A troubled and angry 11-year-old orphan from a small Texas town, ends up at a Boy Choir school after the death of his single mother. Completely out of his element, he finds himself in a battle of wills with a demanding Choir Master who recognises a unique talent in this young boy as he pushes him to discover his creative heart and soul in music.

In the hospital where she works in Brest, France, a lung specialist discovers a direct link between suspicious deaths and state-approved medicine. She fights single-handedly for the truth to come out.

Wile E. Coyote unsuccessfully chases the Road Runner using such contrivances as a rifle, a steel plate, a dynamite stick on an extending metal pulley, a painting of a collapsed bridge (which the Coyote falls into while Road Runner passes right through), and a jet motor.

A younger sister wishes to switch places with her popular older sister and the two bickering siblings awaken to find the wish has come true.

The life of a melancholy professor is turned upside down when he discovers that a rebellious teenager he is tutoring is actually his son.

A music group and a journalist cross the region of Basilicata by foot to attend a music festival.

Kevinas - sėkmingas gydytojas, tuo pačiu laimingas vyras ir tėvas, nusprendžia kartu su visa šeima - žmona ir mažu sūneliu vykti pailsėti. Poilsiui išsirenka egzotiškuosius Karibus. Visa šeima yra tikra, kad šiose salose patirs neišdildomus įspūdžius ir nuotykius. Išvyka išties prasideda linksmai ir nerūpestingai, tačiau staiga įvykiai pasisuka nenumatyta linkme ir jau netrukus gydytojas yra priverstas vytis laiką tam, kad galėtų išgelbėti savo žmonos ir sūnaus gyvybes...

Margherita is a 14 year old living in Milano, who shares everything with her friends. They discuss clothes, music, school and that first kiss. A delightful coming-of-age film in which the here and now is all that really matters. Where every little thing is so very important and where feelings sometimes bubble over. In your teens, there’s no room for anything but friendship and love.

Embarking on a journey to fulfill her dreams as a dancer, a young girl discovers a new style of dance that will prove to be the source of both conflict and self-discovery.

After the unexpected death of their daughter, a couple work to build a state of the art children's hospital where families are welcomed into the healing process.

A squad of soldiers fight in the Korean War's crucial Battle of Incheon.

Samuele is 16 and has a passion for skateboarding. He has big dreams: going to university, move to California, and travel, but things change when he meets Alice, who could be the girl of his life.

Novelių rašytojos Hanos gyvenime – juodas periodas. Moterį paliko vyras, su ja atsisakė dirbti leidybos kompanija. Nukreipusi neigiamus išgyvenimus į kūrybą, Hana pradeda rašyti kriminalinį detektyvą, kurio naują skyrių kiekvieną savaitę pateikia skaitytojams internete. Kyla didžiulis ažiotažas, kai Hanos aprašytas nusikaltimas atkartojamas realiame gyvenime. Ar tai tik sutapimas? O gal kažkas iš tiesų siekia atkartoti tai, ką ji sukūrė savo vaizduotėje?

When an uncompromising idealist and rich, arrogant heir cross paths, their contrasting beliefs begin to shift when they fall for each other.

Two temp workers, a pensioner and an old bully discover the sport of curling by chance and, convinced of their potential, plan to compete at the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin.

When a hapless but dedicated talent manager signs his first client who actually has talent, his career finally starts to take off.

Andy Goddardo režisuotas psichologinis paslapčių trileris. Istorija nukelia žiūrovus į 7-ojo dešimtmečio Niujorką, kur įvykių epicentre atsiduria Volteris (akt. Patrickas Wilsonas) ir Klara (akt. Jessica Biel). Jis yra sėkmingas architektas, ji – klestinti prekybos agentė ir puiki namų šeimininkė. Ir nors išoriškai jų santuoka atrodo ideali, Volteris svajoja atsikratyti žmona, kuri kankina savo reikalavimais, isterijomis ir pavydo priepuoliais. Šis siaubingas jo noras pastūmėjo perdėtai domėtis neišspręsta Kimelio, vyro, įtariamo brutaliai nužudžiusio savo žmoną, byla. Todėl, kai Klara įtartinomis aplinkybėmis randama negyva, Volteris tampa pagrindiniu įtariamuoju. Ar bylą tiriantis detektyvas sugebės išaiškinti šį sudėtingą nusikaltimą?

Five searches for love unfold in interconnected stories in which fathers, daughters and male suitors try to perfect love matches based on astrology.

A man tries to cure his friend of his video-game obsession by using a virtual reality machine. When the device traps his friend in a virtual world, he goes in to help him fight for his life.