Returning wounded from the war Maksym was overcome by self-doubt, in his physiological state. He is undergoing rehabilitation. He loses contact with his wife. He is tormented by dreams. In one of his dreams Maksym goes to the island to catch a lot of fish, as the paramedic advised him. Maksym takes a boat, net, dynamite from the best man and sails to the island.

A college student deals with being stuck in quarantine by experiencing the five stages of grief.

A young girl's overnight stay at a rural daycare takes a dark turn when she discovers she's not the only guest.

Volavka 3 je paralelou všech třech částí a vede k tzv. poslednímu zúčtování. Po smrti Yana je Ming přeložen na místo obyčejného policejního úředníka. Vzápětí přichází do policejního sboru Yeung, kterého Ming zná a delší dobu ho již sleduje. I přes své převelení začne soukromě sledovat Yeunga. K tomuto tajemnému muži postupně začnou vést všechny cesty z podsvětí, špinavých obchodů a vražd.

A group of friends meet after some years apart and decide to go on a treasure hunt.

Bolek a Lolek se jednoho dne vypraví na Divoký západ, aby zažili pořádné dobrodružství a poznali ty nejlepší pistolníky. A jak se zdá, dostanou se přímo do centra dění, když jejich vlak přepadne obávaný bandita Jimmy Pif-Paf. Zloduchovi se podaří během chvilky svázat ochranku poštovního vagonu, uloupit pěkně kulatou sumu a zmizet v prérii. Avšak Bolek s Lolkem se rychle vzpamatují z nepříjemného překvapení, osvobodí svázané muže a spolu s nimi se pak vydávají po stopě nebezpečného bandity. Toho naštěstí zajme šerif z nedalekého městečka, ale zločinci se podaří uniknout z vězení, vyloupit místní banku a prchnout do Skalistých hor. Bolek s Lolkem ho pronásledují až sem, avšak záhy zjistí, že nejsou sami. Jimmovi přijíždí na pomoc i vyhlášený pistolník Johnny...

The untold and ultimately inspiring story of legendary singer, Teddy Pendergrass, the man poised to be the biggest R&B artist of all time until the tragic accident that changed his life forever at the age of only 31.

The Stooges run a pet hospital and are the proud surgeons of Garçon, a prized girl poodle of socialite Mrs. Bedford . When two men posing as reporters kidnap the poodle, the boys frantically try track them down.

Taki joins the UFO Research Laboratory (URL) trying to find his wife and children kidnapped by the aliens.

After studying abroad, Mercedes returns to Colombia to work on the next film by her father, the famous Víctor Gaviria. Fluctuating between admiration and reproach, Mercedes constructs a private diary that goes beyond familial conflicts to question the place of women in the film world, which is still strongly ingrained with a patriarchal mindset.

Wartime, 1942. Singapore. An Australian fighter pilot shot down in combat awakens suspended in the treetops. As night devours day, he must navigate through dangerous jungle in search of sanctuary.

Aby zachránil svého mladšího bratra z rukou nebezpečných narkomanů z medellínského kartelu, má Reda jednoduchý a zároveň naprosto šílený plán: sestavit tým a provést nájezd na Kolumbii. Toto dobrodružství se mu však zcela vymkne z rukou, když se rozhodne unést syna vůdce kartelu, aby ho vyměnil za bratrův život.

Antonio and Beba are a pair of panda bears besieged by the classic obstacles of a young couple. Their life together is defined by routine, until one day they are forced to live with their favorite singer.

A collection of short parodies of the Mobile Suit Gundam saga. Episode 1 pokes fun at key events that occurred during the One Year War. In episode 2, Amuro, Kamille and Judau fight over who runs the better pension when Char comes in to crash their party. Episode 3 is the SD Olympics, an array of athletic events pitting man with mobile suit.

Jiab and Wan, a young couple looking forward to their impending marriage. All that changes, however, when Wan is struck by a car and is brought to the hospital near death. When Jiab goes to a temple to pray, a mysterious monk tells him that in her past life, Wan murdered five people, and now is fated to die early in this life.

Farid is an elusive individual renowned for his absence rather than his presence. He gained fame through the alias "Mr. Ex," as he became sought after by men to assist in their marital separations. However, the situation takes an unexpected twist when Farid's former love, Tiba Al-Akkad, reemerges onto the scene.

A young female journalist suddenly finds out that who she believed was her father is not that at all. Her real father is the well-known politician and union boss, who 28 years ago betrayed both her and her mother.

Originally created for the 95th anniversary of DeMille's epic 1924 film, this special edition features a new rousing soundtrack, new color and sound effects and for the first time has been re-rendered with a smooth frame rate for fluidity of movement.