When the contestants at a way-cool snowboarding contest are suspiciously sidelined, Scooby-Doo and the kids investigate - and discover the chilling fact that There's No Creature Like Snow Creature! Then, there's dino-sized mystery afoot in Costa Rica when a fearsome Giganotosaurus jumps off a movie screen and goes on a rampage of 3-D Struction! Next, in Space Ape at the Cape the gang tangles with an extra-scary extraterrestrial who's monkeying around with an important rocket launch. And there's a Big Scare in the Big Easy when the Mystery Inc. crew unearths spooky doings at a haunted New Orleans cemetery!

As the entertainment industry's biggest tabloid draw, Jennifer Lopez has had successful careers in multiple fields. Here, Lopez showcases her career as a pop singer with every one of her music videos to date -- from her debut, "If You Had My Love," to her latest release, "Baby I Love You." J. Lo also enhances the collection by providing personal commentary to each video, including how the ideas came to light and which videos she likes best.

Naruto discovers a genie's bottle while he and the gang are at a genin grill party. When everyone finds out about the genie's ability to grant wishes, the ultimate chase begins.

After the events of the first movie, Yagami Light faces two new adversaries as he is trying to create a perfect world without crime or criminals. This movie continues the first TV special and is a summary of the last 12 episodes of the TV anime.

Děj filmu vypovídá o životě v Slovenském štátu během druhé světové války, kdy se obyčejný život pod vládou slovenských klerofašistů měnil a mj. probíhala arizace židovského majetku, neboli krádež židovského majetku Slováky. Hlavní hrdina filmu – drobný živnostník Tóno Brtko, žijící v malém městečku, dostane dekret na obchod staré židovky Rozalie Lautmannové. Tento její obchod byl však v podstatě prázdný, stará paní přežívá díky příspěvkům od židovské obce a Tóno díky své hodné povaze jí není schopen vysvětlit, proč vlastně do obchodu přišel…

After parting with Sasuke at the Final Valley, Uzumaki Naruto has been away from the village of Konohagakure to further his training. Two and a half years later, he finally returns to the village and takes his mission in Team Kakashi, then he finds the clue on Orochimaru. Naruto leads the team and heads to the place where Orochimaru is in order to save his friend Sasuke. However, little does he know that "Akatsuki" is seeking after his life to acquire the Nine-Tailed sealed in his body.

V pátém filmu série Osamělý vlk a mládě je Ogami Itto vyzván pěti bojovníky, z nichž každý má pětinu Ogamiho odměny za atentát a pětinu informací, které potřebuje k dokončení atentátu.

The continuing love story of newlyweds Prince Harry and American actress Meghan Markle during their first year of marriage.

Sledujte příběh o tom, jak byl Starý západ získán - a ztracen - díky krvi, potu a slzám mnoha lidí. Vydejte se na emotivní cestu napříč zemí, která válčí sama se sebou, a prožijte 15 let před, během a po občanské válce v letech 1859 až 1874, kdy se rodiny, přátelé a nepřátelé snaží zjistit, co to skutečně znamená být Spojenými státy americkými.

V malém americkém městě začínají přibývat oběti brutálních vražd. Jen místní sourozenci Coslawovci zjistí, že jde o vlkodlaka. Nikdo jim bohužel nevěří ...

Japanese master spy Daka operates a covert espionage-sabotage organization located in Gotham City's now-deserted Little Tokyo, which turns American scientists into pliable zombies. The great crime-fighters Batman and Robin, with the help of their allies, are in pursuit.

Excentrický horal na útěku před místním šerifem vzpomíná na záhadné události, které ho přivedly do stavu uprchlíka.

In his 10th year at college, Eun-sik is part of a nearly ideal campus couple with swimming champ Kyung-ah. While their three-year relationship is solid, Eun-sik struggles to get to the next level with Kyung-ah; despite the help and support of his friends, he can't manage to get her into bed.

After Kati, Hanna and Mila first experiences with guys, it is now necessary to cultivate those relations. The jealous Mila thinks that her friend Markus, would cheat on her with Vanessa. Kati, who is actually together with Tobi, finds that Robert, whom she met during a shooting, more than just cool. Only with Hanna everything seems to work perfectly. Branko is a real gentleman and does everything for her musical career - but not entirely unselfishly, as soon turns out. Problems therefore pre-programmed with the girlfriends and their new conquests!

Parta mladých se rozhodne oslavit Halloween na školní párty. Díky nedorozumění s obsluhou benzínové stanice se však cesta na večírek mění na útěk před policií. Ten se nakonec rozhodnou ukončït ukrytím ve starém opuštěném domě a to i přes naléhavé varování jedné z nich, že v domě straší. Bohužel pro ně však dům není tak zcela opuštěný, jak se zpočátku zdálo.

Insulted by Rosario, a rich businessman, Jai Kishen a Matchmaker teaches him a lesson by getting his daughter married to Raju, a Coolie, who poses to be a millionaire. They sense something fishy and Raju's deceptions are discovered. In an attempt to cover it up, he cooks up a story of having a filthy rich twin. One lie leads to another and things start to go awry culminating in a comedy of errors.

Completely on her own, Sarah spends her time at home, waiting for the approaching birth of her child. But one night, a stranger breaks into her home, ready to snatch her still unborn baby from her.

Studentka Diana objeví tajemnou skříňku s krvavě červeným rubínem a osvobodí temného džina, který v něm spal po mnoho desetiletí. Duch potřebuje, aby vyslovila tři přání a on tak mohl přivolat na svět své druhy. Co kdyby se ale kámen dostal do špatných rukou?