As a young couple stops and rests in a small village inn, the man is abducted by Death and is sequestered behind a huge doorless, windowless wall. The woman finds a mystic entrance and is met by Death, who tells her three separate stories set in exotic locales, all involving circumstances similar to hers.

Brata Toby in Tanner v življenju nimata veliko sreče: prvi je prestal bolečo ločitev, drugi pa je zaradi različnih prekrškov že pristal za rešetkami. Ko se zdi, da bosta zaradi nezmožnosti odplačevanja posojila izgubila tudi družinsko posest, se odločita izvesti serijo bančnih ropov. Ker ju lokalna policija ne more ustaviti, se na lov za njima podata izkušena teksaška moža postave Marcus in Albert. Kljub njunemu prizadevanju brata še naprej uspešno ropata in pereta denar v igralnicah, meja med zakoni in pravico pa postaja vedno bolj zabrisana.

A teenager who's lived a sheltered life because she's allergic to everything, falls for the boy who moves in next door.

An American-born Chinese economics professor accompanies her boyfriend to Singapore for his best friend's wedding, only to get thrust into the lives of Asia's rich and famous.

So begins an entertaining road story where we witness two brothers with different cultural backgrounds, who don't even know each other, have similarities, differences and even their fights.

Skupina osupljivih čarovnikov Štirje jezdeci se po letu dni skrivanja znova predstavi javnosti. Toda poleg pretentanega agenta FBI-ja Dylana in pronicljivega Thaddeusa, ki se želita Jezdecem maščevati za njuno preteklo ponižanje, se jim tokrat po robu postavi bogati prevarant Walter. S svojim poznavanjem sodobne tehnologije Jezdecem predstavlja nerazložljive uganke, toda neustrašna četverica se pod vodstvom premetenega Atlasa pogumno sooči z velikimi izzivi. S povsem novimi nemogočimi triki zabrišejo mejo med resnico in fantazijo in ustvarijo najbolj neverjetno potegavščino vseh časov.

Novinar Eddie Brock se spremeni v Venoma, potem ko postane gostitelj zunajzemeljskega bitja. Ta simbiot ga popolnoma prevzame in mu odvzame svobodno voljo. Zdaj nekdo drug določa pravila in vsak poskus, da bi se osvobodil, je zaman. Eddie in simbiot postaneta eno – Venom, najslavnejši protijunak, za katerega ne boste vedeli, ali se ga morate bati ali upati, da vas reši.

Faithful wife Melinda, who is tired of standing by her devious husband Robert, is enraged when it becomes clear she has been betrayed. That's when she lost it, and now she cannot let it go.

A U.S Customs official uncovers a massive money laundering scheme involving Pablo Escobar.

A medieval English knight is magically transported to present day where he ends up falling for a high school science teacher.

When Nancy is surfing on a secluded beach, she finds herself on the feeding ground of a great white shark. Though she is stranded only 200 yards from shore, survival proves to be the ultimate test of wills, requiring all of Nancy's ingenuity, resourcefulness, and fortitude.

Two girls with the same name but very different personalities share an apartment in this sequel to Nana. The rising fame of Nana Osaki's band, the Black Stones, is beginning to take a toll on the best friends' relationship. Meanwhile, Nana Komatsu struggles to make sense of her love triangle with Black Stones' guitarist Nobu and rival group Trapnest's bassist Takumi.

Overeducated and underemployed, 28 year old Megan is in the throes of a quarterlife crisis. Squarely into adulthood with no career prospects, no particular motivation to think about her future and no one to relate to, Megan is comfortable lagging a few steps behind - while her friends check off milestones and celebrate their new grown-up status. When her high-school sweetheart proposes, Megan panics and- given an unexpected opportunity to escape for a week - hides out in the home of her new friend, 16-year old Annika and Annika's world-weary single dad Craig.

Lauren, a lovely 29-year-old it-girl, tries to break into the world of fashion by skimming Parisian parties. Olivia, a 28-year-old psychologist, has two obsessions: to save the confectionery of her parents, and to find her ideal husband. At the age of 26, Salma, a fiery young history teacher, still lives with her mother in the suburbs. Their roads have no reason to cross - until the day when, on the death of their biological father that they never knew, they inherit together a splendid Parisian apartment. For these three sisters who have nothing in common, cohabitation will prove to be explosive, to say the least.

Distraught, confused, and half-wild with fear, Sarah Carter emerges alone from the Appalachian cave system where she encountered unspeakable terrors. Unable to plausibly explain to the authorities what happened - or why she's covered in her friends' blood - Sarah is forced back to the subterranean depths to help locate her five missing companions.

Four women, whose kids attend the same preschool class, get together for a "fun mom dinner". When the night takes an unexpected turn, these unlikely new friends realize they have more in common than just marriage and motherhood.

An attention-craving mother nearing 50, unemployed and living with her pregnant daughter and son-in-law, suddenly finds herself with child, too...

Insulted by Rosario, a rich businessman, Jai Kishen a Matchmaker teaches him a lesson by getting his daughter married to Raju, a Coolie, who poses to be a millionaire. They sense something fishy and Raju's deceptions are discovered. In an attempt to cover it up, he cooks up a story of having a filthy rich twin. One lie leads to another and things start to go awry culminating in a comedy of errors.

After their regular babysitter cancels, the Thompson family turns to her friend, Anna to supervise their children while the parents go out to celebrate their anniversary. At first Anna seems like a dream come true to the kids, allowing them to eat extra cookies and play with things that are usually off-limits, but as her behaviour becomes increasingly odd, the kids soon find out that her intentions are dark and twisted—and she is not who she seems to be.