A biopic about the Turkish vocal artist Müslüm Gürses. Born into a poor household, Muslum found his redemption in music from the initial trauma that lingered over his musical and personal life as internalizing the grief. He rose through his ashes of shattered dreams like a phoenix. He walked in darkness, sang songs filled with sorrow which stirred people's souls and created a cult following. They were calling him "Baba" (The Father).


位年轻女子带着一个重磅消息回家了。但她不知道的是,她那个大家庭里的怪咖家人们也各自准备了自己的“惊喜”,甚至让她找不到合适时机来放下这枚“蕾丝炸弹“(lez bomb)。


《吸血鬼日记》女星卡特琳娜·格兰厄姆出演Netflix新片[圣诞日历](Christmas Calendar,暂译),导演布莱德利·沃尔什,故事围绕一个女摄影师得到一本可预测未来的日历展开。

讲述于纽约报社工作的年轻记者Amber,奉命出国采访即将继位的Prince Richard,她一心想要抢得独家报导,殊不知到了当地后,却意外成为公主的家庭教师,并且在日常观察中,渐渐发现王子并非外界所报导的那般放荡不羁,使她与王子自然产生了暧昧情愫。   但此时,Amber却也发现王室所隐藏的一段天大秘密…身为记者的她,陷入天人交战的矛盾中,在圣诞节来临前,这个故事会迎来美好结局吗?

Crystal, a rich party girl, finds a little girl's letter to Santa asking for a new mother, and she vows to win over the father and daughter before the holidays.






13 year old kind-hearted Sonja arrives at a tiny village together with a company of bandits. But there is a curse on the village. A long time ago, the King’s only daughter Goldhair disappeared while searching for the Christmas Star. The Queen died of a broken heart, leaving the shattered King all on his own. From that day on, the King cursed the Christmas Star, thereby causing darkness and grief to descend upon the land. However, an old sage has revealed that Goldhair is still alive, and will return only if the King finds the way back to the Christmas Star. Ever since, the King has been searching for the Christmas Star every Christmas, but all in vain.

Thirty-something Hillary Burns has spent her life trying to get the approval of her parents, in the shadow of her more successfully-attached siblings. So when Hillary's fiance, workaholic lawyer Jason King, dumps her because she isn't willing to relocate for his potential promotion, she panics because she had been promising to bring him home to meet her expectant family, whom she does not want to let down! As a last-minute idea, her best friend Sophie convinces her to actually hire someone to "play the role" of Jason for her return home on Thanksgiving.. leading to an interesting combination of sparks & revelations for all involved.

一位滑雪度假村的餐馆经理还未从经商失败的阴影中走出来,她的生活又要受到一位新厨师的冲击 — 他也有着一段不为人知的过去。

Wendy is finally settling in to single life after the death of her husband. She runs a successful wedding planning company with the help of her friend Roseanne. Wendy's business and values are challenged when Marco, a charming but irritating divorce attorney, opens shop right next door!

  【訂做一個我】(The Other Me)是迪士尼所推出的一部TV電影,本片是在2000年於迪士尼頻道首映。   【訂做一個我】改編自作家 Mary C. Ryan 小說《Me Two》。故事敘述 Will 因為在校成績不佳,必須使自己科學實驗報告得到好成績才能順利過關,因而決定購買兒童實驗玩具以完成報告。誰知發明兒童實驗玩具的科學家,同時也研發複製生物技術,一場意外使得實驗玩具遭到複製生物化學藥劑汙染。在 Will 使用那實驗玩具後,居然意外複製了一個自己!Will 的複製人剛到這世界,因而鬧出一些笑話,Will 為了偷懶在家,決定訓練複製人代替他去上學。複製人初生之犢不畏虎,一些意外表現竟然得到同學們的認同。就在 Will 開始發現自己從複製人身上學到生活的意義,兩人開始產生感情後,研發複製生物技術的科學家卻發現 Will 的秘密,決定把複製人抓來研究,因而展開一場追捕大戰。最後 Will 和複製人是否能逃避科學家們的追捕呢?

当准备策划表姐盛大婚礼时,凯尔西·威尔逊的世界被私人调查员康纳·麦克莱恩彻底颠覆了。由一位不愿透露身份的人雇佣的康纳打乱了即将到来的婚礼,然而还是成功地赢得了凯尔西的心。 婚礼策划师凯尔西·威尔逊即将获得大展宏图的机会:帮表姐策划一场奢华而独一无二的婚礼。一切都在顺利进行,直到一个貌似魔鬼般帅气的私人调查员康纳·麦克莱恩出现,瞬间颠覆了凯尔西的世界。由一位秘密雇主安排的康纳很快打乱了即将到来的婚礼,但在过程中赢得了凯尔西的心。

Regina (Erica Ash) and Franklin (Redaric Williams) are seemingly the perfect couple, the toast of all their friends and married on Christmas Day six years ago at the famed Chesterton Hotel. At Thanksgiving, they have a huge fight and trusts are broken -- they decide to divorce. Their divorce will be final on Christmas Day. Regina decides to move in to her best friend Trish's (Eva Marcille) suite at The Chesterton Hotel.
