مع استمرار المنتقمون وحلفائهم في حماية العالم من التهديدات التي لا يمكن لأي بطل لوحده التعامل معها، ظهر خطر جديد من الظلال الكوني - ثانوس - مستبد من العار المجحف، هدفه هو جمع كل حجارة اللانهاية الستة، التي تحمل قوة لا يمكن تصورها، واستخدامها لإلحاق إرادته الملتوية على كل الواقع. لقد قادت كل الأمور التي كافحها المنتقمون حتى هذه اللحظة - لم يكن مصير الأرض ووجودها أكثر غموضاً من ذي قبل.

A personal and intimate look into Demi Lovato's life as not only a regular 25 year old, but also one of the biggest pop stars in the world.

Dilli, a convicted criminal, is out on parole to meet his daughter. However, a drug bust sets him off on a mission to save the life of police officers.

A possessed Ninja doll teams up with a teenage boy to avenge the murder of a poor child factory worker.

هل توجد اللانهائية؟ هل يمكننا تجربة اللانهائي؟ في فيلم رسوم متحركة (تم إنشاؤه بواسطة فنانين من 10 دول) ، يبحث العلماء وعلماء الرياضيات الأكثر تطورا في العالم عن اللانهائي وآثاره المؤثرة على الكون. يغوص علماء الرياضيات البارزين وفيزيائيو الجسيمات وعلماء الكونيات في اللانهاية وآثارها المؤثرة على الكون.

When the irritable monkey king visits a temple together with his master Tang Monk, he feels offended because of a trifle and thereupon accidentally destroys a magic tree growing on the sacred ground. This brings an ancient demon king back to life, who promptly kidnaps Tang Monk to take revenge for his long imprisonment. The monkey king and his followers have only three days to not only save their master but also to prevent the demon king from regaining his full powers and destroying the world…

The sinister ghost of the Queen of Spades is out for blood, her victims the students of an old boarding school shrouded in gloomy rumors. Exploring the school’s abandoned wing, the teenagers discover a mirror covered in mysterious drawings. Facing it, they playfully recite an incantation which renders their innermost desires a reality - at the expense of nothing less than their souls.

A teenage girl living with schizophrenia begins to suspect her neighbor has kidnapped a child. Her parents try desperately to help her live a normal life, without exposing their own tragic secrets, and the only person who believes her is Caleb – a boy she isn’t even sure exists.

يحاول القاتل Deathstroke إنقاذ عائلته من غضب H.I.V.E. وابن آوى القاتل.

A young and unskilled fairy godmother that ventures out on her own to prove her worth by tracking down a young girl whose request for help was ignored. What she discovers is that the girl has now become a grown woman in need of something very different than a "prince charming."

تحاول امرأة شابة تجاوز أحزانها بوفاة خطيبها من خلال إرسال رسائل رومانسية إلى رقمه القديم، ولكن تتطور الأمور حينما تصل الرسائل إلى مالك الرقم الجديد وتنشأ بينهما علاقة رومانسية.

A group of people in Los Angeles are brought together thanks to their canine friends.

Having recently found God, self-effacing young nurse Maud arrives at a plush home to care for Amanda, a hedonistic dancer left frail from a chronic illness. When a chance encounter with a former colleague throws up hints of a dark past, it becomes clear there is more to sweet Maud than meets the eye.

Júlio wanted to be the most popular person in school but ends up getting more than what he wished for.

Contact between most towns on Earth has been severed. A small ring-like area in Eastern Europe still has electricity, and maybe even life is being reported from space. What military forces find outside the ring is shocking.

يصطحب طالب جامعي يعمل سائقًا في وقت فراغه فتاتين على أمل قضاء ليلة صاخبة في نيويورك، ولكنه سرعان ما يكتشف حقيقتهما المظلمة وتعطشهما للدماء، ويصبح عليه القتال من أجل البقاء على قيد الحياة.

A driving instructor must use her other-worldly gifts to save a lonely man’s daughter from a rock star looking to use her for Satanic purposes.

Some say that to be the leader of a country is one of the loneliest jobs in the world. But being the child of a world leader can be doubly so. Constantly surrounded by security officers, restricted in movements and having almost every waking moment carefully monitored makes normalcy an impossibility. No one knows this better than young Luke Davenport, the son of U.S. President Davenport. He vents his loneliness, frustration and feelings of isolation from family and friends by being a brat to his private Secret Service agent. When the agent snaps from the strain in front of the First Lady, a new agent is assigned to Luke. He turns out to be the enormous Sam Simms, a bit of a rogue who managed to rise through the ranks by sheer determination rather than strict adherence to Secret-Service protocol. At first, Luke tries all his old tricks upon Sam. But instead of getting angry, Sam seems to actually understand.

خلال احتفالات يوم الاستقلال، تقود الظروف المحقق جيمس نايت إلى مطاردة سيارة إسعاف تهدد حياة المواطنين، ويبدأ في سلسلة من المطارادات على أمل إيقاف المجرمين.

يتعاون طارد الأرواح الشريرة الشهير مع كاهن مبتدئ في أول يوم تدريب له، وبينما يحاولان السيطرة على الجحيم على الأرض، يقع الثنائي في مواجهة مع الشر الكامن بداخلهما .