An indonesian biopic movie on the controversial former Jakarta governor Ahok.

A couple's relationship hits rock bottom after 11 years – until an intriguing young woman reawakens emotions and threatens to end their marriage.

The youngest son of a Muslim family settled in Benaras gets involved in terrorist activities, leading to a bomb blast massacre. His actions have an adverse effect on the family who are left to defend themselves as people who are innocent and not anti-nationals.

A reformatory in the remote countryside houses 200 delinquents and problem children. The teachers and caretakers face much trouble. The school is often short on water, and one day, the well runs dry.

Madrid, Spain, 1975; shortly after the end of the Franco dictatorship. Six months after the mysterious death of his lover, a prestigious tailor, a married woman visits the office of the young Germán Areta, a former police officer turned private detective, to request his professional services.

През пролетта на 1980 година един тийнейджър е застрелян по улиците на Бруклин. Полицията притиска едно дете, което е станало свидетел на убийството, да свидетелства. 18-годишният Колин Уорнър е обвинен несправедливо за убийството и е осъден на доживотна присъда. Приятелят му Карл посвещава живота си, за да се пребори за свободата на Колин.

A food-loving epidemiologist Aruna has to go to the countryside to investigate the avian flu outbreak. A chef and a food critic also accompany her—this could turn out to be a food trip!

A young mother to her son, Siti has to find ways and means to care for the boy, her husband and her mother-in-law. By day, she sells snacks; by night, she works as a karaoke guide. Tainted by her nighttime employment, Siti finds her husband no longer wishes to speak to her.

Филмът се разказва за страдащ от амнезия мъж , който е изхвърлен на брега с доста сериозна и мистериозна рана на главата. Скоро след като е прибран за лечение от млада докторка , миналото му се завръща, за да го преследва…

A portrait of Berlin’s most famous bouncers – Sven Marquardt, Frank Künster and Smiley Baldwin. The three men have been part and parcel of the capital’s club scene for more than 25 years – from the days after the fall of the Berlin Wall to the present day – but aren’t yet considering calling it a day even though life makes more demands on them as they turn 50.

Six friends are captured and tortured by a murderous family after giving a ride home to a desperate stranger.

Babisa has just had a beautiful baby girl. But to be released from hospital she needs a signature from her own mum, whom she has not seen since she was a child. Silent observing glances speak volumes in this fast-paced and powerful drama about complex family relationships.

Madeline has become an integral part of a prestigious physical theater troupe. When the workshop's ambitious director pushes the teenager to weave her rich interior world and troubled history with her mother into their collective art, the lines between performance and reality begin to blur. The resulting battle between imagination and appropriation rips out of the rehearsal space and through all three women's lives.

Risa is shocked that her three best friends are ghosts. An evil spirit kidnaps Risa's sister. Risa asks Peter, Wiliam, and Janshen for help.

Уонг е екзорсист помагащ на хората, но когато работа му се появява из интернет, той привлича прекалено много внимание... не само в нашия свят, но и в отвъдното.

Близо до колониалния град Марсилия на Източния нос в Южна Африка, група бунтовно настроени младежи, кръстили себе си Петте пръста, използват яйца и прашки, за да се противопоставят на корумпираната полиция. Но когато полицаите залавят детската любов на Тау Лерато, той започва да стреля с куршуми, а не с яйца. Уплашен, че ако бъде заловен, животът му ще стане ад, Тау избягва, за да се върне 20 години по-късно в града и при приятелите си. Жестоките ченгета са заменени от безскрупулна банда, която управлява всичко, а Тау трябва да събере останалите от Петте пръста, за да се справи със ситуацията.

The reappearance of notorious criminal Paul Sanchez becomes an obsession for a young police officer who will do anything to catch him.

Childhood friends Tracy, Chloe and Alice share an apartment over the summer. They live close together, meet guys and sell their company as well as sex. With a romantic imagery and sometimes provocative theme the female debutant director Luk Yee-sum give the audience a playful story about sexuality, desire and friendship.

In a spooky small town, when a slew of pizza delivery boys are slain on the job, two daring survivors set out to catch the culprits behind the cryptic crime spree.

Kate attends her estranged sister's bachelorette party at the request of their dying father. The weekend, held at a remote cabin booked on a home sharing app, turns into a savage life-or-death struggle that pits family against family, and past against present.