Įkvėptas tikrais įvykiais ir aprėpiantis tris Vokietijos istorijos epochas, „Kūrinys be autoriaus“ pasakoja apie jauną studentą Kurtą, įsimylintį Elę. Jos tėvas, žymus gydytojas profesorius Zėbandas, nepatenkintas dukters pasirinkimu ir prisižada nutraukti jaunuolių santykius. Tačiau nė vienas jų net neįtaria, kad visus tris sieja siaubingas nusikaltimas, kurį prieš dešimtmečius padarė Zėbandas.
A decade after a tragic mistake, family man Chas Chandler and occult detective John Constantine set out to cure his daughter Trish from a mysterious supernatural coma.
In real life, Kwon Yoo is unemployed, but in the virtual game world he is the best leader. Kwon Yoo is then framed for a murder. With the help of hacker Yeo-Wool, he tries to uncover the truth behind the murder case.
Po nepavykusio bandymo atlikti sudėtingą šuolį profesionalus kaskadininkas Rojus guli kamuojamas nepakeliamo skausmo. Už dozę morfijaus, slapta atnešto iš ligoninės sandėlio, jis pažada netikėtai į jo palatą užklydusiai charizmatiškai Aleksandrijai papasakoti kvapą gniaužiančią istoriją...
A young boy makes a snowman one Christmas Eve, which comes to life at midnight and takes him on a magical adventure to the North Pole to meet Santa Claus.
Fledgling singer-songwriter Winslow Leach finds himself double-crossed by the nefarious music producer Swan, who steals both his music and the girl Winslow wants to sing it, Phoenix, for the grand opening of his new rock palace, the Paradise. After Swan has Winslow sent to prison for trespassing, Winslow endures a freak accident that leaves him disfigured and seeking revenge.
Mailsas, Džeimsas, Bilis ir Deivas - patys tikriausi keturi draugai. Pas juos - grandioziniai ateities planai, juk jie jauni ir kupini energijos. Visiems netrukus sukaks po trisdešimt, bet tik ne Džeimsui. Jis - sunkiai sergantis ir stumia savo paskutiniąsias dienas. Kad palaikytų savo draugą, vaikinai nuspredžia išvykti kelionėn prie įlankos. Draugai stengiasi į viską žvelgti pozityviai, jie paprasčiausiai linksmai leidžia laiką. Visai kaip senais gerais laikais. Tačiau kiekvienas iš jų supranta, kad šio linksmo laiko niekada daugiau nepatirs Džeimsas, nes tai galbūt paskutinė jo gyvenimo kelionė.
United Kingdom, March 24, 1954. Ten years before the decriminalization of homosexuality, journalist Peter Wildeblood and his friends Lord Montagu and Michael Pitt-Rivers are convicted and imprisoned for indecency and sodomy.
Based on the popular books, the story tells of Tony who wants a friend to add some adventure to his life. What he gets is Rudolph, a vampire kid with a good appetite. The two end up inseparable, but their fun is cut short when all the hopes of the vampire race could be gone forever in single night. With Tony's access to the daytime world, he helps them to find what they've always wanted.
An urgent phone call pulls a Yale Law student back to his Ohio hometown, where he reflects on three generations of family history and his own future.
An inside look at a West Hollywood cult formed by a charismatic teacher in the 1980s that eventually imploded.
In the midst of a marital crisis, a High Court judge must decide if she should order a life-saving blood transfusion for a teen with cancer despite his family's refusal to accept medical treatment for religious reasons.
Psichologijos profesorius Filipas Gudmanas (akt. Andy Nyman) – užkietėjęs ateistas, besivadovaujantis tik sveiku protu. Vyras juokiasi į veidą paranormaliais reiškiniais tikintiems asmenims, o aiškiaregius ir ekstrasensus laiko pigiais apsišaukėliais. Sykį jis aptinka seniai pamirštą failą, kuriame – trys paranormaliais reiškiniais įvardintos ir iki šiol neištirtos bylos. Negalėdamas įvykių paaiškinti sveiku protu, skeptiškai nusiteikęs profesorius ima jautį už ragų ir leidžiasi į kelionę, kurioje tikisi išaiškinti mįslingus nusikaltimus bei kartą ir visiems laikams įrodyti, jog paranormalūs reiškiniai tėra pramanas. Tačiau ar viską galima racionaliai paaiškinti? Kaip baigsis profesoriaus kelionė tiesiai į siaubingų istorijų šerdį? Ar vyrui pavyks įrodyti, jog paranormalūs reiškiniai tėra pramanas? O galbūt ano pasaulio būtybės turi šiurpių planų profesoriaus likimui?
In 1947, long-retired and near the end of his life, Sherlock Holmes grapples with an unreliable memory and must rely on his housekeeper's son as he revisits the still-unsolved case that led to his retirement.
A young engineer is sent to post-WWII Berlin to help the Americans in spying on the Russians. In a time and place where discretion is still a man’s best friend, he falls in love with a mysterious woman who will take him on the dark side of evil.
An ambitious Mexican-American gets mixed up with the neurotic wife of his casino boss.
Mateo and Camila, a couple that allow each other being unfaithful with a unreachable someone chosen by each.
A married couple move back to his childhood village to start a family but a surprise visit from the husband's brother ignites sibling rivalry and exposes the lies embedded in the couple's relationship.
Deadly dance tournament is carried out in the city survived after nuclear apocalypse. Energy is extracted from the loser for the city to survive. A young guy from the street is forced to take part in the tournament and falls in love with girl who volunteered to participate in the battle. Will they survive or the arena will take their lives?
Lewis Clark is a brilliant author who stumbles upon a world of Magic after the disappearance of his two young children. He begins a quest to try to stop the insidious evil that threatens to destroy both his new world and his old one.