INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING SHORTS: "John Henry," "Lorenzo," "The Little Matchgirl," "How To Hook Up Your Home Theater," "Tick Tock Tale," "Prep & Landing: Operation Secret Santa," "The Ballad Of Nessie," "Tangled Ever After," "Paperman," "Get A Horse!", "Feast," "Frozen Fever"

Marked by losses and mismatches, José's eccentric family seek to be happy while locked in Paraíso Perdido, a nightclub that has stopped in time, where they sing popular romantic music.

After ending his long-term relationship, Antonio is sure that he can quickly get over Sofia. But nothing is as simple as it seems. And realizing the impossibility of controlling his own feelings, he begins to boycott them, using all sorts of contemporary palliative measures to free himself from the memories of his ex: cognitive psychoanalysis, prescription drugs, Tinder, among others. Ergo, Antonio will go through several tragicomic situations.

Filmed February 23, 2018, aboard the USS Hornet, comedian Iliza Shlesinger brings an ‘elder millennial’ perspective to her audience. Recently engaged, she dives into undeniable truths about life at age 35. Looking back at the insanity of the road traveled and what’s to come, Iliza talks first apartments, a woman's inner she dragon, peacock mating calls, and her newfound urge to squeeze a chubby baby leg.

A young girl, her new friend and his dog try to find a long-lost Picasso painting in an abandoned house before a gang of burglars seize it.

When an unlikely ally enters the Bloom family's world in the form of an injured baby magpie they name Penguin, the bird’s arrival makes a profound difference in the struggling family’s life.

Individually, bank employees Sanjay and Karina don't earn enough to be able to buy a home, so they decide to enter into a marriage of convenience.

Seventeen year old, Emma joins a high school cheerleading team when she moves to Australia with her dad who is a former Air Force Officer.

It's a love story between a fashion blogger and a video game blogger. The beauty and the nerd.

The story of three young people whom the war forced to grow up early: Emma, ​​Franz and Bruno - three friends from Trieste, are very close. Their life was mercilessly affected by the First World War, which forces the children to fight for survival, as well as for their love and friendship, although each of them comes from different social strata.

Ноа изкарва перфектна първа среща с Ейвъри, момичето на мечтите му, но тя гледа на него като на много добър приятел, нищо повече. През следващите три години Ноа се чуди какво се е объркало, докато не получава шанс да се върне назад във времето и да промени онази нощ и съдбата си отново и отново.

Hardened by years in foster care, a teenage girl from Brooklyn’s Brownsville neighborhood decides that wrestling boys is the only way back to her estranged father.

In the fall of 1963, Anne is becoming a teenager. She lives in Paris with her mother and her older sister, Frédérique. They're just back from summer at the beach with their father. School starts. A turbulent year awaits them both.

An early-20th-century tale of love across class boundaries which tells the legendary and romantic story of Lady Chatterley’s affair with her gamekeeper. Jed Mercurio’s adaptation of DH Lawrence’s classic.

Пенг е безгрижен млад белоглав гъсок, предпочитащ да прави всичко друго, но не и да тренира за предстоящата миграция. Вярвайки, че е по-добър от всички останали, той прекарва времето си в щури каскади със спираща дъха скорост. При една от тях Пенг прелита твърде близо до земята, сблъсква се с ято патици и неволно отделя от него две от тях – братче и сестриче на име Чао и Чи. Тази неочаквана среща поставя началото на пътешествие, по време на което Пенг ще счупи крилото си, а за малко ще разбие и сърцето си, опознавайки силата на безусловната любов в лицето на двете патета, които на свой ред ще видят в Пенг най-добрия баща, когото биха могли да имат.

With his father MIA at war and his mother critical in hospital, a young boy consoles himself with dreams of playing in the youth soccer league. To do so, he must overcome the adult deception, the bullying and his solitude.

Long-term couple Owen and Hallie are breaking up—or maybe not?—and just as their relationship reaches a turning point, Matt and Willa embark on a romance of their own.

Lazare lives with a roommate, Jacques, his best friend. Jacques decides to organize a date for Lazare, and contact a woman, Céline, through a meeting application. The ring bells.

Британи Мърфи се развихря в този порочно забавен филм за едно наистина добро момиче, което предизвиква съдбата. Стейси Холт започва работа в магазинно ТВ предаване, и животът й се обръща с краката нагоре, когато решава да проучи лично една от темите в шоуто и да надникне в джобния компютър на приятеля си. Но Стейси е забравила едно важно правило: в света на съвременната телевизия, винаги има нещо шокиращо по време на предаване - а този път изненадата ще бъде много голяма!