Jeong Mi-rae has had an outstanding ability in writing since she was young. She's realistic and she gets a lot of job offers. However, this is only when she was young and now that she's been at it for 10 years, she doesn't get as much work as she used to. Now, she gets offers for adult comics or erotic movie scenarios. She starts working on them so that she can make a living but as realistic as she is, she needs to experience eroticism herself to write anything about it. She tries out different positions on her own and even on younger men who are easy to seduce. However, the production company doesn't like what she wrote and Mi-rae's ego is hurt. So, she plans doing something that will surprise them.

Ник Фјури је на челу међунарнодне организације ШИЛД чији је задатак одржавање мира на Земљи. Када се појави нови непријатељ, Торов брат Локи, Фјури окупља екипу суперхероја чији је задатак да се супротставе Локију и својим моћима спасу свет од катастрофе.

In 1970s Mexico City, two domestic workers help a mother of four while her husband is away for an extended period of time.

Ако мислите да знате причу о златокосој дами у невољи, боље размислите још једном. Савремени римејк класичне бајке браће Грим „Златокоса" поближе ће описати девојку која се крије иза 20 метара дуге и магичне косе.

Сукоб највећих филмских чудовишта, незаустављиве Годзиле и гигантског Кинг Конга, чека се још од 1962. кад су се први пут срели на филмском платну. Свет је спреман за још једну борбу гиганта. Краљ чудовишта и краљ Острва лобања крећу један на другог у борби за надмоћну монструозну супериорност. Две најмоћније силе природе на планети сукобљавају се у најспектакуларнијој бици свих времена.

Very seldom shown erotic story of a cuckolded husband who departs his home and unwittingly becomes included with not one, but two, alluring ghosts. [Rim movies Catalog] Mandy and his spouse (that's right, Mandy is a man) will be an uncommon few under any conditions. Mandy fools around with young women while his spouse is within the home, nevertheless the wife isn't bothered a lot. She is just considering in the job she's offered Mandy, which is .... to frequently check with the neighborhood brothelkeeper, and find away if she's found guys with incredibly difficult manhoods. How hard ? Complicated enough to punch an opening in a sack of grain (ouch !). And one more thing. Mandy and his wife are ghosts. Of course, this means you will find people who are seeking to exorcise them. In between residential disputes and pursued exorcisms, there's acres of nudity and lots of sex.

Mr. Money is holding another World Martial Arts Tournament and Mr. Satan invites everyone in the world to join in. Little does he know that Bojack, an ancient villain who has escaped his prison, is competing. Since Goku is currently dead, it is up to Gohan, Vegeta, and Trunks to defeat Bojack and his henchman.

After years of war, the Federation and the Klingon empire find themselves on the brink of a peace summit when a Klingon ship is nearly destroyed by an apparent attack from the Enterprise. Both worlds brace for what may be their deadliest encounter.

The events of Battle of Gods take place some years after the battle with Majin Buu, which determined the fate of the entire universe. After awakening from a long slumber, Beerus, the God of Destruction is visited by Whis, his attendant and learns that the galactic overlord Frieza has been defeated by a Super Saiyan from the North Quadrant of the universe named Goku, who is also a former student of the North Kai. Ecstatic over the new challenge, Goku ignores King Kai's advice and battles Beerus, but he is easily overwhelmed and defeated. Beerus leaves, but his eerie remark of "Is there nobody on Earth more worthy to destroy?" lingers on. Now it is up to the heroes to stop the God of Destruction before all is lost.

Када помислите на предграђе, помислите на сигурност. Но ова божићна ноћ ће бити далеко од тога. Ешли је мислила да ће јој ова ноћ у којој мора да чува дете протећи глатко, али све се мења када опасни уљез провали у кућу и почне да малтретира њу и 12-годишњег дечака Лука кога чува. Ешли покушава да се обрани најбоље што може, но убрзо ће открити да ово није нормална провала.

Алице, млада девојчица оштећеног слуха која је, после наводне посете Девице Марије, необјашњиво способна да чује, говори и лечи болесне. Како се глас шири и људи из ближег и даљег јата сведоче њеним чудима, осрамоћени новинар у нади да ће оживети своју каријеру посећује мали град у Новој Енглеској да истражи. Када застрашујући догађаји почну да се дешавају свуда унаоколо, он почиње да се пита да ли су ови феномени дело Девице Марије или нешто много злокобније.

Тајанствена порука из његове прошлости послаће тајног агента 007 у мисију у Мексико, а потом и у Рим где ће упознати Луцију Скиару, прелепу и мистериозну удовицу познатог криминалца. Бонд ће се инфилтрирати на тајни састанак и открити постојање злокобне организације познате под именом Спектра. У међувремену у Лондону, Макс Денбих – нови директор сектора за националну безбедност, истражује Бондове раније задатке и тражи разлоге због чега је МИ6, ког води М уопште потребан. Агент 007 тајно затражи помоћ, како би пронашао Медлин Сван, ћерку његовог непријатеља код којег се налази траг који води до откривања СПЕКТРЕ. Као ћерка убице, Медлин разуме Бонда више од било кога другог. Како се он приближава срцу Спектре ускоро сазнаје за застрашујућу повезаност између себе и непријатеља ког све време покушава да пронађе.

New prostitutes Susan, Fanny, and Chinyun are inducted into the Fragrance House brothel where they are trained in the ways of lovemaking by their veteran madam Tall Kau. Eventually all three enter circulation where Susan is crowned the top prize and becomes enamored of budding scholar Chu Chi-Ang. Fanny is jealous beyond all means and though she's bought by famous horse trader Sir Lui, she still plans her revenge on Susan.

Краљ Харолд, господар Далеке Далеке Земље, умире. Он проглашава Шрека за свог наследника. Ово застрашује Шрека, и он се отискује у потрагу за погодном заменом, а једини кандидат је тип по имену Артур; Шрек, Магарац и Мачак у чизмама крећу у потрагу за њим. Када га пронађу у једној средњој школи, оно што их затиче није обећавајуће. У међувремену, у Далекој Далекој Земљи, неком се прелила чаша. Огорчени Принц преузима контролу над краљевством. Када се Шрек врати, Далека Далека Земља неће бити краљевство које је оставио.

The world is full of zombies and the survivors have barricaded themselves inside a walled city to keep out the living dead. As the wealthy hide out in skyscrapers and chaos rules the streets, the rest of the survivors must find a way to stop the evolving zombies from breaking into the city.

What are the rules that determine how attraction and desire are set free? Glances, unexpected smiles, confiding in unknown women. Long cherished fantasies, intimate friendships and unexpected meetings. In Volume 2 of the Sexual Tension diptych, Marco Berger and Marcelo Mónaco take us on a journey through the twists and turns of female seduction: two guests of a hostel become roommates (and more); a keen shop assistant helps a woman uncertain about what dress to buy; the outset of a great passion between two girls during a picnic, even though one of them has a boyfriend. In the film we also find a conversation about Woody Allen between a waitress and a woman, which goes too far; and two high-class escorts who discover that they are attracted to each other, when they are in bed with a client. The film finally shows what could happen, but never did happen, and will probably never happen, to two thirty-year-old women. Maybe it would be better not to have sex with people we love. Sex ...

Nazis take over an ancient fortress that contains a mysterious entity that wreaks havoc and death upon them.

A suburban housewife learns that she has psychic connections to a serial killer, and can predict this person's motives through her dreams.

Tamara, an unattractive girl who is picked on by her peers, returns after her death as a sexy seductress to enact revenge.