When the gang goes on safari, they encounter a variety of freaky, glowing demon animals.


A pensioner takes a walk in the park.

  1945年7月,东南亚的战事接近尾声,一队日本士兵行进在撤往泰国的途中。上等兵水岛(三国连太郎 饰)在音乐学院出身的队长指挥下,用自学来的竖琴鼓舞士气,抚慰战士忧伤的思绪,后更以音乐为媒介,同接受他们投降的英国士兵达成了心灵上的沟通。水岛接到任务,去劝降一队负隅顽抗的日本士兵,然而那些战士拒绝接受天皇的命令,最终全部战死,侥幸存活的水岛被一名缅甸老僧所救,他偷走了对方的僧衣,在前往战俘营的路上掩埋日军尸体,到达战俘营的水岛目睹英国人为战友举行的葬礼,若有所悟,于是赶回来路,去埋葬那些因为自己畏惧而弃之不顾的同胞遗骸。水岛的战友们相方设法打探他的下落,最后被水岛告知,自己还有没完成的责任……   本片获1956年《电影旬报》年度十佳第五位、威尼斯电影节圣乔治奖。

A documentary about the legendary and influential comedian, actor and writer, who went out from the BBC to conquer Hollywood, but sadly the system quickly withdrew its support when they couldn't contain his talents. This portrait is spiked with many comments from people who knew Feldman privately or had dealt with him professionally. His early death sadly rendered him all but forgotten by the public. The compilation consists of interviews, some film clips and photos as well as various audio clips from him.

With input from actor and writer Jan Hlobil, director and cinematographer Rene Smaal presents a film in the true surrealist tradition, in the sense that only 'found' elements were used, and that it defies interpretation based on ordinary cause-and-effect time sequence.

A man lurks the night alleys, killing people at random, he feels nothing, no emotion, and no pain; when he meets a graceful widow he must confront what it means to be human.

Asa is a film which tries to show the confrontation between the dance of a body, the gesture of filming, editing, and moreover, between the sensitive surface of the film and the texture of skin in light.

交往10年之久的女友桐子(铃木京香 饰)举枪自杀,令广告导演合田(冢本晋也 饰)的世界发生巨大的震动。他偏执地认为女友死亡的秘密和手枪有关,于是固执地寻找其中缘由。某日,酩酊大醉的合田偶然遇见满身伤痕的不良少女千里(真野きりな 饰),但随后他便被千里的同伴后藤(村瀬貴洋 饰)等人打倒在地。

  这是小泽监制和编剧的一部动作片,以“小泽”的名义编剧。 樱田组的首领在被称为犯罪城市的韩城市,被韩国黑手党金成义杀死。 金正恩与幕后控制韩城市的五条再白会长五条渡有秘密联系。 渴望起诉五条的检察厅总检察长平山贤治组建了一个特别调查小组,并将因事件在监狱服刑的前刑事督察虎田诚恢复了有限的时间。

In the mountains of the Basque Country, a mother and her daughter take shelter in a ruined hut that seems uninhabited.

Star follows the path of Tito and Jay, two brothers living in the Montreal neighborhood of Park Extension. Accompanying these young people in their daily life marked by complicity and intimidation, Star tackles themes dear to teenagers: identity and friendship.

A lecturer tells the audience that it is National Take Care Week. He tells the story of a man who gets stung in his garden and the problems the man has when he seeks treatment at the doctor's office.


When Marty's car is stolen, he sets out on a mission to find it; however, he soon realizes that the person who stole it is much more dangerous than he thinks.