With the help of their high school's newest teacher, four Hispanic students form a robotics club. Although they have no experience, the youths set their sights on a national robotics contest. With $800 and parts scavenged from old cars, they build a robot and compete against reigning champion MIT. Along the way, the students learn not only how to build a robot but something far more important: how to forge bonds that will last a lifetime.

Henry struggles to bond with his estranged son, Gabriel, who suffers from a brain tumor that prevents him from forming new memories. With Gabriel unable to shed the beliefs and interests that caused their physical and emotional distance, Henry must learn to embrace his son's choices and try to connect with him through music.

Pio Amato, un tânăr de 14 ani, membru al unei mici comunități de romi din orașul Gioia Tauro, din sudul Italiei, din Calabria, se grăbește să crească. Pio îl urmărește peste tot pe fratele său mai mare, Cosimo, și de la el învață cum să se grăbească și să umble pe străzile orașului natal. Într-o noapte, Pio își propune să-i demonstreze fratelui său că este la fel de bun sau mai bun decât el, dar, atunci când lucrurile merg prost, o serie de evenimente îi vor schimba pentru totdeauna felul în care vede lumea.

A mother travels to Patagonia with her autistic son with the hope that a ranger and a pod of wild orcas can help him find an emotional connection.

An examination that goes beyond the celebrity-driven headlines and dives into the methods used by Rick Singer, the man at the center of the shocking 2019 college admissions scandal, to persuade his wealthy clients to cheat an educational system already designed to benefit the privileged.

Când reportera Rachel Armstrong scrie o poveste care dezvăluie identitatea unui agent secret al Agenției de Inteligență Centrale (CIA), guvernul îi cere lui Rachel să-și dezvăluie sursa. Ea îl sfidează pe procurorul special și este aruncată în închisoare. Între timp, avocatul ei, Albert Burnside, își argumentează cazul până la Curtea Supremă a S.U.A.

Sinister things begin happening to kidnappers who are holding a young boy for ransom in a remote cabin.

Journey from the depths of the Pacific Ocean into the far reaches of space on a quest to find something that changes everything...signs of life, somewhere else in the universe. With cutting-edge imagery from the world's most powerful telescopes, The Search for Life in Space takes audiences from the surface of Mars and the icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn, to the extreme lava fields of Hawaii and thermal vents deep beneath the sea. In these harsh environments, astrobiologists look for clues to how life takes hold. As this immersive adventure into the universe reveals the possibility of planets like ours, The Search for Life in Space will make you re-examine such fundamental questions as: "Where did we come from?", "How did we get here?" and "Are we alone?"

Pornind de la cazul Laramie - în 1998, studentul de 21 de ani Matthew Shepard este ucis cu cruzime - Moises Kaufman a scris piesa și, mai apoi, scenariul filmului, în urma a 400 de ore de interviuri cu 100 de locuitori ai orașului. Povestea funcționează ca un veritabil pumn în stomac în ciuda distanței de la evenimentele reale. Filmul e structurat ca un documentar și, totuși, nu ascunde nici o clipă faptul că nu este așa ceva. Ucigașii sunt doi tineri din Laramie. Așa că orașul se luptă să înțeleagă cum a putut crește asemenea progenituri pline de ură, violente și bigote. Gradual, ancheta se îndepărtează de simplele fapte pentru a examina valorile americane în epoca modernă și relația lor cu religia, clasele sociale, economia, educația și stilul de viață alternativ.

In a dystopian future, insurance fraud investigator William Gold arrives in Shanghai to investigate a forgery ring for "papelles", futuristic passports that record people's identities and genetics. Gold falls for Maria Gonzalez, the woman in charge of the forgeries. After a passionate affair, Gold returns home, having named a coworker as the culprit. But when one of Gonzalez's customers is found dead, Gold is sent back to Shanghai to complete the investigation.

O privire asupra vieții a două adolescente - prietene inseparabile Ginger și Rosa - care au crescut în Londra anilor 1960, în timp ce criza rachetelor din Cuba se profilează și evenimentul esențial vine să redefinească relația lor.

Jane Goodale (Ashley Judd) este o tanaara new-york-eza hotarata sa reuseasca atat in cariera, cat si in viata personala. Atunci cand fermecatorul Ray Brown (Greg Kinnear), noul producator executiv al talk show-ului pentru care lucra incepe sa o curteze, Jane este in al noulea cer. In scurt timp, el ii rosteste la ureche cele doua cuvinte magice si noul cuplu de indragostiti este gata sa se mute impreuna.

The murder of a museum curator places art dealer Jack Saunders under suspicion for selling forged treasures to museums. When Jack suddenly dies in a car crash, his wife Adrienne tries to discover what he did on her own. She finds that she knew little about the man she was married to. The more she learns about her husband's possible illegal activities and double life, the more she places her daughter, and herself, in grave danger.

On the day the Riverton Ripper vanished without a trace, seven children were born. Today, they're all turning 16... and turning up dead.

At 104 pounds dripping wet, baby-faced sophomore Michael Peck (age 15) is not exactly the coolest guy at American High. Peck’s teachers make him feel like an idiot, his classmates make him feel like a geek and his home life is just as bad, with parents who schedule family time in their planners and require him to sign contracts with them about his extra-curricular activities.

On a university scholarship, a good natured student from the midwest gets a crash course in city life while dealing with three evil roommates. He befriends a virtually homeless college student whom he falls for, but she's dating a nasty professor.

A recent college graduate decides to sell marijuana on the streets of Manhattan after losing his job at a consulting firm. He soon meets the girl of his dreams. With an unsupportive girlfriend, an increase of clienteles, and the growing threats of being caught or killed, he soon realizes he is in way over his head.

When former black ops operative Cross and his partner Manning are assigned to decommission an old prison, they must oversee the arrival of two mysterious female prisoners. Before long, an elite force of mercenaries assault the prison in search of the new arrivals. As the true identities of the women are revealed, Cross realizes he's caught in the middle of something far bigger than he had imagined.

Following a deadly viral outbreak, private military soldier Max Gatling leads a handful of survivors and a ragtag band of robots against an army of the infected.