An idiosyncratic FBI agent investigates the murder of a young woman in the even more idiosyncratic town of Twin Peaks. (This standalone version of the series pilot was produced for the European VHS market and has an alternate, closed ending.)

A mother bird tries to teach her little one how to find food by herself. In the process, she encounters a traumatic experience that she must overcome in order to survive.

يعاقب المجرم (كارليتو) بالسجن خمس سنوات، بعد خروجه يكرر التوبة، والبعد عن الجريمة، والتحول إلى شخص مستقيم، لكن يحاول كل من حوله توريطه في أشياء خارجة عن القانون، مثل: ابن أخيه الذي يرتكب جريمة ويطلب منه التستر عليه، وصديق له يحاول إشراكه في بعض الجرائم، وفوق كل هذا، مجموعة من رجال إحدى العصابات يعتقدون أنه قتل زعيمهم، ويحاولون الانتقام منه، يقرر السفر إلى فلوريدا لبدء حياة جديدة، لكن عليه التخلص من كل هذه المتاعب أولاً.

A married farmer falls under the spell of a slatternly woman from the city, who tries to convince him to drown his wife.

آشلي ويليامز ورفاقه يحاولون النجاة من لعنة أيقظت شيء شرير من عمق الغابة، وذلك بعد لجوئهم إلى كوخ ناء في الغابة، خاصة بعد عثورهم على شريط مسجل لبروفيسور وكتاب الشرور.

'Toon star Roger is worried that his wife Jessica is playing pattycake with someone else, so the studio hires detective Eddie Valiant to snoop on her. But the stakes are quickly raised when Marvin Acme is found dead and Roger is the prime suspect.

بينما يكافح القصاص الأهلي الشاب في مدينة غوثام، باتمان، لملاحقة قاتل متسلسل وحشي، يقع المدعي العام هارفي دينت في نزاع يتعلق بالعائلة الإجرامية في الصقور.

An aspiring dancer moves to New York City and becomes caught up in a whirlwind of flighty fair-weather friends, diminishing fortunes and career setbacks.

The wife of an abusive criminal finds solace in the arms of a kind regular guest in her husband's restaurant.

An evil feudal lord rapes a village girl on her wedding night and proceeds to ruin her and her husband's lives. After she's eventually banished from her village, the girl makes a pact with the devil to gain magical ability and take revenge.

Erika Kohut, a sexually repressed piano teacher living with her domineering mother, meets a young man who starts romantically pursuing her.

Captain Etienne Navarre is a man on whose shoulders lies a cruel curse. Punished for loving each other, Navarre must become a wolf by night whilst his lover, Lady Isabeau, takes the form of a hawk by day. Together, with the thief Philippe Gaston, they must try to overthrow the corrupt Bishop and in doing so break the spell.

أب وابنه يسيران بمفردهما في أمريكا المحترقة. لا شيء يتحرك في المناظر الطبيعية المدمرة باستثناء الرماد على الرياح والمياه. يكون الجو باردًا بدرجة كافية لكسر الحجارة ، وعندما يتساقط الثلج يكون لونه رماديًا. السماء مظلمة. وجهتهم هي الجنوب الأكثر دفئًا ، رغم أنهم لا يعرفون ماذا ينتظرهم هناك ، إن وجد.

As children, Kathy, Ruth, and Tommy spend their childhood at an idyllic and secluded English boarding school. As they grow into adults, they must come to terms with the complexity and strength of their love for one another while also preparing for the haunting reality awaiting them.

When Manny Singer's wife dies, his young daughter Molly becomes mute and withdrawn. To help cope with looking after Molly, he hires sassy housekeeper Corrina Washington, who coaxes Molly out of her shell and shows father and daughter a whole new way of life. Manny and Corrina's friendship delights Molly and enrages the other townspeople.

A group of self-absorbed actors set out to make the most expensive war film ever. After ballooning costs force the studio to cancel the movie, the frustrated director refuses to stop shooting, leading his cast into the jungles of Southeast Asia, where they encounter real bad guys.

French Basque Country, year 1609. The men of a small fishing village have gone to sea. Judge Rostegui, who has been charged by the king with ridding the country of the devil's wiles, arrests Ana and her friends and accuses them of witchcraft.

After waking up to find himself all alone in an apartment where a massive party was being held the night before, Sam is immediately forced to face a terrifying reality: the living dead have invaded the streets of Paris.

تدور احداث فيلم حول بوب الجاسوس يعمل لصالح وكالة الاستخبارات المركزية، قرر التقاعد عن مهنته في فن التجسس ليستقر في علاقته مع الجار وصديقته جيليان، لكن بوب لديه مهمة واحدة قبل أن توافق جيليان عن الزواج منه: أن يعتني بأطفالها خلال الفترة القصيرة التي ستغادر خلالها المدينة لكي يتمكن من كسب موافقتهم على الزواج.

Sometimes, when you think you have it all, everything falls apart. That is exactly the story of Jeanne .Just when she is offered the chance to dub famous American actress Jennifer Marshall in a successful American TV Show and her salary is about to triple, Marshall decides to withdraw from the show. So Jeanne makes a crazy decision, fly to Hollywood herself and make Jennifer change her mind about leaving the series...