Despite being broken in a snowstorm, a rickety scarecrow wakes to find a beautiful shell. But as the sound of the sea inside mesmerises him, the shell is stolen by a crow. Setting out to reclaim it, the scarecrow embarks on a poignant journey in this wonderful, but possibly saddest animation you’ll ever see. He just wants his shell back!

Clémence and her parents take part in a big country picnic. Arriving late, Clémence joins the other children who are already playing away from the adults, but it doesn't turn out to be as much fun as she expected.

FotoKem gives in-depth tour of the new scientific and artistic workflows that had to be invented in order to realize Christopher Nolan's unique vision of using both color and black & white 65mm film in the same motion picture

In the tradition of Sunday Too Far Away, this independent film is based on the classic Australian play by John Power. Pic tells the story of a group of miners living in a camp in outback Australia. They swear, brawl, gamble, and drink heavily. Central to the story is the conflict between Tarzan, the authoritarian group leader and cocky loud-mouth wisecracking Pansy. This results in a bare-knuckle punch-up for the movie's denouement.

A mysterious man takes a writer back to the 19th century, where they meet Death.

Guy gets mugged on horseback and left for dead; farmgal nurses him back to health and when he's on his feet again, he puts a domino on and swings into J J action.

Lay Zee works on a farm and has won the heart of the farmer's daughter. There is oil on the farmland, and some swindlers are determined to get their hands on the property, by force if necessary. Lay Zee, who knows that oil has been found on nearby farms, convinces the farmer not to sell, and the swindlers enlist the help of another farmhand, who is jealous of Lay Zee's relationship with the girl.

A choreographic poem by Maurice Ravel.

Stefan Pielek a florist wants to commit suicide but has no official permit. He signs an official application, While he waits to get the permit he falls in love with a young girl Ophelia.

In High Places is a 1943 Italian comedy film directed by Mario Soldati and starring Adriana Benetti, Massimo Serato and Nerio Bernardi. It is based on a play by Jean Anouilh. The film portrays the rise into high society of an immoral young man.

Laure is a 40-year-old psychologist who doesn't know her son, Jean. But the latter comes back to Paris and finds a brand new woman when he sees his mother.

Samuli returns to the crime scene in Star Wreck II: The Old Shit, this time with Rudi Airisto, who joins as a writer and the voice for the Vulgar, Mr. Spook. The second film is a huge improvement over the first in every way. This time the space battles and the bridge were rendered in 3D and more sounds and music were added. The acting was much improves and the crew come across as actual personalities. The film is full of slapstick humor and it actually works very well at times. This time, Pirk's mission is to go to the Fibula sector and destroy all enemies. But before getting to fire a single shot, the crew of the Kickstart must solve some serious problems on their own ship...

Alexandria Wright meets Elijah Martinez and the demonic journey begins. Elijah Martinez finds himself ensnared in a romantic involvement with Alexandria Wright, an unfaithful Covert Narcissist. She convinces him they are soulmates and they take a vow before God for His blessing with the penalty of betrayal being death. After years pass, Alexandria forgets the vows and begins cheating behind Elijah's back. Just a week before Christmas, she abruptly betrays him. To his astonishment, she swiftly transitions to a new relationship, bringing with her the unsettling secret of transmitting an incurable sexually transmitted disease to her new partner. Then came Karma. Her victims arrive to spit on her dirty grave as her demise finally arrives.