Prancūzijos septintoji kuopa Antrojo pasaulinio karo metu patiria didžiulę nesėkmę, kai atsiskiria nuo kitų armijos karių. Kai juos sugauna vokiečiai, prancūzai apsimeta karininkais, kad galėtų pabėgti nuo jiems gresiančios mirties.

Zero is a brilliant scientist, but unfortunate because 20 years ago was publicly humiliated and lost in college Helena the love of his life. One day, an accidental experience with one of his inventions makes him travel in time, more precisely, to the past. After the chance to change his story, Zero returns to this totally changed.

After an accident at the hair salon, Violet realizes she's not living life to the fullest. A soulful barber helps her put the pieces back together.

A crime-drama, about the cultural aversion of a group of punk rockers in a conservative Texas town. Their ongoing battle with a rival, more-affluent clique leads to a controversial hate crime that questions the morality of American justice.

Muzikos įrašų parduotuvės savininkas Frenkas vienas augina paauglę dukrą Sem. Jis yra priverstas parduoti savo verslą, kad galėtų apmokėti Sem studijas koledže. Kartą Frenkas įkalba Sem įrašyti vieną dainą. Daina sulaukia pripažinimo, o tėvas su dukra tampa perspektyvia muzikos grupe. Prasideda meilės, muzikos ir atradimų kupina kelionė.

A mother travels to Patagonia with her autistic son with the hope that a ranger and a pod of wild orcas can help him find an emotional connection.

Two school kids strike up a friendship with an orphaned puppy named Benji. When danger befalls them and they end up kidnapped by robbers who are in over their heads, Benji and his scruffy sidekick come to the rescue.

Two young gentlemen living in 1890s England use the same pseudonym ("Ernest") on the sly, which is fine until they both fall in love with women using that name, which leads to a comedy of mistaken identities...

Rose Morgan, who still lives with her mother, is a professor of Romantic Literature who desperately longs for passion in her life. Gregory Larkin, a mathematics professor, has been burned by passionate relationships and longs for a sexless union based on friendship and respect.

Prieš Abrahamo Linkolno nužudymą sulaikomi septyni vyriškiai ir viena moteris. Jie kaltinami pasikėsinimu į prezidento, viceprezidento ir valstybės sekretoriaus gyvybes. Vienai iš sulaikytųjų, – Merei Surat, priklauso pensionas, kuriame buvo planuojami šie nusikaltimai. Merę ginti teisme apsiima jaunas advokatas Frederikas Aikenas. Jis pamažu suvokia, kad moteris ne tik nekalta, bet ir pati tapo auka.

Fashion assistant Maca has just about got her life together after a devastating breakup, when Leo, the man who broke her heart returns. Seeking support from best friends, Adriana and Jime, all three will learn love can be complicated.

After serving five years in prison, wild child Tanya looks to her buttoned-up, by-the-book sister Danica to help her get back on her feet. The feisty ex-con becomes suspicious and concerned when Danica tells her that she's in a long-distance, online relationship with a mysterious man she's never seen. As the polar opposites start to collide, Tanya soon discovers that her sibling's picture-perfect life may not be what it seems.

Burned by a bad breakup, a struggling New York City playwright makes an unlikely connection with a divorced app designer she meets on a blind date.

A thriller in which a battle of philosophies between a fundamentalist Christian and an atheist escalates into a lethal battle of wills.

A news reporter looks into who has been anonymously leaving large cash gifts on random doorsteps in New York.

Thad Beaumont is the author of a highly successful series of violent pulp thrillers written under the pseudonym of ‘George Stark’, but when he decides to ‘kill-off’ his alter-ego in a mock ceremony, it precipitates a string of sadistic murders matching those in his pulp novels, which are soon discovered to be the work of Stark himself. Looking like a maniacal version of his counterpart, Stark is not so willing to quit the writing game – even if it means coming after Thad's wife and their baby.

Gabrielle is a "statue" for tourists, much to the chagrin of her teenage son. Elsa is in angry at the world and desperate to become pregnant. Mao is a chronically depressed video game designer who drowns his melancholy in alcohol and psychoanalysis. They are brother and sisters but do not hang out. Ever. Their parents Pierre and Claudine, separated for a long time, have really done nothing to strengthen the bonds of the family - yet, at their grandfather's funeral, they are going to have to meet, and together answer the question: "What to do with grandma?"

Beautiful, funny, passionate, and calculating, Becky is the orphaned daughter of a starving English artist and a French chorus girl. She yearns for a more glamorous life than her birthright promises and resolves to conquer English society by any means possible. A mere ascension into the heights of society is simply not enough. So Becky finds a patron in the powerful Marquess of Steyne whose whims enable Becky to realise her dreams. But is the ultimate cost too high for her?

A young man awakens from a four-year coma to hear that his once virginal high-school sweetheart has since become a centerfold in one of the world's most famous men's magazines. He and his sex-crazed best friend decide to take a cross-country road trip in order to crash a party at the magazine's legendary mansion headquarters and win back the girl.

A former valedictorian quits her reporter job in New York and returns to the place she last felt happy: her childhood home in Connecticut. She gets work as a lifeguard and starts a dangerous relationship with a troubled teenager.