A homely maid and a scarred ex-GI meet at the cottage where she works and where he was to spend his honeymoon prior to his accident. The two develop a bond and agree to marry, more out of loneliness than love. The romantic spirit of the cottage, however, overtakes them. They soon begin to look beautiful to each other, but no one else.
Филм говори о проблемима и контроверзном животу мајстора комедије Чарлија Чаплина, и о његовим почецима када је са "Кистон" компанијом, која је организовала позоришне представе, отишао у Америку и снимио своја прва остварења. Чаплинов карактер је и до данас остао његов заштитни знак, захваљујући којем је постао прва филмска звезда у свету. Врећасте панталоне, смешан цилиндар и велике ципеле, обележиле су историју филмске индустрије.
Пепа је глумица чији посао се углавном састоји од снимања телевизијских реклама и синхронизовања страних филмова. Када је њен љубавник Иван позове и раскине са њом, она падне у очај, али убрзо схвати да живот иде даље. Лусија, Иванова неуротично љубоморна бивша супруга, тврди да ју је Иван напустио јер жели да започне живот са другом женом. Међутим, Пепа се озбиљно забрине тек када јој најбоља другарица Кандела саопшти да је живела са озлоглашеним терористом…
A fearless Secret Service agent will stop at nothing to bring down the counterfeiter who killed his partner.
Sir Robert Beaumont is behind schedule on a railroad in Africa. Enlisting noted engineer John Henry Patterson to right the ship, Beaumont expects results. Everything seems great until the crew discovers the mutilated corpse of the project's foreman, seemingly killed by a lion. After several more attacks, Patterson calls in famed hunter Charles Remington, who has finally met his match in the bloodthirsty lions.
Two episodes of the TV series "The Persuaders" joined into a movie. Two playboys investigate crimes along the French Riviera.
A young British officer resigns his post when he learns of his regiment's plan to ship out to the Sudan for the conflict with the Mahdi. His friends and fiancée send him four white feathers as symbols of what they view as his cowardice. To redeem his honor, he disguises himself as an Arab and secretly saves their lives.
This lengthy docudrama records the harrowing conditions at the Confederacy's most notorious prisoner-of-war camp. The drama unfolds through the eyes of a company of Union soldiers captured at the Battle of Cold Harbor, VA, in June 1864, and shipped to the camp in southern Georgia. A private, Josiah Day, and his sergeant try to hold their company together in the face of squalid living conditions, inhumane punishments, and a gang of predatory fellow prisoners called the Raiders.
After greedy men have Edmound Dantes unjustly imprisoned for 20 years for innocently delivering a letter entrusted to him, he escapes to revenge himself on them.
During routine manoeuvres near Hawaii in 1980, the aircraft-carrier USS Nimitz is caught in a strange vortex-like storm, throwing the ship back in time to 1941—mere hours before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
While Luffy and his crew of Zoro and Nami are starving on their small boat, they are attacked by a large monster. Nami is taken away, while Luffy and Zoro wash up on shore. There they meet a young girl, Medaka, and learn of the sad history of the island. The evil Pirate Ganzack has taken away all the men in the village and enslaved them, including Medaka's father. Now Luffy, Zoro, and Medaka must infiltrate Ganzack's base in order to rescue the villagers and Nami.
When a small outpost is ambushed, a US Army squad must take the battle below ground on a high-stakes mission in a new type of warfare the likes of which they have never seen.
Set in the South just after the US Civil War, Laurel Sommersby is just managing to work the farm without her husband, believed killed in battle. By all accounts, Jack Sommersby was not a pleasant man, thus when he suddenly returns, Laurel has mixed emotions. It appears that Jack has changed a great deal, leading some people to believe that this is not actually Jack but an imposter. Laurel herself is unsure, but willing to take the man into her home, and perhaps later into her heart.
Four college friends become small-time bookies, only to find their world spinning dangerously out of control when their greed attracts the attention of organized crime.
Едвард Вилсон (Мет Дејмон) је младић који је управо дипломирао на Јејлу. Његов политички ангажман, као и чланство у тајном друштву, одвешће га на мрачно подручје тајних државних послова и шпијунаже. Како то бива, Вилсонов младалачки идеализам ускоро ће заменити сумња у намере људи који га окружују, а сумњу ће појачати и тајанствена видеокасета која указује како у својим редовима Вилсон има кртицу.
Зла краљица Тарамис проналази Конана и његовог пријатеља, лопова Малака и обећава Конану да ће оживети његову љубав Валерију уколико јој донесе чаробни кључ из зачараног дворца чаробњака Тот Амона. На путовању им се придружују краљичина нећака принцеза Џена која једина може додирнути дијамантски рог бога Дагота и њен телохранитељ Бомбата. Конан спашава чаробњака Акира и ратницу Зулу који им се придружују на задатку. Док се одмарају на језеру насупрот дворца Тот Амон отима принцезу Џену чија би смрт краљици Тарамис осигурала доживотни престо.
The life and career of the brutal Soviet dictator, Josef Stalin.
A film about a couple on a wellness trip, where one partner disappears and the other isn't sure whether he's looking for her or himself. Within the bizarre world of the alpine wellness resort, Aron begins a new chapter in his life.