Lovable Sulley and his wisecracking sidekick Mike Wazowski are the top scare team at Monsters, Inc., the scream-processing factory in Monstropolis. When a little girl named Boo wanders into their world, it's the monsters who are scared silly, and it's up to Sulley and Mike to keep her out of sight and get her back home.

In this enchantingly cracked fairy tale, the beautiful Princess Buttercup and the dashing Westley must overcome staggering odds to find happiness amid six-fingered swordsmen, murderous princes, Sicilians and rodents of unusual size. But even death can't stop these true lovebirds from triumphing.

The true story of boxer Jim Braddock who, following his retirement in the 1930s, makes a surprise comeback in order to lift his family out of poverty.

Astoņdesmito gadu reslinga zvaignze Rendijs Robinsons joprojām pelna naudu ar reslingu, taču ne vairs profesionālā cīņas ringā, bet vietējās sporta zālēs izklaidējot rūdītus reslinga fanus. Rendijs īsti nesatiek ar meitu un stabildas attiecības izveidot viņam nav izdevies, viņa dzīvei jēgu piešķir cīņā gūtās emocijas un fanu sajūsma. Taču negaidīti sirdstrieka spiež pamest reslingu un pārvērtēt dzīvi. Viņš mēģina atjaunot aites ar meitu un uzsāk romānu ar dejotāju, kas ir gatava sākt jaunu dzīvi. Taču nekas no tā nelīdzinās kaislībai, ko rendijam nozīmē reslings, un nespēj slāpēt vēlmi atgriezties ringā.

Trevor, an insomniac lathe operator, experiences unusual occurrences at work and home. A strange man follows him everywhere, but no one else seems to notice him.

Following the murder of her father by a hired hand, a 14-year-old farm girl sets out to capture the killer. To aid her, she hires the toughest U.S. Marshal she can find—a man with 'true grit'—Reuben J. 'Rooster' Cogburn.

The story of Oakland Athletics general manager Billy Beane's successful attempt to put together a baseball team on a budget, by employing computer-generated analysis to draft his players.

Tumšais bruņinieks, likuma un kārtības aizstāvis Gotemā, Betmens mīņājas ēnu valstībā starp labo un ļauno, izmantojot vienīgi savas cīņas prasmes un aso prātu, lai aizsargātu nevainīgos un atbrīvotos no atmiņām par nežēlīgo vecāku noslepkavošanu, nemitīgi slēpjot savu patieso, miljonāra un filantropa Brūsa Veina, identitāti kā rūpīgi glabātu noslēpumu.

Inspired by the true story of Vince Papale, a man with nothing to lose who ignored the staggering odds and made his dream come true. When the coach of Papale's beloved hometown football team hosted an unprecedented open tryout, the public consensus was that it was a waste of time – no one good enough to play professional football was going to be found this way.

Lauva vārdā Alekss dzīvo Ņujorkas Centrālparka zoodārzā un kā jau lauvām pienākas jūtas tur kā karalis. Viņš un viņa labākie draugi zebra vārdā Mārtijs, žirafe vārdā Melmens un nīlzirdzene Glorija visu savu dzīvi ir pavadījuši šajā idilliskajā nebrīvē, saņemot zoodārza apmeklētāju apbrīnu un regulāras ēdienreizes. Draugiem nezinot, Mārtijs kaļ plānus par bēgšanu un ar dažu apbrīnojami uzņēmīgu pingvīnu palīdzību, viņam izdodas izrauties pasaulē, kuru viņš jau sen ir sapņojis iepazīt. Alekss, Melmens un Glorija seko viņam, taču pirms viņi paspēj apostīt brīvības gaisu, viņi tiek notverti, iepakoti lielās koka kastēs un nosūtīti uz Āfriku. Kad pingvīni sabotē kuģa komandu, Alekss, Mārtijs, Melmens un Glorija attopas izskaloti eksotiskās Madagaskaras salas krastā. Nu četriem ņujorkiešiem jātiek skaidrībā, kā izdzīvot savvaļā, atklājot, ko patiesībā nozīmē izteiciens "tur laukā ir īsti džungļi".

Tintiņš ir jauns reportieris, kam ir izcili laba oža noteikt kur meklējami piedzīvojumi un tikpat liels talants nokļūt nepatikšanās. Stīvena Spīlberga un Pītera Džeksona filmā Tintiņš kopā ar suni Mīļuku atklās neparasta kuģa, saukta par Vienradzi, noslēpumu.

A writer stumbles upon a long-hidden secret when he agrees to help former British Prime Minister Adam Lang complete his memoirs on a remote island after the politician's assistant drowns in a mysterious accident.

Kāds FIB darbinieks vajā banku aplaupītāju, kura reibinošā kriminālā karjera beidzas zem ložu krusas 1934.gadā pie kāda teātra Čikāgā. Dilindžers dzīvoja ātri, mira jauns un atstāja ne vien pievilcīgu līķi, bet arī viena no ievērojamākajiem 20.gs. noziedzniekiem slavu.

Biogrāfiska drāma par Bobu Dilanu. Viņa spilgtās karjeras unikālos brīžus ataino dažādi aktieri, tajā skaitā Keita Blanšeta, Hīts Ledžers un Ričards Gīrs.

A woman's seaside vacation takes a dark turn when her obsession with a young mother forces her to confront secrets from her past.

Jim Davis is an ex-Army Ranger who finds himself slipping back into his old life of petty crime after a job offer from the LAPD evaporates. His best friend is pressured by his girlfriend Sylvia to find a job, but Jim is more interested in hanging out and making cash from small heists, while trying to get a law enforcement job so he can marry his Mexican girlfriend.

A large spider from the jungles of South America is accidentally transported in a crate with a dead body to America where it mates with a local spider. Soon after, the residents of a small California town disappear as the result of spider bites from the deadly spider offspring. It's up to a couple of doctors with the help of an insect exterminator to annihilate these eight legged freaks.

Divi brāļi, katrā likuma pusē, cīnās pret organizēto noziedzību Bruklinā 1970. gados.

Julius and Vincent Benedict are the results of an experiment that would allow for the perfect child. Julius was planned and grows to athletic proportions. Vincent is an accident and is somewhat smaller in stature. Vincent is placed in an orphanage while Julius is taken to a south seas island and raised by philosophers. Vincent becomes the ultimate low life and is about to be killed by loan sharks.

Anthony and his partner move into a loft in the now gentrified Cabrini-Green. After a chance encounter with an old-timer exposes Anthony to the true story behind Candyman, he unknowingly opens a door to a complex past that unravels his own sanity and unleashes a terrifying wave of violence.