Frank Adler samac je koji odgaja svoju živahnu mladu nećakinju Mary u obalnom gradu na Floridi. Ali Mary je briljantno čudo od djeteta, a Frankova namjera da ona vodi normalan život biva osujećena kada za sedmogodišnjakinjine matematičke vještine sazna njegova zastrašujuća majka Evelyn – bogata Bostonjanka čiji planovi za svoju unuku prijete razdvojiti Mary i Franka. Dok obiteljske napetosti i nepovezanosti rastu, stric i nećakinja nalaze potporu u Roberti, njihovoj zaštitnički nastrojenoj kućepaziteljici i najboljoj prijateljici te Marynoj učiteljici Bonnie, mladoj ženi čija se briga za svoju učenicu ubrzo razvije i u odnos s njezinim stricem.

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson find themselves in 1890s London in this holiday special.

Nakon što otkrije pohotno pismo i svjedoči seksualnom susretu mladića i svoje sestre, mlada Briony optuži ga da je počinio zločin.

Buck is a big-hearted dog whose blissful domestic life is turned upside down when he is suddenly uprooted from his California home and transplanted to the exotic wilds of the Yukon during the Gold Rush of the 1890s. As the newest rookie on a mail delivery dog sled team—and later its leader—Buck experiences the adventure of a lifetime, ultimately finding his true place in the world and becoming his own master.

Najbolje namjere često se vraćaju da vas progone. U novom nastavku Nemoguće misije, Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) i njegov tim MMF-a (Alec Baldwin, Simon Pegg, Ving Rhames) zajedno sa saveznicima (Rebecca Ferguson, Michelle Monaghan), nađu se u utrci s vremenom kada misija krene po zlu. Henry Cavill, Angela Bassett i Vanessa Kirby pridružit će se dinamičnom timu s redateljem Christopherom McQuarriejem na čelu.

In 1950s London, renowned British dressmaker Reynolds Woodcock comes across Alma, a young, strong-willed woman, who soon becomes ever present in his life as his muse and lover.

16-year old Rhiannon falls in love with a mysterious spirit named “A” that inhabits a different body every day. Feeling an unmatched connection, Rhiannon and “A” work each day to find each other, not knowing what the next day will bring.

Sitni varalica dobiva priliku zamijeniti život s burzovnim mešetarom. Kad njih dvojica otkriju da je njihova preokrenuta sreća tek okrutna šala koju su iz dosade počinila dva megabogata brata, traže osvetu.

Five years after meeting her three fathers, Sophie Sheridan prepares to open her mother’s hotel. In 1979, young Donna Sheridan meets the men who each could be Sophie’s biological father.

Prvi čovjek najvećih filmskih romansi današnjice, Ryan Gosling u glavnoj ulozi i za njega nekarakterističnom tematskom izletu, sada postaje prvi čovjek na Mjesecu. Kao svojevrsna kronika Armstrongova života i karijere, film nas uvodi u zbivanja između 1961. i 1969., razdoblje pripreme i egzekucije jedne od najopasnijih misija u povijesti putovanja u svemir. U nizu NASA-inih projekata, jedan je u svjetskoj povijesti ostavio dubok trag. Uspješnim slijetanjem na mjesec 20. srpnja 1969. godine, astronaut Neil Armstrong postao je prvi čovjek čija je noga kročila na površinu mjeseca. U toj povijesnoj šetnji pridružio mu se Buzz Aldrin, dok je njihov kolega Michael Collins za to vrijeme orbitirao oko mjeseca u komandom brodu.

In 1950s Australia, beautiful, talented dressmaker Tilly returns to her tiny hometown to right wrongs from her past. As she tries to reconcile with her mother, she starts to fall in love while transforming the fashion of the town.

A woman learns about the death of her Orthodox Jewish father, a rabbi. She returns home and has romantic feelings rekindled for her best childhood friend, who is now married to her cousin.

Hayley’s a smart, charming teenage girl. Jeff’s a handsome, smooth fashion photographer. An Internet chat, a coffee shop meet-up, an impromptu fashion shoot back at Jeff’s place. Jeff thinks it’s his lucky night. He’s in for a surprise.

Animacija za sve uzraste, o mladom jetiju koji pronađe nešto za što je mislio da ne postoji - čovjeka! Ono što se do sada smatralo mitom, postaje stvarnost kada jeti Migo doživi susret s čovjekom. Migovo otkriće donosi mu slavu i djevojku iz snova, ali baca svoj svijet u kaos.

In the aftermath of a family tragedy, an aspiring author is torn between love for her childhood friend and the temptation of a mysterious outsider. Trying to escape the ghosts of her past, she is swept away to a house that breathes, bleeds… and remembers.

Nove avanture Grua i njegovih malaca, izazvane su pojavom Gruovog izgubljenog brata blizanca Drua. Osim talentiranog, šarmantnog i uspješnog Drua, Gruov život zagorčava i zlikovac Balthazar Bratt, koji je kao dijete bio zvijezda, a sada je kao odrastao opsjednut likom koji je bio 80-ih godina. Balthazar će biti najveći Gruov neprijatelj do sada.

When Cole stays up past his bedtime, he discovers that his hot babysitter is part of a Satanic cult that will stop at nothing to keep him quiet.

After getting a taste for blood as children, Hansel and Gretel have become the ultimate vigilantes, hell-bent on retribution. Now, unbeknownst to them, Hansel and Gretel have become the hunted, and must face an evil far greater than witches... their past.

Dvojica vodećih informatičara rade na svom tehnološkom čudu dok se radikalna anti-tehnologijska organizacija bori protiv kreiranja svijeta u kojemu računala mogu nadmašiti mogućnosti ljudskog mozga. Teško bolesni znanstvenik prebaci svoj mozak u računalo što dovede do šokantnih posljedica.

A young tech worker takes a job at a powerful Internet corporation, quickly rises up the company's ranks, and soon finds herself in a perilous situation concerning privacy, surveillance and freedom. She comes to learn that her decisions and actions will determine the future of humanity.