Koreja 30-ih godina 20. stoljeća, tijekom japanske kolonizacije. Priča prati bivšeg osuđenika koji planira prevariti bogatu Japanku kako bi se domogao njezinog nasljedstva, koristeći siromašnu djevojku kao sluškinju da bi mu pomogla u izvršenju plana. Sluškinja se brzo pretvara u složeni triler prožet erotikom, gdje se granice između obmane, strasti i osvete neprimjetno prepliću.

Kad se njezin mladi sin Minato započne čudno ponašati, njegova majka osjeća da nešto nije u redu. Otkrivši da je učitelj odgovoran za njegovo ponašanje, ona odjuri u školu zahtijevajući saznati o čemu se točno radi. Ali kako se priča raspetljava kroz oči majke, učitelja i samog djeteta, prava istina uskoro izlazi na vidjelo…

Longing for a brighter future, two Senegalese teenagers embark on a journey from West Africa to Italy. However, between their dreams and reality lies a labyrinth of checkpoints, the Sahara Desert, and the vast waters of the Mediterranean.

Hirayama is content with his life as a toilet cleaner in Tokyo. Outside of his structured routine, he cherishes music on cassette tapes, books, and taking photos of trees. Through unexpected encounters, he reflects on finding beauty in the world.

During a family gathering, a celebration for their father's 60th birthday, the eldest son presents a speech that reveals some shocking secrets.

Claudia and Anna join Anna's lover, Sandro, on a boat trip to a remote volcanic island. When Anna goes missing, a search is launched. In the meantime, Sandro and Claudia become involved in a romance despite Anna's disappearance, though the relationship suffers from guilt and tension.

Based on the long running play by Jang Jin, the story is set in Korea during the Korean War in 1950. Soldiers from both the North and South, as well as an American pilot, find themselves in a secluded and naively idealistic village, its residents unaware of the outside world, including the war.

The story of Edgardo Mortara, a young Jewish boy living in Bologna, Italy, who in 1858, after being secretly baptized, was forcibly taken from his family to be raised as a Christian. His parents’ struggle to free their son became part of a larger political battle that pitted the papacy against forces of democracy and Italian unification.

The true story of British intelligence whistleblower Katharine Gun who—prior to the 2003 Iraq invasion—leaked a top-secret NSA memo exposing a joint US-UK illegal spying operation against members of the UN Security Council. The memo proposed blackmailing member states into voting for war.

Parisian everyman Antoine Doinel has married his sweetheart Christine Darbon, and the newlyweds have set up a cozy domestic life of selling flowers and giving violin lessons while Antoine fitfully works on his long-gestating novel. As Christine becomes pregnant with the couple's first child, Antoine finds himself enraptured with a young Japanese beauty. The complications change the course of their relationship forever.

Zločesti dečki Mike Lowrey (Will Smith) i Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence) ponovno su zajedno u još jednoj ludoj vožnji u dugo očekivanom nastavku „Zločesti dečki zauvijek”. Ovaj put naši zločesti dečki jesu nešto stariji ali su jednako ludi i opaki. Iako Marcus svom dugogodišnjem partneru Mikeu najavljuje skorašnji odlazak u mirovinu, Mike ga nagovora na još jednu ludu misiju.

A philistine in the art film business, Jeremy Prokosch is a producer unhappy with the work of his director. Prokosch has hired Fritz Lang to direct an adaptation of "The Odyssey," but when it seems that the legendary filmmaker is making a picture destined to bomb at the box office, he brings in a screenwriter to energize the script. The professional intersects with the personal when a rift develops between the writer and his wife.

Živjeti u Barbielandu znači biti savršeno biće na savršenom mjestu. Osim ako nemaš potpunu egzistencijalnu krizu. Ili si Ken. Vodeće uloge imaju nominirani za Oscara Margot Robbie kao Barbie i Ryan Gosling kao Ken. Impresivnu zvjezdanu glumačku postave čine legendarna glumica i oskarovka Helen Mirren, glumice America Ferrara i Kate McKinnon, Michael Cera, Will Ferrell i Emma Mackey. U filmu se, naime, pojavljuje i glazbena zvijezda Dua Lipa koja je u ulozi Mermaid Barbie, dok je Issa Rae President Barbie te mnoge druge slavne osobe iz svijeta showbiza.

Nakon što mu otac odbije povisiti džeparac, maloljetni mladić proda svoj sat prijatelju koji mu, umjesto novca, ponudi krivotvorenu novčanicu od 500 franaka. Pomisao da bi za nju, ako je prevarom nekome uvale, mogli dobiti dosta novca, obojica odluče "usitniti" novčanicu u obližnjoj trgovini. Nakon toga, novčanica će ići iz ruke u ruku, dok na kraju ne završi kod Yvona, poštenoga mladića, koji je zbog nje optužen za krivotvorenje novca. Osim što će izgubiti posao, Yvon će završiti u zatvoru, što će ga zauvijek promijeniti kao osobu...

U adaptaciji Roalda Dahla iz kolekcije četiri kratka filma Wesa Andersona, dvojica velikih i glupih nasilnika ugnjetavaju pametnog dječačića.

Takumi and his daughter Hana live in Mizubiki Village, close to Tokyo. One day, the village inhabitants become aware of a plan to build a camping site near Takumi's house offering city residents a comfortable "escape" to nature.

Fanny and Jean have everything of an ideal couple: fulfilled in their professional life, they live in a magnificent apartment in the beautiful districts of Paris and seem to be in love as on the first day. But when Fanny crosses, by chance, Alain, a former high school friend, she is immediately capsized. They see each other again very quickly and get closer and closer.

From the biggest festival to the smallest church social, Kenny Smyth delivers porta-loos to them all. Kenny tackles every septic challenge that comes his way, culminating in a visit to the International Pumper and Cleaner Expo in Nashville Tennessee - or as Kenny affectionately calls it, "Poo HQ".

A duo of Edgar Allan Poe adaptations about a greedy wife's attempt to embezzle her dying husband's fortune, and a sleazy reporter's adoption of a strange black cat.

A cop and his sexually frustrated wife are struggling to keep their failing marriage intact, when by chance she finds that he is at heart a voyeuristic peeping tom. To satisfy him and herself, his wife has numerous affairs, which her husband watches on closed-circuit televison. However, the pair soon learn that when you play with fire, you'll always get burned.