Cult filmmaker Tom DeSimone (Reform School Girls; Erotikus: A History of the Gay Movie) revisits the production of a lost gay film and resurrects youthful adventures on the California coast. From the creators of Raw! Uncut! Video!.

Le quatuor espagnol Melenas libère son krautrock sous influence pop depuis la scène du Bilbao BBK Live Festival. Une magnifique introduction à l’univers de leur troisième album, Ahora.

A film that depicts the everyday life and the beauty of Portela’s Old Folk – a group of veteran samba musicians who belong to one of Rio’s most revered samba schools, the one with the most first places and accolades in Rio’s Carnaval pageant. These old gentelmen’s and ladies’ musicality and poetry are unveiled through their simple, but rich and meaningful, every day life in Oswaldo Cruz, a quaint neighborhood in Rio’s North Zone, that serves both as set and as a main character in this story.

Haunted by their own directionless lives, two pre-adolescent girls reunite while visiting their ailing grandmother. In the midst of her fantasies of a medieval past - one consumed by fear and desire - the two girls are transformed and confront a legacy of oppression, juxtaposing their budding identities to a trial condemning two Moorish homosexuals to burn at the stake.

Retrace des épisodes dans la vie de trois femmes cubaines, chacune nommée Lucía, de trois périodes historiques différentes: la guerre d'indépendance cubaine (avec l'Espagne), les années 1930 et les années 1960.

A boy tries to emulate his idol by defending their home against imminent danger.

Jack Benny, his finances at a low ebb, watches a newsstand for a friend and picks up a young lady customer, equally broke.

Un photographe a tout mis en place pour prendre en photo un gentleman mais n'arrive pas à la prendre car le sujet n'arrête pas de bouger.

A spirited young girl disobeys her parents and runs off to the wood for the afternoon where she rudely invades the home of a family of bears, taking advantage of all its comforts and thoughtlessly wrecking things. When caught, she learns important lessons about truthfulness and respecting others' rights to privacy.

After the Revolution, Villa works on defining his legacy... and then he gets assassinated.

A man unleashes more trouble than he bargained for when he steals a valuable Ganesh statue from his deeply religious mother.

World War I (1914-1918) In the trenches del Carpio, the fate of two people forever changed when known. Mario is a humble miner to whom war has become infantry sergeant, and Albertina is a duchess who has decided to help his country enlisting as a nurse. The love that arises between them will have to face the horrors of war and wishes to marry Captain Avogardo Albertina.

Poetic biography of author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

Le 14 mai 2020, les élèves de CM2 de l'école publique Saint-Germain, à Issy-les-Moulineaux, en région parisienne, retrouvent leur classe pour terminer l'année scolaire dans des conditions très spéciales : distanciation sociale, gestes barrières, effectifs allégés et mesures sanitaires strictes. Après deux mois de confinement, enfermés avec leurs parents, loin de l'école, comment ces enfants ont-ils appréhendé ce retour en classe alors que le virus est toujours là ? Pendant ces quelques semaines d'une fin d'année pas comme les autres, une équipe de télévision a pu suivre le quotidien de cette classe de CM2 au plus près des élèves et de leur professeur.

Join King Andreas and friends as they search to know how to handle their newfound power. What will become of the Moosehead on stick?

The diagrammatic space first entered in Diagram Film becomes the stage for temporal, rhythmic, informational and spatial play with a single diagram (a 144-drawing cycle) that refers to the film and animation process, animation history, specific filmmakers and other encoded data. The arrangement of the drawings for each of the five sequences was improvised on the animation during the act of shooting, creating five variations and possible readings of the animated composition.