Awaiting Trial is a documentary that follows the lives of 3 people held unjustly by the Nigerian Police - some disappeared or died. It explores this unique blend of injustice and inequity that led to the global #EndSARs protests. But this story is not just about those systemic injustices; it is about the lives, families and communities that they have destroyed - and continue to destroy.

A young lady undergoes a seven days character validation by her soon to be mother-in-law. Will she pass the test?

Au cœur d’un petit parc de banlieue, un jeune garçon est sur le point de dévoiler son secret à son camarade de classe...

Balogun's most political film is a confrontation with the African wars of liberation. Based on Carcase for Hounds, Meja Mwangi's novel about the Mau-Mau uprising, it is set in an unnamed country and thus offers the vision of a pan-African struggle for freedom and against colonial oppression. The central figures in the straightforwardly and powerfully told story are the guerrilla leader Haraka and his adversary, the English colonial official Kingsley. In the end, the film becomes a homage to the freedom fighters from all over Africa: the final images show Patrice Lumumba, Steve Biko, Nelson Mandela and Amílcar Cabral, among others.

The best bell-ringer of the church Fedor Kuzmich Shtukov becomes the foreman of production at the shipyard. Communists and Komsomol members are trying to persuade Fedor to forget about the church, but in vain. Daughter Anna laughs in the face of her father - and in vain too. But when the plant desperately needed a scarce metal, Shtukov, painfully thinking about his native plant, supported the proposal of one of the workers to cast the billet from the church bell, and the vessel was ready for launch on time.

Relive the magic of Thongchai "Bird" McIntyre's captivating performance at Bangkok Youth Center in 1988

In 1988, Andrew Wight and his team went on to attempt a record cave dive in Pannikin Plains Cave on the Nullarbor Plain, where flash floods turned the expedition into a life-or-death adventure. This was captured on film by his support team, and eventually published as Nullarbor Dreaming. This short film launched his career as an international film-maker and culminated in him becoming James Cameron's right-hand man on many 3D and other film projects. Sanctum was inspired by his Nullarbor experience

Divers go to work on a wrecked ship (the battleship Maine that was blown up in Havana harbour during the Spanish-American War), surrounded by curiously disproportionate fish.

"Lunaire" raconte l'histoire de 2 frères très différents : l'un très terre à terre et son petit frère qui est lunaire. Ils vont vivre une aventure ensemble lors d'une soirée.

About Joaquín Murieta , from Valparaíso, who arrived in California in the 1850's during the Gold Rush , transforming himself into a legendary assailant and representative of the protest against the extreme exploitation conditions that characterized mining of the time.

Magdalena et Maria sont deux soeurs jumelles qui ne se connaissent pas, car elles ont été séparées à la naissance. Maria grandit dans un pensionnat de jeunes filles. Elle fugue et devient chanteuse dans les cafés et les cabarets de Marseille. Magdalena, elle, vit chez ses parents adoptifs. Adulte, elle travaille dans une galerie d'art du Marais et se passionne pour les faits divers. Anna, leur mère d'origine portugaise, émigrée à Arles, multipliait les relations amoureuses de courte durée. Enceinte, elle les a abandonnées trois mois après leur naissance. Elle ne leur a laissé qu'une seule trace d'elle: une carte postale du château de Sintra envoyée du Portugal à l'une et à l'autre...

La frontière franco-italienne au col de Montgenèvre. Le jour : le tourisme, des capitaux investis pour rentabiliser la montagne, des emplois saisonniers qui font vivre une grande partie des habitants de la région. La nuit : le destin fragile de plus de dix mille hommes, femmes, enfants, qui, en l’espace de quatre ans ont franchi la frontière au péril de leur vie, et qu’on n’a pas vus, qu’on ne voit pas, qu’on ne verra jamais.

When career criminal John - the character from Clausen's drama-comedy »Temporary Release« (2007) - is granted parole, he hastens to Jutland to visit his son who is in difficulty. John might be a dedicated father, a perfect employee, and a great line-dancer, but life isn't exactly plain sailing.

Teresa is a soap-opera actress. Meeting again an old passion brings her back apparently lost memories, leading her to question not only her love life but also her career options. In the studio, the daily work is spiced by the frenzy group of younger actors. After all, they all ask the same question: where does happiness lies?

Four young women walk home alone after a trip to town. They are all confronted with the general fear and paranoia when a woman walks home alone late at night. But not all dangers lurk in the unknown.

John Cohen, founding member of the ‘50s folk troupe the New Lost City Ramblers, started making films in order to bring together the two disciplines he was heavily active in: music and photography. The End of an Old Song brings us to North Carolina, and demonstrates the power of old English ballads sung with gusto while soused in a saloon.