I was somewhere between the beggining and the end of life. After winter became spring, and summer became fall, and fall winter again. I always knew change would be constant.
Lulu is a young woman so beautiful and alluring that few can resist her siren charms. The men drawn into her web include respectable newspaper publisher Dr. Ludwig Schön, his musical producer son Alwa, circus performer Rodrigo Quast, and seedy old Schigolch. When Lulu's charms inevitably lead to tragedy, the downward spiral encompasses them all.
An unemployed showgirl poses as Hungarian royalty to infiltrate Parisian society.
After the end of WWII, a young Lithuanian woman and a young Italian man from Stromboli impulsively marry, but married life on the island is more demanding than she can accept.
Given a pardon from jail, Roy Earle gets back into the swing of things as he robs a swanky resort.
In this dense setting, the inhabitants of a large, claustrophobic apartment reveal their darkest secrets, fears, obsessions and hostilities.
Ordered by his father to sell his old, small donkey, Small One, a Hebrew boy in ancient Israel takes the donkey to the Jerusalem market. Finding no buyers there, the boy is about to give up when he meets a kind man named Joseph. Joseph buys Small One and uses him to take his pregnant wife Mary to Bethlehem.
James Stewart plays aeronautical engineer Theodore Honey, the quintessential absent-minded professor: eccentric, forgetful, but brilliant. His studies show that the aircraft being manufactured by his employer has a subtle but deadly design flaw that manifests itself only after the aircraft has flown a certain number of hours. En route to a crash site to prove his theory, Honey discovers that he is aboard a plane rapidly approaching his predicted deadline.
A group of disillusioned young Parisians look for satisfaction in political activism, religion, romance, music, and drugs.
Charlie Anderson, a farmer in Shenandoah, Virginia, finds himself and his family in the middle of the Civil War he wants nothing to do with. When his youngest boy is taken prisoner by the North, the Civil War is forced upon him.
With a serial strangler on the loose, a bookkeeper wanders around town searching for the vigilante group intent on catching the killer.
A doctor in early 19th-century Germany becomes infatuated with the sister of a man he unintentionally killed and bargains with the Devil incarnate to conjure their union in exchange for his soul.
Comisarului Rizzo, în anchetarea unui caz ce i-a fost repartizat, i se înscenează mai multe infracțiuni. Cum și în cadrul poliției există persoane implicate în săvârșirea unor fărădelegi el este nevoit, pentru a-și păstra reputația curată, să plece pe firul evenimentelor hotărât să descopere întreaga rețea și pe informatorul din cadrul poliției. Astfel comisarul va ajunge în Extremul Orient.
Povestea a doi frați, Moses și Travis, ambii vânători de recompense însă cu metode diferite de a acționa, care caută criminali scăpați de lege în Vestul Sălbatic. Aceștia nu se împacă deloc bine unul cu altul, însă cu ocazia Crăciunului ei trebuie să se obișnuiască unul cu altul întrucât vor porni împreună spre casa mamei lor, unde vor sărbători în familie. Cu această ocazie mama nu-i va scăpa din ochi o secundă, făcând tot cei stă în puteri pentru ai apropia pe aceștia. Însă necazurile sunt departe de-a se termina pentru că acolo reuniunea le va fi întreruptă de un bandit care caută să se răzbune pe cei doi frați. Se pare că situația acum îi va obliga să strângă mâna și să găsească o soluție pentru a ieși din această situație.
În secolul al XV-lea, Franța este o națiune învinsă și ruinată după Războiul de o sută de ani împotriva Angliei. Fata de paisprezece ani Ioana d'Arc pretinde că aude voci din Rai care îi cer să conducă Armata lui Dumnezeu împotriva Orleansului și îl încoronează pe Carol al VII-lea ca rege al Franței. Ioana d'Arc adună oamenii cu credința ei, formează o armată și cucerește Orleans.
Rugantino, un tânăr nepăsător, îi face curte soției unui bărbat extrem de gelos, fără să se gândească la numeroasele consecințe pe care le pot avea acțiunile sale.
Alex, a high-school boy fond of rock and punk music, falls in love with Adelaide, who shares his feelings but doesn't want to get too involved because she will soon leave for studying in America. Alex gets relief in music and his friend Martino who leads what looks to him as a more complete life.
Set in the not so distant future, in Any Town USA, sixteen-years-old Herman Howards makes a fateful decision. He enters his suburban school and kills thirty nine students, two teachers, and a police officer. Just before his arrest, he emails his idol, famous journalist Lax Morales, sending him clips of the shootings captured with Herman's own digital camera. In the clips Herman tells Lax, "I want to tell my story on your show". Lax, haunted by his own past, is now face to face with Herman.
In a night of killer comedy, Bill Burr hosts a showcase of his most raucous stand-up comic pals as they riff on everything from COVID to Michael Jackson.
When he finds out his boss is retiring to Arizona, a sailor, Ross Carpenter, has to find a way to buy the Westwind, a boat that he and his father built. He is also caught between two women: insensitive club singer Robin and sweet Laurel.