Football star Charlie has the world at her feet. With a top club desperate to sign her, her future is seemingly mapped out. But the teenager sees only a nightmare. Raised as a boy, Charlie is torn between wanting to live up to her father's expectations and shedding this ill fitting skin.

Although barely 30, Claire believes she is showing the first symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, a condition from which her mother has recently died. Her sister, Nathalie, is certain that her memory loss, caused by a lightning strike, is temporary. In the clinic where she is being treated, Claire is attracted to Philippe, a man who is still traumatized after a car accident in which his wife and child were both killed. In spite of their personal tragedies, Claire and Philippe fall in love. When Philippe recovers, Claire moves into his home. Then Claire's condition takes a turn for the worse.

A new documentary by filmmaker-photographer Raymond Depardon – where justice and psychiatry meet.

Vincent Verner is a former cop who was fired from the police force for refusing to turn a blind eye to an investigation involving a powerful man. A young prosecutor comes to get him to join a new group in charge of investigating "delicate" cases, those that no one dares to summon: men and women of power, politics, finance, the media, the star system, lobbies, consortiums, and the bosses of large companies. Verner, a maverick with an aversion to lying, will apply his own methods.

At a hospital in New York, Alex, a police officer, meets Leo, a boy who has the ability to get out of his body and pass through the walls like a ghost. Both team up with Mary, an intrepid journalist, to capture a disfigured villain who terrorizes the city.

Following a brutal war, former soldier Van toils in a mine controlled by the ruling empire. One day, his solitary existence is upended when a pack of wild dogs carrying a deadly and incurable disease attack, leaving only Van and a young girl named Yuna as survivors. Finally free, the pair seek out a simple existence in the countryside but are pursued by nefarious forces. Intent on protecting Yuna at all costs, Van must uncover the true cause of the plague ravaging the kingdom—and its possible cure.

Lizzie is a young piano teacher working at a music school while trying to save enough money for a Steinway piano. The school is gearing up for their major Christmas fundraiser and she has committed much of her time to plan the event. One afternoon, she meets Brad who takes an interest in her playing and asks if she will teach his uninterested teenage daughter. She begins to break through to the young girl, and sparks begin to fly with Brad, but she is shocked to find out that his interest is not solely in her playing, but in the property that houses the music school. She sets out to save the school and the event, but can she work things out with Brad?

Lepetit, an ambitious and determined man, is named the new CEO of a department store. His mission is to improve the store's financial position. He decides that the human factor will be his catchword and introduces new methods, which he also applied to himself. But tensions slowly arise between members of the staff.

Frank, un bărbat activ care a ajuns unde este prin propria muncă, își dedică viața slujbei sale. Indiferent de loc sau circumstanțe, dacă e zi sau noapte, el este la telefon ocupându-se de afaceri. Dar când se confruntă cu o situație de criză, Frank ia o decizie brutală și este concediat. Complet șocat, trădat de un sistem căruia i s-a dedicat total, el trebuie să se evalueze constant ca să salveze singura legătură care mai contează pentru el, relația cu Mathilde, fiica lui cea mică.

A Senegalese teenager is recruited to pursue his dream of playing professional soccer in Europe.

A lawyer puts his family in jeopardy when he captures the last member of a violent clan and tries to forcibly tame her.

La patruzeci de ani, Adrien dă dovadă de atâta imaturitate, încât iubita lui, Maude, se gândește serios să-l părăsească. Ea are treizeci și cinci de ani și visează la o familie. Ca să-și recâștige mare iubire a vieții, Adrien se hotărăște să deschidă o creșă la domiciliu chiar în viitorul fost apartament conjugal. Este începutul unei improbabile experiențe educative...

Valentine marries at the end of the 19th century, and love passes through her family from generation to generation.

În Ajunul Crăciunului, Greg, un polițist solitar și taciturn, nu ezită să-și lase fiica în urmă pentru a merge într-o misiune. Pentru a-i învăța o lecție, Moș Crăciun decide să-i îndeplinească dorința fiicei sale: ca tatăl ei să semene cu Richard Silestone, familistul cuminte și foarte îndatorat din îndrăgitul film de Crăciun pe care îl adoră. În timp ce Greg este trimis în această lume improbabilă, Richard aterizează accidental în lumea reală și ambii bărbați își dau seama că nu au de ales decât să își îndeplinească misiunile celuilalt pentru a-și revendica viețile respective.

This microcosm of power and money has no time for Gracieuse, whose only assets are her talent, her fiercely stubborn character, and, most particularly, her determination to succeed. A high tension wire who's ready to stand up to Franz Mann and to face any obstacle, even if it means stepping outside the law, she pursues her sole obsession: to have a horse to call her own that she will take to the top.

In 2020, the greatest minds in France gather at the President’s home in order to save the country from catastrophe.

Holiday magic has never gleamed brighter as Santa’s Elves head out on an adventure to bring every boy and girl their Christmas wish while also bringing a family back together in this heartfelt Christmas movie from Gaumont. After accidentally destroying a bag of Christmas wishes from a small town on the eve of Christmas Eve, two junior elves learn that if even one wish goes unfulfilled, Christmas could be extinguished forever. For the first time in their lives, the elves Mindy and Cam venture out of the North Pole and sneak into Minnedoza to collect the lost wishes. Along the way they enlist the help of young Blake, whose family has a difficult time celebrating Christmas since his father died. With their deadline fast approaching, Mindy and Cam have only one more wish to find…but whose could it be? It’s up to Mindy and Cam to find out and save Christmas!

A young, hipster entrepreneur crashes and burns on the eve of his company’s big launch. With his entire life in disarray, he leaves Manhattan to move in with his estranged pregnant sister, brother-in-law and three year-old nephew in the suburbs — only to become their manny. Faced with real responsibility, he may finally have to grow up — but not without some bad behavior first.

Contemporary Moscow. A talented gambler gathers a team of people with supernatural powers to win big at a casino. But they find a much stronger mystical rival.

Chouchou se deghizează în refugiat chilian și pleacă din Maghreb, refugiindu-se la o biserică din Paris, unde își poate schimba identitatea.