MTV Unplugged is the music television station's classic. In this program, top artists perform acoustically with an unusual appearance. MTV said that BTS's appearance on MTV Unplugged would later be "an unprecedented performance". They will be singing songs from the album "BE (Essential Edition)" with an intimate concept.

This film puts you inside the head of a dyslexic child trying to get through the 5th grade in the 1970's.

Tad by byl rád, kdyby ho jeho kolegové archeologové přijali za svého, ale vždycky všechno pokazí. Tad omylem zničí sarkofág a uvolní prastaré kouzlo, které ohrožuje životy jeho přátel: Mumie, Jeffa a Belzoniho. Když jsou všichni proti němu a pomáhá mu jen Sára, vydává se na dobrodružnou cestu, která ho zavede z Mexika do Chicaga a z Paříže do Egypta, aby ukončil prokletí Mumie

Loki, který byl opět vypovězen z Ásgardu, musí čelit svým dosud nejdrsnějším soupeřům – Simpsonovým a nejmocnějším hrdinům Springfieldu. Bůh falše se spojí s Bartem Simpsonem v ultimátním crossoveru, který vzdává hold superhrdinům i padouchům z filmového světa studia Marvel.

A young boy in a peaceful seaside town gets more than he bargained for when he takes home a mysterious egg. When it hatches, out comes a baby turtle that grows into a new version of Gamera. But will it become powerful enough in time to defeat the rampaging monster Zedus?

Mr. Money is holding another World Martial Arts Tournament and Mr. Satan invites everyone in the world to join in. Little does he know that Bojack, an ancient villain who has escaped his prison, is competing. Since Goku is currently dead, it is up to Gohan, Vegeta, and Trunks to defeat Bojack and his henchman.

Tomek a Ania se konečně rozhodnou vzít. Svatba se na přání Aniy uskuteční u rodinných příslušníků Tomka, s nimiž se už léta nestýká. Ukáže se, že jeho bratři a matka jsou jako italská rodina, kde každý rozhovor hrozí výbuchem a kde láskyplný vztah a hádka mají k sobě blízko. Také matka Ania neudělá na Tomkovu matku dobrý dojem, když se objeví na svatbě s mnohem mladším partnerem. Nečekaný příjezd Tomkova otce, kterého už léta neviděl, je kapkou, která způsobí, že vědro přeteče .

Scooby-Doo, Shaggy a tým Záhady s.r.o. vyhrají luxusní dovolenou a chtějí si konečně odpočinout od neustálého řešení záhad. Jakmile dorazí na tropický ostrov, Velma, Daphne a Fred si nemohou nevšimnout, jak je jim zvláštně povědomý. Připomíná jim děsivý výlet, který podnikli kdysi před desítkami let. Brzy však zjistí, že tento ráj na Zemi má svou odvrácenou tvář, když narazí na armádu zombíků!

After defeating Frieza, Goku returns to Earth and goes on a camping trip with Gohan and Krillin. Everything is normal until Cooler - Frieza's brother - sends three henchmen after Goku. A long fight ensues between our heroes and Cooler, in which he transforms into the fourth stage of his evolution and has the edge in the fight... until Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan.

Dr. Gero's Androids #13, #14, and #15 are awakened by the laboratory computers and immediately head to the mall where Goku is shopping. After Goku, Trunks, and Vegeta defeat #14 and #15, #13 absorbs their inner computers and becomes a super being greater than the original three separately were. Now it is up to Goku to stop him.

Documentary sequel that offers a close-up look into the personal lives of the legendary porn stars who've survived the test of time and influenced popular culture. Blends rare interviews with erotic clips and additional appearances by Whoopi Goldberg, Steven Soderbergh and a host of adult stars, directors and trendsetters.

In order to wish for immortality and avenge his father, Garlic Jr. collects the dragon balls, kidnapping Goku's son Gohan in the process. Goku, Kami, Piccolo, and Krillin unite to rescue Gohan and save the world from being sucked into a dead zone.

A Saiyan Space pod crash-lands on Earth out of which a wounded Saiyan crawls: Broly, the Legendary Super Saiyan. The wounded Broly shouts out in frustration and turns into normal form. The place soon freezes, trapping him in it and he falls into a coma.

Mimi šéf si omylem prohodí místo s jedním ze Santových elfů a uvízne na severním pólu. Tak takové Vánoce ještě nezažil!

The evil Dr. Kochin uses the dragon balls to resurrect his mentor, Dr. Wheelo, in an effort to take over the world. Dr. Wheelo, his body having been destroyed by the avalanche that killed him fifty years before, desires the body of the strongest fighter in the world as his new vessel. Believing Roshi to be the world's strongest warrior, Dr. Kochin abducts Bulma and forces Roshi to surrender himself to save her. When Goku hears of their abduction, he goes to their rescue.

Hazel runs a beauty salon out of her house, but makes extra money by providing ruthless women the oppurtunity to perform hit jobs. L.T. is a parasite, and contacts Hazel looking for work after he runs out of money. She is reluctant to use him for a hit, since she prefers using women, but decides to try him on a trial basis. Meanwhile, the cop she pays off wants an arrest to make it look like he's doing his job, but Hazel doesn't want to sacrifice any of her "associates". The sleazy side of life is explored in this delightfully dark and deadpan film.

Bojem zocelený O'Hara vede temperamentní tým žoldnéřských vojáků na odvážnou misi: zachránit rukojmí z rukou jejich věznitelů v odlehlé Africe. Když se však mise zvrtne a tým uvízne v pasti, musí O'Harova jednotka čelit krvavému a brutálnímu střetu s bandou rebelů.

Marilou and Philippe decide to show their grandchildren their new holiday home in Portugal. But once there, they discover to their horror that the house is still under construction. This is just the beginning of the problems for the grandparents, because soon they will lose their children. They have only two days left to find them, before their parents join them.

Ichiro Miki is a child living in the industrial district of Kawasaki, where his parents' constant struggle to make ends meet often leaves the schoolboy alone. Constantly teased by a bully nicknamed Gabara, his only friends are toy consultant Shinpei and fellow classmate Sachiko. Ichiro turns to escapist dreams of Monster Island where he befriends the equally bullied Minilla.

Co je pro marseillského kluka horší, než když ztratí pohár mistrů, pýchu celé komunity? Jet do Paříže a získat pohár zpátky! Sami musí pracovat v utajení na nepřátelském území a sblíží se s Lisou, typickou Pařížankou. Ti dva jsou dokonalé protiklady. Lisa je nedosažitelná, přitažlivá a fanynka klubu Paris Saint-Germain. Podlehne Sami půvabům Paříže?