The story of Santi, a preteen who is dealing with the recent separation of his parents Rodrigo and Alejandra. Despite their divorce, Santi's parents are both desperately devoted to their son. When the three learn that Santi has a medical condition that could jeopardize his eyesight, Santi's father encourages him to make a list of places and things he wants to see and do before losing his sight completely. Santi immediately obliges with an elaborate list but with one condition - the estranged couple must come together to help him fulfill his dreams. As the three embark on the amazing, sometimes wacky adventure, the couple must learn how to live together for the sake of their son. But will the adventure open their eyes and make separating impossible? We'll see....
A group of young activists set out to make an environmental statement by vandalizing a home superstore as it closes. But their plan goes terribly wrong when they become trapped inside and must face a deranged security guard with a gruesome passion for primitive hunting. As the night fills with violence and terror, the teenagers find themselves in a desperate fight for their lives.
As the Joker visits Metropolis with a plan to kill Superman for Lex Luthor, Batman pursues the clown to Superman's turf.
Ново поглавље препуно је специфичног хумора које истражује емотивни живот наших љубимаца, дубоке везе која их спаја са породицама које их воле и одговара на питање које одувек интригира сваког власника: Шта наши љубимци заиста раде кад нисмо код куће.
A nature documentary centered on a family of chimps living in the Ivory Coast and Ugandan rain forests. Through Oscar, a little chimpanzee, we discover learning about life in the heart of the African tropical forest and follow his first steps in this world with humor, emotion and anguish. Following a tragedy, he finds himself separated from his mother and left alone to face the hostility of the jungle. Until he is picked up by an older chimpanzee, who will take him under her protection.
A romantic comedy set on Christmas Eve in Warsaw and centered around a series of characters.
Jean, a PE teacher, is forced to live a double life. When a new student arrives and threatens to expose her sexuality, Jean is pushed to extreme lengths to keep her job and her integrity.
Hundreds of thousands of years after the collapse of civilization, the world is a post-tech wasteland, and is inhabited by humanoid tribes. The Peace held between them is threatened by the return of Wushen, an evil shape-shifting ghost of modern technology. Wushen threatens to enslave the world population. Zhuma, a ten-year-old girl is the heroine of the story, accompanied by Zhanggong, her lion-like Tibetan Mastiff dog. Chosen, and helped by a ethereal goddess she must assemble a band of allies from the surviving tribes to fight Wushen, and stop him from gaining control over an ancient power.
Two tiny, aquatic humanoids search for their missing father, a boy battles a lethal allergy to eggs, and an invisible salaryman tries to become a hero.
A man suffering from alopecia copes with his lack of self-confidence and the societal pressure that comes with being bald.
In 1971 Salford fish-and-chip shop owner George Khan expects his family to follow his strict Pakistani Muslim ways. But his children, with an English mother and having been born and brought up in Britain, increasingly see themselves as British and start to reject their father's rules on dress, food, religion, and living in general.
Alex, Ivo and Pacifico three Sicilian twin brothers are reunited for their father's funeral.
Кетрин је легендарна водитељка вечерњег шоу-програма, када буде оптужена да „мрзи жене“, саставља листи ствари које треба да уради да би променила имиџ. Моли је унајмљена да јој помогне у томе. Али, изгледа - прекасно - јер је рејтинг емисије веома низак, па се све више Кетрин ближи отказу...
Радња филма води нас на острво насељено искључиво срећним птицама – или је бар већина њих срећна. У овом рају, Црвени (птица са проблематичним темпераментом), луди Чак и нестабилни Бомба одувек су били аутсајдери. Али када острво посете мистериозне зелене свиње, управо ће ова тројица имати задатак да открију због чега су ова створења посетила баш њихово мало место.
Арктичка лисица Свифти ради у поштанској служби, али сања о томе да једног дана постане Топ Дог - арктички хаски курир. Да би доказао да је вредан улоге, тајно заповеда испоруку пакета на тајанствену локацију. На путу према тамо налети на непознату тврђаву у којој се суочава са злобним генијем Отом, који има механичке ноге и командује лојалној војсци необично уљудних следбеника..
A re-imagining of the old mystical folklore that follows a woman and a tight-knit Jewish community that is besieged by foreign invaders. She conjures a dangerous creature to protect them but it may be more evil than she ever imagined.
Филип и Керол, две разведене особе, које су се управо упознале. Филип, који је заљубљен до ушију, је спреман да учини било шта како би провео време са Керол, чак иако то значи да мора да поведе њена два тинејџера на летовање са њима. Он прави договор са најстаријим сином – ако он дипломира, може да изабере дестинацију за њихов годишњи одмор.
A notorious thief allies with a street racer for a grand heist involving an elaborate game of deceit with authorities, who have their own dirty secrets.
A man goes on an all-inclusive vacation to the Caribbean and finds out he must share his room with someone else.