Baikal is the oldest, the deepest and the purest lake on the planet. But it's not only that - Baikal is an ideal model of our world, as it shall be. Everything is possible here: to walk on water, to touch the sky, to talk with the universe. Baikal is our hope and our future. It's a film about the thirst, about the eternity and about all of us. The genre is epic documentary. The aim is to change the world.

The Fool is a movie about a simple plumber. An honest man, he is up against an entire system of corrupted bureaucrats. At stake are the lives of 800 inhabitants of an old dorm that is at risk of collapsing within the span of the night.

Дотрајалим аутобусом фирме „Крстић и син“, за Београд креће група путника. Свако од њих има неодложне разлоге да што пре стигне у престоницу. Пролеће је 1941. Дан уочи немачког напада на Југославију. Аутобус креће из забити. Због непредвиђених околности путовање ће се одужити, иако је полазна станица од Београда удаљена свега стотинак километара. На путу, путници се свађају и сукобљавају због рата у Европи. Наговештај будуће катастрофе се наслућује. Стари, растурени аутобус са својим необичним и помало откаченим путницима комична је слика једне епохе у распадању, крај једног света који ће нестати у пламену и експлозији. И поред почетне нетрпељивости, путници се на крају уједињују, из чега ће произићи отворено насиље над два Рома музиканта.

A gay couple from Hong Kong takes a trip to Argentina in search of a new beginning but instead begins drifting even further apart.

At a moment in time, when humanity is obsessed with food - photographing every dish, worshipping cooks and flaunting trophy meals on social media, this documentary goes under the surface and offers an in-depth, honest and relevant view into the world and every day of Michelin chefs and restaurants. Telling tales from a grand menu of culinary temples as well as digging into the greatness and flaws of Guide Michelin in this golden age of gastronomy. Because we share a great love for the industry that also includes a realistic understanding of things behind the picturesque scenes of the--perhaps--greatest, most creative and dynamic industry in the world.

Zhenya and Boris are going through a vicious divorce marked by resentment, frustration and recriminations. Already embarking on new lives, each with a new partner, they are impatient to start again, to turn the page – even if it means threatening to abandon their 12-year-old son Alyosha. Until, after witnessing one of their fights, Alyosha disappears.

Од најранијег детињства Нађа је веровала у чудеса. Она је маштала о томе како излази на лед, уз овације публике, и плеше најлепши плес. И захваљујући својој вери и упорности Нађа је постала позната клизачица. Али судбина уплиће своје прсте. Током једног наступа она пада и задобија тешку повреду. Ипак, као у некој бајци, појављује се принц који ће јој помоћи да опет постане шампионка.

Katya and her 6-year-old son Sanya, who, in 1952, meet a veteran Soviet officer named Tolyan. Katya falls in love with Tolyan, who turns out to be a small time criminal, but who also becomes a father figure to Sanya ...

Идеалистички службеник Сената Даниел Џ. Џуонс, којег је његов шеф задужио да води истрагу о ЦИА-ином програму притварања и испитивања након 11. септембра, открива шокантне тајне…

1998, Nalchik. A Jewish family is in trouble: the youngest son and his bride do not come home, and in the morning, a ransom note arrives. The ransom is so high that the family is forced not only to sell its small business, but also to seek help from its fellow tribesmen.

People living at a seashore town are frightened by reports of an unknown creature called "the sea devil". Nobody knows what it is, but it's really the son of doctor Salvator. The doctor performed surgery on his son and now young Ichtiander can live under water. This gives him certain advantages, but also creates a lot of problems.

Sandra is a young woman who has only one weekend to convince her colleagues they must give up their bonuses in order for her to keep her job — not an easy task in this economy.

Many people assume that life does not end after death. Not Dr. Tyrsa, practical and skeptical man, who never believed in this nonsense. However, thanks to the bowling accident, he finds himself in a desert land with people like him not belonging to this world yet not accepted into the other. Now Dr. Tyrsa realizes that the life he used to live was not so bad, and he's got something worth returning to.

Elizabeth has just been through a particularly nasty breakup, and now she's ready to leave her friends and memories behind as she chases her dreams across the country. In order to support herself on her journey, Elizabeth picks up a series of waitress jobs along the way. As Elizabeth crosses paths with a series of lost souls whose yearnings are even greater than her own, their emotional turmoil ultimately helps her gain a greater understanding of her own problems...

Ivan is old Russia: thick, dour, hard-working, often brutish; he misses Communism. He drives a taxi and one night meets Alexi, a new Russian, a musician, an alcoholic, irresponsible. Alexi stiffs Ivan for the fare, so Ivan tracks him down and a love-hate relationship ensues. When Alexi lets the bath water run over in Ivan's flat and Ivan must pay 500 rubles for repairs, he tries to force Alexi into day labor to repay him. It's hopeless. Then, suddenly, Alexi is discovered, goes on a jazz tour of America, becomes a celebrity, and returns in triumph. Ivan longs to renew the friendship, and it looks as if he may get what he wants.

Overeducated and underemployed, 28 year old Megan is in the throes of a quarterlife crisis. Squarely into adulthood with no career prospects, no particular motivation to think about her future and no one to relate to, Megan is comfortable lagging a few steps behind - while her friends check off milestones and celebrate their new grown-up status. When her high-school sweetheart proposes, Megan panics and- given an unexpected opportunity to escape for a week - hides out in the home of her new friend, 16-year old Annika and Annika's world-weary single dad Craig.

The love story of the famous ballet dancer Mathilde Kschessinska and Tsar Nicholas II of Russia.

A young woman attempts to deal with the death of her boyfriend while continuously confronted by his mentally unstable mother.

An untraceable group of elite bank robbers is chased by a suicidal FBI agent who uncovers a deeper purpose behind the robbery-homicides.

Прича прати групу студената на камповању који убрзо откривају да се у шуми крије велико зло. Вештица из Блера је напет и изузетно застрашујућ хорор. Неки га називају класичном ноћном мором.