2013. During Operation Bidone, the Federal Police seized a truck loaded with palm heart, which contained 697 kg of cocaine. The investigation falls on the team assembled by Ivan Romano, based in Curitiba and composed by Beatriz, Júlio and Ítalo. The traffic connections lead them to the dower Alberto Youssef and later to the former Petrobras director Paulo Roberto Costa, who reveals an immense structure involving builders and the government, in order to divert public money. As the investigation progresses, the group led by Ivan is increasingly approaching some of the country's most influential politicians.

Arizonan maaseudulla, tienvarsikuppilaan keskellä-ei-mitään jumiin jäänyt kauppamatkustaja odottaaa seuraavaa polttoainerekkaa saapuvan huoltoasemalle. Pian hän löytää itsensä hankalasta panttivankitilanteesta, kun sisään astuu kaksi pankkiryöstäjää, jotka ovat tunnontuskitta valmiita suojelemaan verentahrimaa saalistaan niin kovilla otteilla kuin kylmällä teräkselläkin.

The film tells the story of a near future in which the earth is irreversibly sandy, as human emissions and rubbish exceed its carrying capacity. As plants and animals mutate to create the Earth's new masters, the "sand worms", which are slaughtering the planet and driving humans to the brink of extinction, the survivors are left to their own devices to find the only remaining refuge in the deep desert, the "Oasis". An exiled team of wealthy businessmen, scientists, security chiefs, mechanic families and gangsters set out on an adventure to find the Oasis in a special armoured vehicle, but the bloodthirsty insects are hot on their heels.

Street dancer Skyler comes out of the shadow of her trained dancer sister, Tosha, & joins a dance competition with the Honey dance studio; the prize is a college scholarship.

Tarina sijoittuu säihkyvään Las Vegasiin, missä ryhmät tanssivat toisiaan vastaan voittaakseen kilpailun, joka voi määritellä heidän tulevaisuutensa ja unelmansa. Sean Asa tapaa kauniin Andie Westin ja yhdessä heidän on nyt pantava kaikki taitonsa peliin.

A view of the religious tensions between Muslims and Buddhist through the portrait of the Buddhist monk Ashin Wirathu, leader of anti-Muslim movement in Myanmar.

The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

Follows the Díaz-Aguirre family, whose perfect universe turns upside down after the death of the patriarch, who in his will asks his wife to recover the 'Sardinete', his first fishing boat which is rusting in a Moroccan port.

Munro, a soldier turned lay preacher, comes to New Zealand to minister to the first British colonists, but he is converted by the powerful chief Maianui to serve a different purpose.

Chiara Ferragni, the first fashion influencer in the world, reveals how the digital revolution has changes business world, communication, fashion, culture, through a portrait in which she's the protagonist, both as a woman and as digital entrepreneur.

Recognizing the destructive power of its captive giant Ape, the military makes its own battle-ready A.I., Mecha Ape. But its first practical test goes horribly wrong, leaving the military no choice but to release the imprisoned giant ape to stop the colossal robot before it destroys downtown Chicago.

Have you ever felt lonely in a Relationship..., Marriage or Live_In , doesn't matter, when you can't share your feelings with your companion, it is like travelling to an unknown destination with a troublesome partner.

"The Wild Soccer Bunch" celebrate their last victory against the "Silver Lights" - and set one record in volley-pass game after another in the forest. But they are not alone: Vampires target the team. To lure them into their bunker, they kidnap Leon. Will Vanessa ever see him again?

Primo is an ordinary middle-class youngster studying for his baccalaureate, who gets side-tracked when he falls in love with a rich girl. They soon learn they have to deal with her condescending friends who look down upon this upstart.

Siskot Ava ja Tanzie ovat nuoria ja upporikkaita seurapiirikaunottaria ja lisäksi vielä Marchettan, maailman suurimman kosmetiikkajättiläisen, perijättäriä. Heille elämä on VIP-kortteja, samppanjaa ja salamavalojen suloista välkettä. Mutta sitten mahtifirma sukeltaa skandaalin syövereihin ja tytöt huomaavat, että mikään ei ole ikuista. Luksusurheiluautot vaihtuvat seutulippuun ja siskot ovat äimän käkenä. Mutta kun mikään muu ei auta, tytöt käärivät silkkipuseroiden hihat, tarraavat tiukasti meikkilaukkuun ja nousevat barrikadeille pelastaakseen perheyhtiön maineen!

After Leon left his team in the historic 25-1 defeat against the national team, Die wilden Kerle broke up. Only the little Nerv still believes in his old heroes and tries to bring the grown-up guys back together with the help of his dreaded side puller. Leon's former best friend Fabi has meanwhile founded his own team, the girls' team, "The Beastly Beasts", and challenges "The Wild Soccer Bunch" to a duel in the Nattern Cave.

Neljälle taiteelliselle nuorelle tarjoutuu tilaisuus olla talonvahteina julkkiksen hulppealla rantahuvilalla, ja kesäkeikka saa jokaisen pohtimaan elämänsä suuntaa.

Kolme pahaa-aavistamatonta amerikkalaista turistia päättää mennä tutkimaan pyhättöä Japanin vuoristossa, vaikka paikalliset vannottavat heitä pysymään poissa.

The third entry in the Dune film series, adapted from Dune Messiah, the second in Frank Herbert's series of six novels.