepaneku eliit-tiim Londoni lahinguks taas kokku kutsuda, pakkudes vastutasuks kogu kambale armu andmist, nii et need saaksid kodudesse perede juurde naasta.

Archetypal buddy cops Riggs and Murtaugh are back for another round of high-stakes action, this time setting their collective sights on bringing down a former Los Angeles police lieutenant turned black market weapons dealer. Lorna Cole joins as the beautiful yet hardnosed internal affairs sergeant who catches Riggs's eye.

Et ebaseaduslike tänavavõidusõitude korraldamise tõttu vältida vangi minekut, suundub Sean Boswell (Lucas Black) elama isa juurde Tokyosse. Seal, Street Race-i sünnimaal, on sõidud aga tunduvalt rajumad ning Sean ei taha sellest kuidagi ilma jääda. Kogemata astub ta võitlusesse kohaliku Driftingu kuningaga ning kaotab. Et tekkinud suurt võlga tasuda, peab Sean nüüd sukelduma sügavalt sealsesse kuritegelikku maailma.

A student's premonition of a deadly rollercoaster ride saves her life and a lucky few, but not from death itself – which seeks out those who escaped their fate.

After a young, middle-class couple moves into what seems like a typical suburban house, they become increasingly disturbed by a presence that may or may not be demonic but is certainly the most active in the middle of the night.

An idyllic summer turns into a nightmare of unspeakable terror for yet another group of naïve counselors. Ignoring Camp Crystal Lake's bloody legacy, one by one they fall victim to the maniacal Jason, who stalks them at every turn...

Shelley is living a carefree life until a rival gets her tossed out of the Playboy Mansion. With nowhere to go, fate delivers her to the sorority girls from Zeta Alpha Zeta. Unless they can sign a new pledge class, the seven socially clueless women will lose their house to the scheming girls of Phi Iota Mu. In order to accomplish their goal, they need Shelley to teach them the ways of makeup and men; at the same time, Shelley needs some of what the Zetas have - a sense of individuality. The combination leads all the girls to learn how to stop pretending and start being themselves.