Leonard Shelby prati muškarca koji je silovao i ubio njegovu suprugu. Međutim, to mu otežava činjenica da pati od rijetkog, neizlječivog oblika kratkoročnog gubitka pamćenja. Iako se može prisjetiti detalja iz života prije nesreće, Leonard se ne može sjetiti što se dogodilo prije petnaest minuta, kamo ide ili zašto.

After a fateful encounter in the summer of 1966, the lives of two brothers from a middle-class Roman family take different directions, intersecting with some of the most significant events of postwar Italian history in the following decades.

A film projectionist longs to be a detective, and puts his meagre skills to work when he is framed by a rival for stealing his girlfriend's father's pocketwatch.

Betrayed by an informant, Philippe Gerbier finds himself trapped in a torturous Nazi prison camp. Though Gerbier escapes to rejoin the Resistance in occupied Marseilles, France, and exacts his revenge on the informant, he must continue a quiet, seemingly endless battle against the Nazis in an atmosphere of tension, paranoia and distrust.

In postwar Vienna, Austria, Holly Martins, a writer of pulp Westerns, arrives penniless as a guest of his childhood chum Harry Lime, only to learn he has died. Martins develops a conspiracy theory after learning of a "third man" present at the time of Harry's death, running into interference from British officer Major Calloway, and falling head-over-heels for Harry's grief-stricken lover, Anna.

When veteran anchorman Howard Beale is forced to retire his 25-year post because of his age, he announces to viewers that he will kill himself during his farewell broadcast. Network executives rethink their decision when his fanatical tirade results in a spike in ratings.

Film o misteriji i sumnji koji govori o Grace (Nicole Kidman), koja sama u izoliranoj viktorijanskoj kući odgaja svoju djecu u skladu sa strogim vjerskim pravilima. Djeca pate od čudne bolesti: ne mogu izravno primiti svjetlo dana. Tri nova sluge koja se pridružuju obiteljskom životu moraju naučiti jedno vitalno pravilo: kuća će uvijek biti u tami; nikada se neće otvoriti vrata osim ako su prethodna zatvorena. Strogi poredak koji je Grace do tada nametnula bit će osporavan. Grace, djeca i oni oko njih učinit će neočekivani i konačni korak.

Sam Bell ima još dva tjedna do kraja trogodišnjeg ugovora kojeg je potpisao s tvrtkom Lunar Industries. Tijekom te tri godine, Samov posao bio je skupljanje i slanje Heliuma-3 na Zemlju. Budući da nema direktnu komunikaciju sa Zemljom, osim poruka njegove vlastite žene koje s vremena na vrijeme stignu, Samov jedini prijatelj je GERTY, inteligentni kompjuter čija je funkcija brinuti se za njegove dnevne potrebe. Uz gotovo nikakav ljudski kontakt, Sam počinje vjerovati da je tri godine izolacije od ostatka civilizacije previše i uvjeren je da je počeo halucinirati. Sve što želi je vratiti se na Zemlju kako bi uživao sa svojom ženom i trogodišnjom kćerkom koja se rodila netom prije njegova odlaska na Mjesec. Međutim, dva tjedna prije isteka ugovora, Sam doživi nesreću kod jednog od strojeva koji skupljaju Helium-3, a nakon što se probudi otkriva zastrašujuću tajnu koja ga natjera da preispita svoj razum, vlastiti identitet, kompaniju u kojoj radi pa čak i kompjuter GERTY.

An impressionable teenage girl from a dead-end town and her older greaser boyfriend embark on a killing spree in the South Dakota badlands.

An epic documentary of rise and fall of Ustasha regime in Croatia.

Rouhi, a young bride-to-be, is hired as a maid for an affluent family in Tehran. Upon arriving, she is suddenly thrust into an explosive domestic conflict. The wife is convinced her husband is having an affair and enlists Rouhi as a spy, to follow her husband, and confirm her suspicions. What Rouhi discovers, however, threatens not only their marriage but her own future.

Tonny is released from prison - again. This time he has his mind set on changing his broken down life, but that is easier said than done.

A killer for the Russian Mafia in Vienna wants to retire and write a book about his passion - cooking. The mafia godfather suspects treason.

Ermus Daglek, retired Empathtek engineer, commandeers a defunct factory where he creates androids based on persons from his past and recreates a dinner party where he lost the love of his life - until they malfunction and escape.

American Matt Quigley answers Australian land baron Elliott Marston's ad for a sharpshooter to kill the dingoes on his property. But when Quigley finds out that Marston's real target is the aborigines, Quigley hits the road. Now, even American expatriate Crazy Cora can't keep Quigley safe in his cat-and-mouse game with the homicidal Marston.

Film which travels inside the singular world of one of Italy's most famous fashion designers, Valentino Garavani, documenting the colourful and dramatic closing act of his celebrated career and capturing the end of an era in global fashion. However, at the heart of the film is a love story - the unique relationship between Valentino and his business partner and companion of 50 years, Giancarlo Giammetti. Capturing intimate moments in the lives of two of Italy's richest and most famous men, the film lifts the curtain on the final act of a nearly 50-year reign at the top of the glamorous and fiercely competitive world of fashion. (Storyville)

U žandarmeriji u Saint-Tropezu vlada opsadno stanje, jer 1. srpnja označava početak ljetnih praznika i dolazak mnogobrojnih vozača. Stoga konjički dočasnik Ludovic Cruchot, njegov vjerni pomoćnik Jérôme Gerber, te kolege Berlicot, Tricard, Merlot i Fougasseom organiziraju cjelodnevne ophodnje kako bi doskočili neodgovornim vozačima. Kad čangrizavi Cruchot napokon pomisli da je stao na kraj jednom od njih, ispostavi se da je vlasnica automobila atraktivna udovica Josépha u koju se očarani žandar zaljubi do ušiju...

Jesus, who's hitting the big 3-0, brings a surprise guest to meet the family. A Christmas special so wrong it must be from comedians Porta dos Fundos.

Killjoy, the demon of vengeance, trickster god and killer clown has finally made it to Earth! Along with his gruesome crew Freakshow, Punchy and the sexy/psychotic Batty Boop, Killjoy is free to terrorize mortals in new and excruciating ways.