Four prison inmates have been hatching a plan to literally dig out of jail when another prisoner, Claude Gaspard, is moved into their cell. They take a risk and share their plan with the newcomer. Over the course of three days, the prisoners and friends break through the concrete floor using a bed post and begin to make their way through the sewer system -- yet their escape is anything but assured.

Apu is a jobless ex-student dreaming vaguely of a future as a writer. An old college friend talks him into a visit up-country to a village wedding. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in 1996.

The Russian version of the movie "Fight Club" is not just a Russian version of a well-known cult film, it is the result and of the hard work of two young men and their love for cinema, Alexander Kukhar (GOLOBON-TV) and Dmitry Ivanov (GRIZLIK FILM) , who are responsible for this project, from the development of its idea and the selection of the cast, to the organization of filming and financial support. Filming lasted a whole year. Everyday work, constant trips, searching for suitable film sets and an exhausting schedule - all this was not in vain and resulted in an unusually amazing and original project - the film "Fight Club", created in the very heart of southern Russia, in the city of Krasnodar, by two young people

Shuhei Hirayama is a widower with a 24-year-old daughter. Gradually, he comes to realize that she should not be obliged to look after him for the rest of his life, so he arranges a marriage for her.

A 28-year-old single woman is pressured to marry.

Филмът на Жак Турньор "От миналото", адаптиран по романа на Джефри Хоумс "Вдигнете бесилото по-високо", вероятно е един от шедьоврите на гангстерските филми. Всички елементи са налице - лъжовната жена, която е толкова прекрасна, че всеки би й простил почти всичко или поне да умре на нейна страна. Горчивото минало, изплуващо наяве отново, разрушава главния герой. Частният детектив, остроумен и умел мъж допуска грешката да се поддаде на своята страст повече от един път.

When a theater troupe's master visits his old flame, he unintentionally sets off a chain of unexpected events with devastating consequences. A remake of Ozu's own silent film The Story of Floating Weeds (1934).

От известна гледна точка "Приключението" може да прозвучи и като тайнствена любовна история. По време на екскурзия изчезва едно момиче. За годеника и приятелката на момичето търсенето се превръща в сантиментално пътуване... Бях поразен от крехкостта на човешките отношения, от моралната, политическа и дори физическа неустойчивост на съвременния свят. Всеки ден ние изживяваме едно идеологическо или сантиментално "приключение". Нашата драма е отчуждението. Това чувство владее героите на моя филм, които предпочетох да поставя в средата на богатите, защото там чувствата не са детерминирани от материалните възможности.

A day in the city of Berlin, which experienced an industrial boom in the 1920s, and still provides an insight into the living and working conditions at that time. Germany had just recovered a little from the worst consequences of the First World War, the great economic crisis was still a few years away and Hitler was not yet an issue at the time.

A silk factory worker is persuaded to support her son's education up to a college level despite their poverty. Many years later, she travels to Tokyo to visit her son.

The battle for Earth turns against the humans, despite their infamous desperate act of blackening the skies.

In 1955 in Italy, race car driver Jed Cavalcanti suffers a mishap during the Molte Miglia rally and finds himself in a small town with a few familial surprises.

After learning that his wife has been killed in an accident, a violinist looks back on their relationship.

В "Paradise: Faith" Улрих Зайдъл се пита какво означава да носиш собствения си кръст.

A young boy Selva chasing his football sports dreams suffers a major setback, grows into an angry young man who is drawn into conflicts by evil forces involving him and his family, which he must navigate and reform

Директор в "Бритиш Петролиум" е назначен да придружи ескадрон от бивши престъпници през Втората световна война на опасна мисия за унищожаване северноафриканско нефтено депо на 650 км зад линиите на германците.

Tpeтият филм oт пopeдицaтa "Tpycoвe" ни вpъщa oбpaтнo в мaлĸoтo гpaдчe Πepфeĸшън, Heвaдa, ĸъдeтo мecтeн житeл и aвaнтюpиcт Бъpт Гъмъp ce зaвpъщa cлeд дълги пpиĸлючeния изпълнeни c yбийcтвa нa мecoядни чepвeй нapeчeни „Гpaбoиди“ и тяxнoтo пoтoмcтвo. C пoмoщтa нa двaмa мecтни пpeдпpиeмaчи, Бъpт щe тpябвa дa ce cпpaви c нoвo cмъpтoнocнo пoĸoлeниe гpaбoиди. Aĸo нe ycпeят дa нaмepят нaчин дa cпpaт чyдoвищaтa, ĸoитo мapĸиpaxa Πepфeĸшън нa ĸapтaтa, ceгa тe щe гo зaличaт oт лицeтo нa Зeмятa.

In a desolate place called the Badlands, four men stand off with guns drawn, their fingers ready at the trigger. Among them are a fugitive seeking redemption, a son out to avenge his father's murder, a loyal servant with a secret and a murderous criminal hired to kill with a vengeance. This is their a place where revenge, deception and cruelty are a way of life.