Čierna komédia sleduje chudobnú, ale prefíkanú štvorčlennú rodinu, ktorá sa rozhodne infiltrovať do bohatej domácnosti biznismena Parka. Čo sa môže stať, keď sa stretnú dva odlišné svety?

Skrachovaný komediant Arthur Fleck sa dlho pohybuje na tenkej hranici medzi realitou a šialenstvom. V jeden deň sa potuluje vo svojom obleku klauna po uliciach Gotham City a dostáva sa do konfliktu s brutálnymi zlodejmi. Pomaly sa roztáča špirála udalostí, ktorá vyústi do hrozivých rozmerov. Opustený Fleck začne čoraz viac prepadať do hlbín šialenstva a postupne sa mení v ikonického zločinca, ktorého už čoskoro bude svet poznať pod menom Joker.

Days before Christmas in Edwardian-era Toronto, Detective William Murdoch (Yannick Bisson) is called to investigate a daring train robbery. When witnesses insist the culprit exhibited superhuman abilities, Constable Crabtree (Jonny Harris, Still Standing) realizes the robber bears a striking resemblance to the title character of his new graphic novel, Jumping Jack. As more robberies targeting gifts from Eaton's luxury department occur around Toronto, Murdoch and his team are forced to consider the possibility that Crabtree's character has come to life. As Station House No. 4 contends with the real-life Jumping Jack, Inspector Brackenreid (Thomas Craig, Coronation Street) orders the formation of a police choir, and Dr. Julia Ogden (Hélène Joy, Durham County) tries to help two orphans who mistake her for a fairytale heroine. Can Murdoch and his team stop Jumping Jack from stealing Christmas?

Austrálsky špecialista na špinavú prácu Rake len ledva prežil udalosti z prvého filmu a teraz dostáva novú úlohu, pri ktorej pôjde o život – zachrániť z väzenia zbedačenú rodinu nemilosrdného gruzínskeho gangstra.

Všetko začína v 70. rokoch vo Francúzsku, kedy je nájdená blúdiace zbité dievča neschopná rozprávať o tom, čo sa jej stalo. O pätnásť rokov neskôr tá istá dievčina Lucie vtrhne do honosnej vily a nemilosrdne vyvraždí všetkých jej obyvateľov. Hneď za ňou príde jej jediná priateľka Anna začína krvavé peklo. Pri sledovaní filmu si rýchlo uvedomíte, že nič nie je tým, čím sa zdá byť. Vila sa stane strašidelným domom, v ktorého útrobách sa obe dievčatá pokúsia dopátrať pravdy.

When a reservation mix-up at a mountain resort forces a newly-single travel writer to share a cabin with a handsome widower and his precocious daughter over the holidays, their lives are transformed by the magic of Christmas and the unexpected power of love.

The Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph falls in love with the young Elisabeth. It's love at first sight but Franz Joseph's mother Sophie doesn't approve this love.

When Elle Bennet decides to reunite her college friends for a special Christmas celebration, her plans are thwarted by an opportunity at work she can’t pass up -- spearheading a Christmas campaign relaunch to prove she’s ready for a career-altering promotion. Much to her surprise, she’s forced to team up with advertising campaign 'fixer' Max, who has a completely different take on the Holidays. But as Elle and Max work together and learn more about each other’s Christmas traditions, they unexpectedly find themselves falling for each other. With the help of a little Christmas magic, will Elle pull off the perfect Christmas reunion and find the love she’s been searching for?

Christmas is a busy, busy time for the residents of Green River, particularly for Grace Long, the third generation of her family to steward the New England town’s signature Christmas Eve parade. This year’s audience for the parade promises to be in the millions, thanks to a national morning show that has chosen Green River as the site of its Christmas Eve day program.

Roy Coutnay je rodený podovník a nechce uveriť tomu, koľké šťastie ho postrehlo, keď sa cez online zoznamku spozná s dobre situovanou vdovou Betty McLeishovou. Tá ho vpúšťa nielen do svojho domu ale aj do svojho života. Roy je prekvapený sám zo seba, koľko starostlivosti venuje Betty. Všetko sa však môže zmeniť a z usadlého života sa môže razom ocitnúť na zradnom tenkom ľade.

Bývalý vojak, policajt a tínedžerka sa náhodou stretávajú v New Orleans, kde pátrajú po pôvode nebezpečnej drogy, vďaka ktorej ľudia nakrátko získavajú superschopnosti.

Tom Jacobs vybudoval celý svoj biznis okolo pomoci klientom nájsť dokonalý darček pre svojich blízkych. Keďže najrušnejším obdobím v roku v jeho firme sú vianočné sviatky, vyslúžil si prezývku „Tajný Santa“. Keď za Tomom príde jeho dobrý priateľ Paul a požiada ho o pomoc pri hľadaní darčeka pre svoju krásnu priateľku Jenny, „Tajný Santa“ sa ocitne v problémoch. Čím viac sa o Jenny počas svojho prieskumu dozvie, tým viac ju má rád a tým viac sa cíti vinný, že jeho srdce zahorelo láskou k partnerke jeho najlepšieho priateľa. S blížiacimi sa Vianocami sa Tom obáva krátiaceho sa času na výber darčeku, pretože to bude zároveň znamenať koniec jeho času stráveného s Jenny a možno aj koniec jeho jedinej šance byť so svojou pravou láskou.

Holly, blessed with an amazing singing voice, is all set to audition for the newly vacated spot in a legendary local Christmas group which was founded by her late mother years ago. Shocked and upset when the slot goes to the barely talented best friend of the group's leader, Marci, Holly sets out to create her own musical group, The Mistle-Tones. After challenging their rivals to a sing-off on Christmas Eve, Holly finds herself on a journey to the real meaning of Christmas with some new friends and a new love thrown in for good measure.

A career oriented woman, Sarah Bloom, who ran away from her small town life in Massachusetts, is now living in New York City and poised to become the next big wedding planner of the famed NY social scene when she's hired to plan the most anticipated wedding of the season. The problem: The groom is from Sarah's home town of Williamstown, MA and wants the wedding on the family farm which is now being run by the older brother who happens to be Sarah's first love. So, can the sophisticated city girl navigate the pitfalls of her past, possibly find true love in her future, and pull off the wedding of the season even though it might not be the one she planned for?

Heidi, who initially left her small town of Pleasant Valley with the dream of one day becoming a successful painter, has put her own art on hold to excel as an art gallery curator. Now, a week before the gallery’s big Christmas party, she must return home to watch her niece and nephew. She comes face to face with her high school love, Chris, now a teacher, and offers to help him find a new last-minute location for the Christmas dance.

Bývalý zločinec a napravený sociopat Dylan Forrester sa snaží v tichosti si odpykať svoje podmienečné prepustenie – za pomoci stáleho prísunu antidepresív a svojho excentrického psychiatra Dr. Alderwooda. Keď však jeho brat za záhadných okolností zomrie, Dylan poruší svoju podmienku a s húževnatou agentkou FBI Shaughnessyovou v pätách je odhodlaný odhaliť pravdu. Banda ťažko ozbrojených žoldnierov chce niečo, čo Dylanov brat skrýval, a Dylan bude potrebovať všetky svoje ľstivé a taktické schopnosti, aby prežil.

Avery, a blogger with a string of disappointing Valentine’s Days, is ready to give up on love when she meets handsome veterinarian Brenden. When Avery finds out Brenden blames his recent break up on her blog and is the one leaving her angry comments, she begins to question whether the bond they’ve began to build is a true love story or yesterday’s news.

Jack is an executive in a financial brokerage firm trying to impress the firm’s president, Drew Clayton, in hopes of a promotion. However, Jack is dating the fabulously rich and elegant Demi Clayton, who happens to be Drew’s daughter. Although Demi’s mother Clarisse doesn’t necessarily approve of Jack and would prefer her daughter to date a man within their social circle, Jack still plans on proposing. Trying to create the perfect proposal, Jack signs up for dance lessons in preparation for his proposal to Demi at her father’s lavish annual Christmas Dance. But when sparks start to fly between Jack and his dance instructor, Christine, Jack will have to make some important decisions before it is too late.

Pediatrička Tasha Millerová sa sústreďuje na to, aby deti, o ktoré sa stará, dostali čo najlepšiu lekársku starostlivosť. Keď si však príťažlivý princ Alexander Cavalieri zlomí nohu na neďalekom lyžiarskom svahu, Tasha je nútená dovoliť mu, aby sa liečil u nej. Nahnevá ju, keď rozmaznaný člen kráľovskej rodiny narúša vzácny čas liečby, ktoré jej deti tak potrebujú. Tasha si však čoskoro uvedomí, že trochu silnej lásky a kus vianočného ducha by mohli z tejto kráľovskej bolesti spraviť rytiera v žiarivom brnení.

1920, rural Ireland. Anglo-Irish twins Rachel and Edward share a strange existence in their crumbling family estate. Each night, the property becomes the domain of a sinister presence (The Lodgers) which enforces three rules upon the twins: they must be in bed by midnight; they may not permit an outsider past the threshold; and if one attempts to escape, the life of the other is placed in jeopardy. When troubled war veteran Sean returns to the nearby village, he is immediately drawn to the mysterious Rachel, who in turn begins to break the rules set out by The Lodgers. The consequences pull Rachel into a deadly confrontation with her brother - and with the curse that haunts them.