Interviews with the cast, creators, journalists and celebrity fans, plus behind-the-scenes footage from season six.

A documentary following the five-year, herculean effort to reinvent one of the greatest stories in gaming, God of War. Facing an unknown future, Santa Monica Studio took a massive risk, fundamentally changing their beloved franchise and re-establishing their rightful place in video game history. Witness the incredible defeats, the unpredictable outcomes and the down-to-the-wire tension on full display in this true-life redemption story.

Bernadette, alebo Benni, ako sa radšej necháva prezývať, je dievča s tvárou anjela, no plné nespútanej energie. Je ‘narušiteľom systému’. Tento termín sa používa pre problémové deti, ktoré porušujú každé jedno pravidlo; deti, ktoré odmietajú prijať akýkoľvek druh štruktúry a ktoré postupne prepadnú cez trhliny detských zariadení sociálnej starostlivosti. Nezáleží na tom, kde je toto deväťročné dievča umiestnené, po krátkom čase ju odvšadiaľ vyhodia. Koniec koncov, presne o to jej ide, pretože najviac zo všetkého túži opäť žiť so svojou matkou: ženou, ktorá nie je schopná vyrovnať sa s nevypočítateľným správaním svojej dcéry.

Kathleen Madigan drops in on Detroit to deliver material derived from time spent with her Irish Catholic Midwest family, eating random pills out of her mother's purse, touring Afghanistan, and her love of John Denver and the Lunesta butterfly.

To escape the crisis in Venezuela, and his alcoholism, Roque retreats into the Amazon jungle to renovate a cabin he built during happier times. He struggles with feverish visions caused by alcohol abstinence, and his desire for redemption becomes distorted when he joins old friends to work in an illegal gold mine controlled by Colombian guerrillas. The violence required to work in the mine plunges Roque into a cycle of self-destruction that devours his interior. He will need the fortitude to get out and start anew.

Derren Brown investigates the power of social compliance by persuading an unwitting member of the public into believing that they have pushed someone to their death.

The arrogant, third most-wanted criminal in Taiwan, decides to get rid of the top two competitors and crowns himself the most-wanted criminal before dying.

Nardos, an Azmari singer from Addis Ababa, dreams of telling stories about the lives of ordinary people through her music. In her search for the stories behind her songs, she meets Gennet, a poet who lives on the streets with her children. Nardos puts the lives, visions and power of Ethiopian women at the center of her creation as we slowly immerse ourselves in a rapidly changing country.

The story of a woman who firmly believes that her newborn baby was stolen from her more than 20 years ago, while she was told that her baby died.

Ironheart, AKA Riri Williams, is having difficulty adjusting to college life as the youngest student there when the college's engineering lab is demolished by an alien and her best friend is kidnapped. Inspired by Iron Man, she develops a plan to save her friend.

A re-interpretation of Ramayana, the Thai animation film tells the story of a giant robot, Kiew, who's left wandering in a barren wasteland after a great war. Kiew meets Peuk, a puny tin robot who's lost his memory and is now stuck with his new big friend. Together they set out across the desert populated by metal scavengers, to look for Ram, the creator of all robots.

An assassin called Filthy Harry is hired by a shady figure and charged with killing the heroes. The men are framed twice for different robberies by King Kong's new girlfriend, nearly committed to a mental hospital by their devious boss, and forced to battle Filthy Harry's weaponry-laden robot while covered with time bombs.

This musical version of the tale of the boy who wouldn't grow up aired live on television on March 7, 1955. It was so popular that it was restaged the following year, and again four years later.

Selkirk, an unruly, selfish pirate, is the sailing master of the Esperanza, an English galley sailing the South Seas in search of treasures. When Captain Bullock decides to abandon him on an uninhabited island, he discovers a new outlook on the world and learns to survive alone, becoming the real Robinson Crusoe.

Nero Wolfe agrees to investigate a series of murders that seem to be tied in with a past Harvard hazing prank that went awry.

Comedian Jolyon Rubinstein is on a mission. He wants to find out why the Facebook generation is so disengaged from politics. With the general election just around the corner, according to a recent survey less than a quarter of under 25s plan to vote. Is this just apathy and ignorance? Or is something else going on? The film is packed with stunts, pranks and some pretty serious interviews in which Jolyon seeks to find the answers. On the way he takes a fire engine armed with fireproof underpants to Conservative Party HQ ('liar, liar, pants on fire'); visits UKIP HQ to use his lie-detecting test to help Nigel Farage root out members hiding a BNP past; takes a union leader a statue of Ed Miliband as Wallace to thank him for getting Ed elected Labour leader - a present from the Conservatives; and tries to raise £50k to have dinner with the PM - it's the going rate for Tory Party donors, he learns.

Skupinka ozbrojených zabijakov vtrhne do podzemnej garáže a v priebehu niekoľkých sekúnd povraždí všetkých prítomných. Medzi obeťami je i sudkyňa Veronique Pirotteová, ktorá sa na mieste mala stretnúť s informátorom v nádeji, že jej pomôže objasniť záhadnú sériu doposiaľ nevyriešených prípadov vraždiaceho gangu, ktorý terorizoval krajinu. Je možné, že sa zabijaci po tridsiatich rokoch vrátili? Belgicko-francúzsky thriller je inšpirovaný skutočnými udalosťami z osemdesiatych rokov, kedy v Belgicku vyčíňala ozbrojená skupina prezývana Brabantskí zabijaci.

Keď veteránke z misie v Afganistane unesú syna, musí konať. Dohoda spočíva v tom, že ho vykúpi peniazmi, ktoré jej otec dlhoval vodcovi gangu. Počas odovzdávania však Claire zastrelí dvoch únoscov a vydá sa do hôr, aby na vlastnú päsť zachránila svojho syna. Clair ide na dohodnuté miesto vyzdvihnúť svojho syna s peniazmi, ktoré od nej únoscovia chcú. Únoscovia však syna neunesú a nastane prestrelka. Jeden z lupičov utečie do divočiny a Clair je mu na stope. Keď sa všade naokolo hemžia hladní vlci, je čoskoro jasné, že ak chcú prežiť, musia sa obaja stratení muži v lese spojiť a nájsť cestu von. Clair sa dozvie, že jej syna zadržiava zločinec, ktorého nazývajú Otec. Adoptuje ukradnuté deti a predáva ich záujemcom. On sám je psychopat a nie je jasné, čo urobí ďalej. Clair skutočne drží svojho syna v lese a ide s ním na chatu, aby zariadila odovzdanie dieťaťa klientovi.

The chronicles of a degenerate man who loves to masturbate, and his corporate disabled friend.