Rome, 1957. A woman, Cabiria, is robbed and left to drown by her boyfriend, Giorgio. Rescued, she resumes her life and tries her best to find happiness in a cynical world. Even when she thinks her struggles are over and she has found happiness and contentment, things may not be what they seem.

Филм је смештен у 1963. годину и прати астрофизичког студента, Стивена Хокинга. Након што Стивен и његов професор, Денис Сизма, присуствују предавању о црним рупама, он спекулише да су можда црне рупе део универзума. Док спороводи своје истраживање о њима, његови мишићи почињу да слабе, што га на крају доводи до удара главе. Тада сазнаје да има болест моторног неурона - амиоторфична латерална склероза (АЛС) - чиме временом губи моћ за ходом, рукама и говора. Он се у потпуности посвећује свом раду, занемарујући Џејн која, упркос свему, остаје уз њега.

An uptight MBA student falls for the charismatic new neighbor who charms her troubled family – but he has a secret that forces him to push her away.

The ageing wrestler Sultan Ali Khan decides to try his luck on the mat again; to do this, he wants to represent his country at the Olympic Games, but first has to overcome personal issues.

A privileged girl and a charismatic boy's instant desire sparks a love affair made only more reckless by parents trying to keep them apart.

Set backstage at three iconic product launches and ending in 1998 with the unveiling of the iMac, Steve Jobs takes us behind the scenes of the digital revolution to paint an intimate portrait of the brilliant man at its epicenter.

On a cruise to celebrate their parents' 30th wedding anniversary, a brother and sister deal with the impact of family considerations on their romantic lives.

Двоје потпуних странаца, једини преживели након пада авиона у далекој планинској дивљини у САД-а, заједно ће морати да се боре за опстанак у екстремним, леденим условима како би пронашли начин да поврате своје свакодневне животе, у којима Алекс планира да се уда за свог дугогодишњег вереника и где је Бен, неуролог који је потребан својим пацијентима. Иако су њих двоје јаке особе, повратак неће бити нимало лак, и да би преживели једини начин јесте да се држе заједно. Како путовање постаје све мучније за обоје, њихова приврженост и везаност једно за друго, кулминирају последњим херојским напором који ће им показати танку линију између живота и смрти.

Four runaway cons take shelter in a bungalow owned by an old blind couple.

Бен Собел је психијатар који би се требао оженити, а води углавном досадан живот. Пол Вити мафијашки шеф, који, због природе свог посла мора остати миран, почиње да пати од напада панике и схвата да треба психолошку помоћ, посебно јер се убрзо одржава састанак мафијаша.

When her husband's sex game goes wrong, Jessie (who is handcuffed to a bed in a remote lake house) faces warped visions, dark secrets and a dire choice.

Twin brothers separated at birth, meet in adulthood and join forces to defeat their common enemy, a notorious criminal.

Pankaj , Gautam, Sameer and Martand are roommates in Pune who are bound together by their ambition to make it big in life with the least effort possible. Each one tries his hand at finding a shortcut to success but ends up being in even deeper trouble. Things get worse when the four decide to take a loan at high interest which they are unable to pay back. They believe that the only way to get rich without working hard is to marry the wealthy girl in their neighborhood and each of the four friends embark on their individual plans to woo her.

Raju is a poor coolie who falls in love with a rich girl. He pretends to be rich and tells one big lie after another to marry her.

Vincent LaMarca is a dedicated and well-respected New York City police detective who has gone to great lengths to distance himself from his past, but then makes the terrible discovery that his own son has fallen into a life of crime.

Several alumni reminisce about their final year at St. Theresa's College and the events that shaped their lives.

The life of a bank manager is turned upside down when a friend from his past manipulates him into faking his own death and taking off on an adventure.

Emergency has been declared in India. Maharani Gitanjali from one of Rajasthan's princely states has already lost her privy purse. Now, she fears that she will lose the last treasure chest of gold which has been forcibly taken away from her. So she asks her trusted lieutenant, Bhawani to step in and plan a heist.

The journey of a struggling singer 'Fanney Khan' who aspires to make his daughter a big name in the music world.

When India's top cricketer is kidnapped in the Middle East, a loose cannon and a rookie cop are tasked with finding him before the high-stakes match with Pakistan.